Welcome home

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After a whole year Coheed was finally able to go back home! He missed his friends and he was finally gonna see them after a whole year! He looked back at Chaos one last time before we went home, Chaos smiled at Coheed he was happy for him. "I hope our paths will cross again." Chaos said wiping away the tears from his eyes, Coheed looked at the portal and back at Chaos. Coheed ran up to Chaos hugging him like there was no tomorrow! Chaos held Coheed close to him sobbing quietly as he knew this will probably be the last time he will ever fuck Coheed. Coheed pulled back from the hug and walked back to the portal waving goodbye to Chaos. As Coheed went through the portal he instantly looked Faint and  Lightblade, he was so excited to see them again he was basically jumping with joy! He looked for them at the old apartment complex.. they weren't there. He looked around the abandoned neighborhood. Still nothing. He panicked and check all the nearest bunkers, warehouses, abandoned buildings, schools, hospitals! Until he check the Radio tower, it looked like the compound but happier. There were built houses everywhere near the tower, and then he saw two figures at the top of the tower. They both jumped down to Coheed, it was Faint and Lightblade! Coheed was so shocked and happy to see them that he started crying and ran up to both of them pulling them in for a hug. Faint and Lightblade held Coheed in their arms both of them looked worried about Coheed! He couldn't hear what they were saying but he managed to say a few words. "I missed you guys." He continued to cry happily as they both checked Coheeds condition. He was home! He was back home with his friends! "Welcome home, Coheed." Lightblade said hugging Coheed tightly.

In Keeping Secrets of Silent EarthNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ