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Rebeca lit the cotton tail handing it to Coheed, he looked perplexed since he never seen one or even knew these things existed! "What am I suppose to do with this!?" He exclaimed, Rebecca sighed rubbing her temples. "It's a cotton tail! You throw it at the enemy and watch the flames consume them." Rebecca explained, Coheed nodded in an understanding way. The door on the other side of the wall bursted open as more people entered with guns, machetes, knives and sledgehammers. What kind of group was this!? "Do it!" Rebecca yelled, Coheed flinched and threw the cotton tail at a group of people listening to them scream in pure agony as they were consumed by the flames. "Rebecca! To the left." Coheed pointed out as a man almost got Rebecca until Coheed shot him down through the head. The blood splatter against the wall behind him.

Rebecca patted his back her hand hurting since she firmly patted his back and forgot he was a robot.. wincing in pain as she held her hand she slung her rifle into her other hand, holding it steady and ready to shoot at whatever entered the door. Coheed followed her, swinging his rifle into his clasped metal hands. He crouched down behind a wall and checking a couple times to see what was out there, as soon as they didn't see anything Rebecca grabbed a ready-made soda bomb from her satchel. This chick had everything in there!! Coheed stands up and pints the tip of his rifle at the floor as Rebecca walks to the two doors in front of them. "Looks like you can handle yourself well, kid." She smiled, pulling out more supplies out of her bag; a glass bottle, rubbing alcohol, and a cloth. "Take these in case you need to take out a group of people." She says handing them to Coheed, he puts them in the front pocket of his dark blue backpack. "I probably won't, but thanks, Rebecca." He shrugged, "A'ight, let's see what we got over here.." She murmured, looking through the windows of the door.. seeing two people on the left and three on the right.

"I'll take right you take the left, kid." Rebecca whispered to Coheed as she cocked her shot gun, Coheed grabbed the handle of the door and waited for her signal. She nods and Coheed swings open the door, they both crouch down in the tall grass so they wouldn't get caught by more soldiers.. "Everyone gather up!" One soldier says to assemble other troops in the area, their fawn skull covering most of their face. "I got a signal to kill any trespasser. Be on the look out." She commands, the other troops go back to their spots. Rebecca goes in for the kill standing up to show herself and ducking for cover in the tall grass, she aims and shoots the woman with the fawn skull. Coheed looks around and picks up a brick to throw, which was helpful because Rebecca was about to die!

Hours later, Coheed and Rebecca sit in a room after killing a whole squad.. he looks over at Rebecca as she fixes her ponytail, he had so many questions but didn't know what to ask. "Who the fuck were those guys!?" Coheed blurted out, Becca jumped by the sudden outburst. "Oh— those guys, yeah, some ex-military group who now call themselves the Genesis. A horrible group who kill trespassers with animals or any kind of vehicle. They are a pain in my ass." She explained. "I thought you were in NYC!!" Coheed yelled, Rebecca looked ashamed. "I know... but I wanted to help you kid." She said sheepishly.

In Keeping Secrets of Silent EarthHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin