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When light pulled Coheed away from the body and into a tight embrace, it was as if he was trying to shield the young boy from the horrors of this dying world — even though he's hella late to protect Coheed. He resisted the embrace and tried to push Light away, "Get off me! Get off!" He yelled, kicked, and hit. Heavy oil-like tears running down his blood stained face, and there was only one that that ran through his mind by a mile. Why would Rebecca do this? He trusted her, and in return he didn't get anything else but a stab in the back, light put his hands on Coheed's face to make him look up at him. "Co-Coheed!" He stopped because Coheed was still resisting, "Damn kid, look at me! It's just me. It's Lightblade, breathe.."

Light and Coheed sat there for a while, with Light rubbing Coheed's back (even though he's a robot and can't feel touch). Coheed felt safe. He didn't want to leave this moment as Light coddles him like an injured bird.

He regretted leaving, but he had to finish what he started. He needed to find the woman who killed his friend, he wanted to make her life hell and get revenge. He pushed Light off of him, stumbling back he stares at Light. "I'm sorry Light, but I have to find her!" He countered, Light stood up and tried to shake some sense into Coheed before he hurt himself. "Damnit Coheed, would you just stop and think for a second? He's dead! He wouldn't want you to go after some random soldier who is probably halfway across the US!" Light snapped, his hands balling up in a fist. "He would've have wanted this!" Coheed argued, running away from Lightblade who just.. stood there he knew how stubborn and stupid this kid was, but didn't think he would actually go through with it.. Coheed is stupid.

Very stupid.

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