Bonen and Berantakan

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Mt. Dead, a mountain filled with mostly newly born Bonen, Berantakan, mutilated corpses, and Brutes (nuclear types of zombie with no arms and slime all over its body, it's like a shield). Since the majority of the infected are blind from violently ripping their eyes out of their sockets, Coheed has to be careful with Bonen because they are literally small alarm systems — well, they do have multiple limb, eyes, heads and spore bombs — he'll just have to kill the damn thing before it squeals for the others. Coheed crouches down behind a boulder for protection, so now that way he can use something to his advantage and also to hide from the Brutes' fire lane (it breaths toxic flames that are harmful for humans). "Fuck, there's too many of 'em." Coheed cursed under his breath, picking up a rock so he can lead the zombies away from him. Maybe that way it'll be easier for him to travel through the cave system with ease.

The low Thunk of the rock makes the Berantakans and Brutes stumble away from Coheed. He sighs in relief thinking it's safe now, but a croak behind him makes him jump. It's a Bonen! It stares at Coheed with its multiple eyes, slowly backing away from Coheed to squeal for its birth givers. Coheed tackled it before it could notify the others and using his metal arm to wrap around its meaty neck (?). "Don't make a fucking sound." Coheed warned, snapping its neck before it could do anything and leaving it on the rough floor of the cave. Finally, now this would allow him to sneak by without getting pounced, he keeps his hand on the wall in case he felt the vibrations of something heading his way.

Foot steps, small footsteps.. a Ram soldier? No, sounds like converses. Coheed pulls out his pistol and aimed it towards the source of the sound.. whatever it was he was ready. "Coheed! Coheed! Fuck— you're fast." A familiar voice called out, what the..? It's Sam?? "What the fuc— Sam? I told you to not follow me." Coheed says, there's a low growl from behind Sam. Coheed looks around frantically as  Sam continues to yell, "Coheed! I'm coming with you no matter what! I want to help my team." Sam says with determination emitting from his voice, "Sam, Sam, shut the hell up." Coheed says. When that didn't work he tried to signal to Sam to just shut his pie hole, before a brute turned the corner all of a sudden.

"Sam!" Coheed yelled, he didn't want to lose another friend. Quickly pulling out his flamethrower — he found on patrol — and connecting the fuel. Aiming it towards the seven foot tall Brute emitting its toxic flames towards Sam and Him, but Coheed countered it by pulling the trigger of his flamethrower making the Brutes' slime dry up. Sam crawls backwards as the brute crawls towards him with its remaining strength, Coheed quickly runs up towards it and putting his foot on it before shooting at its skull twice..

Sam sighs in relief, but Coheed glares daggers at him, "Why did you follow me? I told you to stay put—" Sam interrupts Coheed, "Hey! I just wanted to help, dick.." Sam mumbled, Coheed face palmed and mutters something under his breath.. his circuits sparking in anger. "You were almost bitten, Sam." Coheed says sternly, "No, I can help just give me—" Sam argued but stopped himself when he saw the sparking once more..

"Go home, Sam. That's an order." Coheed spoke, his robotic voice low and threatening. Sam clenched his fists and ran out of the cave. Leaving Coheed alone. After restlessly walking through the cave system to Brutus territory, he finally made it — well, he's outside — he slides down the slope behind a bush to listen in on the soldiers.. "Do you think the captain made the right choice on teaming up with the Red Devils? Seems kinda odd.." One says to the other, "Maybe, they did capture the Big Thief crew for us." The other says. Coheed's rectangular eyes squinted indicating he was mad, so he lights up a glass bottle with cloth inside and chucked it towards the two guards.

The bottle hits them and they both scream out in agony as the flames consume them, afterwards Coheed checks the bodies for loot — he doesn't find any — he takes their ammunition just in case he runs into more soldiers. He walks the hallways of the building cautiously when two soldiers turn the corner and see Coheed, "It's the robot!" One yells, "Get him!" Another says. Coheed dives behind a box for cover and crawls towards the room next store. The boots of the two soldiers are getting louder.. Coheed doesn't have that much time left, he checks his pistol to see how many bullets he has left. Four bullets, it's not much.. "Damn it." He whispered to himself, "Come on out Robo-boy." One said in a sing-song voice, he had no choice but to use up all his bullets.. he stands up to face the two soldiers, but finds them on the floor, dead, two arrows two bodies sticking out of their backs.. who did this?

"Surprised to see me, Co?" A familiar voice asks, Coheed looks up from the bodies to see Sam! Damn he is useful after all. "Holy shit, Sam. With a crossbow? Impressive." Coheed says smiling, Sam looks proud of himself and holds out his hand towards Coheed. "Let's go save the others." Says Sam, Coheed grabs Sam's hand and cocks his pistol "Let's go."

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