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December 15th 20xx, Coheed is still at the new founded compound and is still with LightBlade and Faint, but he feels like there's more out there waiting for him.. but he doesn't know what is out there all he knows is the Time Zone. He misses LG and his old friends, but he has to stay here and help everyone rebuild society since they hunted down the last of the brute zombies, maybe there is something better waiting. Maybe.

Coheed sits in his room looking out the window when LightBlade knocks on his door, he holds a box. It's all his stuff from when he was with LG, so he decides to take a look in the box "Hey Coheed, you okay? You've been in this room for weeks." LightBlade says with a worried tone in his voice, "I'm fine Light, just missing some old friends that's all." Coheed replies. He finds the old portal gun that Ly made for him when he first arrived, he picks it up and takes a look at it. At this point Lightblade left him alone in his room to look at his stuff "Huh, do you still work?" Coheed says to himself as he pulls a trigger at the back of the portal gun. A big hologram appears in front of Coheed, it's projecting itself from the portal gun.

The letters on the hologram are in Zunic, the common language in the Time Zone. Coheed carefully read the Zunic language and scrolls down, the name 'LG' appears. Coheeds rectangular eyes widen, his circuits go in a spin, and he glitches a bit. He clicks on the name to see what's happening, it's a video of LG in a new area.. it doesn't look like the Time Zone, where is he? He starts the video and LG is walking around this new city with his friend Adam and a few other people that Coheed doesn't recognize. "Hey Coheed, hope you get this message soon. Anyways have you been to section seven? It's amazing it's like the downtown of the Time Zone, I bet you you'll love it here! I'll send you the code for when you want to come here." The video ends. There's a Code attached to the video it says "10-04-14-10-08-09" Coheed hesitates to type the code into the portal gun, so he deactivates the gun and puts it on his desk.

Coheed lays down on his bed and thinks about the Video. Should he go or not? Who knows. Maybe he will, but for now he'll just hang out in his usual dimension. For now.

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