RD territory

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Coheed sits on his horse, looking up at the nature around him as he holds his map. He didn't know where the Red Devil territory was since they hid in the mountains.. obviously not in Texas, New Mexico, or Arizona so that meant they were probably more up north from El Paso. Right now he was barely passing through the outskirts of Rio Rancho, and everything around him was in ruins he heard about this area and how during the outbreak they bombed this state because it was filled with infected along with a big chunk of northern Texas and Utah. He marked that area off for two good reasons.. Spellatos and a Falsie, basically a Falsie was a type of infected that evolved into a snake like creature that lures prey with a rattle and a corpse attached to its rattle. The way it mimics voices makes it sound like a skinwalker.. that's what most people call it now, but not Coheed he gave it a better name.

He crossed off Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and Arizona.. he sighed and glared down at the map again once more before looking around the area, he saw a radio tower and thought he would get a good signal from there if he tried. Not many work nowadays so why not give it a try? He rolled the map back up and fixed his scarf, "Come on, El. Yip yip." Coheed said patting his horse, holding onto the reigns tightly. The horse galloped forward towards the radio tower, the wire on top was still attached so that was a good sign. Just needed to see if it was still up and running which he doubted it's hard to find a stable radio station anywhere nowadays since I'm 2010 they bombed the side of the US because of the it was way too overwhelmed with infected.. it was hard back during the outbreak but it's fine now, he thinks.

The radio station is fine, it's just that the generator is all busted up, so now what? Coheed continues to look around the station, looked like old patrols came here because the stench was foul.. old flesh, corpses stuck to walls.. definitely a brute or crawler, but now was not the right time to let his guard down now he was in a different area, a place that was totally new to him. The corpses on the walls probably indicate that this building has been up for years, the slime and blood was dried up. The slime being rock solid. Apparently turns out a patrol came through here and killed half of the infected so I guess that was a win for Coheed. He turned on the radio only for it to not turn on and go on 'static' mode for ten minutes straight! He sighed "God damnit! Work!" Coheed scowled, smacking the side of the radio. Then finally after some weird miracle the radio works, he changes the radio to different frequencies and waiting for anything, a noise, a sound of some kind. He was about to give up when he started to play with the frequencies. Going back and forth listening to the static change amplitude, until..

"This is umm.. day 165 or was it 166? Never mind. My name it Rebecca Neville. I'm a survivor living in New York City. I will be at the South Street Seaport, everyday at midday, when the sun is highest at the sky." There's a pause, "If you are out there, if anyone is out there, anybody," more silence.. "Please, you are not alone." The voice said before turning off the signal.

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