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After spending time with his friends in the new world called; Section Seven. He decided to go back to his home and maybe explore more instead of rusting on his bed, but maybe that'll have either good or bad consequences.. who knows, but he's willing to try.

As soon as he got home the sound of gunfire whipping through the air outside, sent shivers down Coheed's metal spine he didn't know what the hell was going on. This was all so sudden so he grabbed his gear and headed out the door, the cold silence was eerie.. the base was a wreck and there were corpses of innocent people he knew, and as he looked around he couldn't find Faint or Light. It was empty. The communication tower had a patch stuck on it, a Red Devil's patch, the Red Devil is the Big Theif's enemy. Of course they attacked them when he wasn't here, the sound of a stick cracked behind him made him whip out his pistol and aim it at the source of the sound. A kid, Sam, Coheed lowered his pistol when he realized it was one of the other kids, "Sam! What happened here?" Coheed walked towards Sam, "Coheed! They caught us off guard, and they took everyone but me— mostly because I hid." Sam shrugged, but Coheed was confused.. what did he mean by 'they took everyone'?? Did they take Faint and Light? No, they wouldn't have gone without a fight. "Fucking assholes.. thanks for tellin' me, Sam." Coheed said with gratitude in his robotic voice. He fixed his backpack and checked he had his junk (junk being his loot and bombs), "Which way did they go?" Coheed asks, "From what I heard they are going to the Brutus territory." Sam tells Coheed. Brutus territory?! That's two days away, Coheed face palmed but what made him more confused was Red Devils with Brutus soldiers.. didn't sit right with him "I'll be heading there, don't follow me." Coheed says to Sam sternly.

"Fine, it's not like I have weapons anyways!" Sam blows a raspberry at Coheed, he knew Sam was stubborn but was never able to leave the compound. Well, then again, the outside world is just utter chaos. Coheed waves goodbye to Sam who is being all sappy for not being able to go with Coheed. He pulls out a map of the area and traces the streets to the Brutus territory.. the only safe way to get by without being shot down was going on the mountain side, fuck, the mountain would be crawling with either Bonen (Offspring of infected) or Berantakan (huge 7 ft zombies with its intestines leaking a toxic substance). He would have to tough it out.

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