Volume 4 : Double Question Pt 2

487 42 13

Ayanokoji Kiyone POV

Unless one is an esper capable of reading minds, finding the 'VIP' won't be an easy task. 

People are all born liars and are mostly used to lying. If a person that has never lied even once in their lives exists, that existence itself would be a lie. For humans, lies are an inseparable part of ourselves. At the very least, among the people gathered in this room, one of them is the 'VIP'. There is still time until the discussion proper starts, however, the reason I came early like last time was to observe the behavior of everyone in the group. And the first ones who arrived for the night's discussion were the girls of Class C. They came in while gleefully chatting away with each other. Upon seeing me, they instantly lowered their voices in a disgusted manner and quickly distanced themselves from me.

Next was Yukimura, who entered the room with a sharp-looking face. Casually greeting me with a glance, he soon sat down near me. He didn't seem to be any different from usual. Then next came the Class A group. Machida and Takemoto. Followed after then Morishige. As usual, since they have decided to keep their silence, they decided to sit at the far end of the room. Close to where the Class C girls were sitting. 

Yabu : "Hey Machida-kun, today after this is over, do you want to come play with us? The three of us girls are planning on having fun after this, but haven't found someone yet"

Machida : "Let's see..."

Machida usually does not participate in the discussion, but his 'presence' is still strong. Leaving aside Ichinose and Ibuki, it seems all the other girls in the group are interested in him. It's not like I'm interested of him or anything...but I may be slightly interested of him. 

Either Class C had half given up on finding the 'VIP' or perhaps this is still a part of their plan, but with those words they had invited Machida out to play with them. Is this how men and women deepen their relationships? It seems Machida is also satisfied with that as he looked happy while considering their invitation. Then Sotomura and Karuizawa entered the room. But rather than together, it seemed like they just happened to arrive in the room at the same time, as Karuizawa had a displeased look on her face. As soon as they entered the room, she quickly put some distance between them and moved towards the back of the room.

Karuizawa : "Hey, that's my seat!".

Despite having arrived later, Karuizawa tells that to the Class C girls while glaring at them even though they arrived earlier. After seeing the other girls flirting openly with Machida, it seems Karuizawa became even more angry at them. 

Manabe : "Don't know what you're on about, but what's your seat? Just find somewhere else to sit"

Karuizawa : "I said that's my seat. Move!"

Manabe : "Huh? Can't you see I'm talking to Machida-kun right now? We're going to be playing tonight"

Karuizawa : "Machida-kun, please tell her yourself. That you want me sitting next to you"

Looking slightly embarrassed, Machida seemed to be torn on who to choose. But Karuizawa soon understood the situation, and quickly got in between Manabe and Machida, and held Machida's hand.

Karuizawa : "This time, let's play together. Just the two of us. Or have you chosen that girl? I hate womanizers, so if you're going to play with that girl I won't go out with you"

I was honestly surprised she would say something like that so boldly while going out with Hirata. In fact, Machida seemed to be attracted to the words 'just the two of us' and had already decided which girl to choose.

After pondering for a while he make his decision

Machida : *cough* "Could you please move? That's where Karuizawa sits. Even this afternoon too" 

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