Missouri Forests

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Meanwhile. . .

The door handle jingles for a couple moments before the door swung open and a large shadowy figure emerged from the light holding two people captive, a bright glowing eye glares at the two captives. The thumping of heavy boots shook the floor and blood stained the sole of the boots.

Couple minutes later heavy hits landing on skin is heard, and Light's hand was covered in red, thick blood. As a Genesis soldier is tied to a chair while another is being beaten up by Light. "What the fuck?" The soldier exclaimed, not being able to see what was going on. Lightblade finished his final hit and stood up as the moonlight from the outside shimmered against his skin. Letting out a low grunt as he grasped his wounded torso, limping with purpose to the soldier in the chair. "You wait here." He growled to the soldier on the floor, picking up a knife and crouching down to the soldier in the chair. Waving the knife around. "Now.." he exhaled, "The boy.. is he alive?.." Light asked, panting from te adrenaline he got hours prior. "What boy? I don't know no boy." The man chuckled, which made Light even more pissed off by this and just jabbed the knife into the soldiers leg without hesitation. "F—Fuck!" The man yelled out in pain from the sudden attack, and Light slapped his face to make him look right at him. "Focus right here. Right here." He commanded, roughly grabbing the man's chin. "Or I'll pop your goddamn knee off." He continued, "Now, the boy." He scowled waiting for a response. The soldier nodded as he whined in pain his hit breath steaming in the cold air around them. "He's  alive! He's Rebecca's newest pet!" The soldier admitted.

Light felt anger brewing inside of him and knew he couldn't control it anymore, so he twisted the knife that was in the skin still. Making the soldier continue to cry in pain and agony, "Where?" He asked, his voice rugged and cold. "He's in old Kansas City! Kansas City!" The soldier said repeatedly hoping that Light would stop the pain, but Light makes the man open his mouth and put the knife covered in blood in his mouth. Lightblade opens a tourist map of Missouri he found while out searching for Coheed, and he holds it up to the soldier, "Now you're gonna mark it on the map." He said as the soldier nodded, marking a spot a bit down from the city to a park that had a nature walk.

At the park, Coheed and Rebecca search the abandoned nature walk for any supplies that they needed. Well, Rebecca need a medkit and Coheed needed a bottle for a cottontail. Coheed searched an abandoned shack while Rebecca had a huge grin painted on her face as she slowly closed the door behind her, but Coheed saw the shadow and quickly turned around. "Rebecca?" He whispered, and she pulls out a small knife from her back pocket. Coheed takes a step back "y'know we made quite the team back there, huh? Now you said you wanted info about the Red Devils, right?" Rebecca said tilting her head to the side. Coheed backed away from her and pulled out his pistol "The hell!? You.." he stopped himself to find the right words, "You tricked me?" He asked, but Rebecca stopped and her face quickly turned to one of a frown. She didn't like how he thought she tricked him (even though she did), but she didn't care. "Tricked you? No, I saved you." She reassured him, grabbing his hand and looking deeply into his eyes "I tricked you because, you're special." She said, and the way she said it instantly made Coheed weirded out but had to play along, so he just looked down at Rebecca's hands and said "Oh." It wasn't long until he was in danger. With a mad woman in the woods.

Coheed didn't waste a single second, and just stomped on Rebecca's toe with the sole of his shoe. Making her let go of him and stumble backwards which gives Coheed the chance to run and you know he didn't give up the chance to escape her and whatever she was going to do to him. After couple minutes of running he started to slow down as he approached an abandoned hotel.. it was old and worn down from the harsh weather of Missouri.. here he was in a forest in Missouri. Looking around he enters the building making sure he barricaded the door so that Rebecca won't come in, but he was wrong she didn't get in and wrapped her arm around his neck making him struggle against her grip. "No! No! Let go!" He yelled trying to get Rebecca off when he felt her push him onto the floor, making him feel vulnerable to her.

He used his forearms to support him, and under one of the desks he saw a machete.. a machete....              A machete! He began to crawl towards the machete when Rebecca placed her foot on his back, staring down at the robot beneath him. "Trying to escape? You are stubborn, huh? I'll fix that." Rebecca chuckled, but Coheed persevered and reached out for the machete. Rebecca was focused on Coheed that she didn't see what he was doing and crouched down.. slowly reaching towards his pants, but he managed to get the machete before she could do anything to him.. Rebecca noticed the shimmer of the machete and pounced Coheed, holding his wrists down her all her might. "Listen here you little shit, I saved you from dying back at that base and this how you repay me?" She hissed under her breath, Coheed struggled against his restraints but saw Rebecca unzipping her pants with her other hand giving Coheed the chance to kick her in the stomach.

Once Rebecca falls he wastes no time to get on her and swing the machete on her  continuously, and didn't stop until he felt a hand on him yanking him away before it got any worse.

In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earthजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें