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WARNING: Dirty/foul language and actions in the whole book.


On a soccer field, a (h/c) haired male could be seen dribbling pass players easily, a smile on his lips though his eyes were empty and cold. The other team didn't even dare to stop him, every time they tried, his movements would become more and more aggressive. It was better to lose than to break. 

"Get up," the (h/c) haired male said to a member of the opposing team. "Aren't you a striker?" a mocking smile made its way up his lips. 

"Why humiliate me more?" the other striker could only bare with it and clench his fists in anger. 

"Humiliate you?" the smile on the (h/c) haired male's lips disappeared completely, "you are humiliating yourself. Get up, or I'll score again, striker." 

The male did not move, staying completely still on the ground, not daring to look up. A look of disappointment appeared in Y/N's eyes. Winding his leg back, he kicked the ball in his possession and scored once again. 

6 - 0 XXX High wins!

As Y/N walked away from the field, a cold water bottle pressed against the back of his neck, making him tense and slightly shiver, placing a hand on his neck. 

"Rin," he smiled at the familiar male. 

"Did you get a letter?" Rin asked, getting straight into the point. 

"Oh," Y/N did not seem surprised, "you got one too?"

"You're going," Rin's words were firm as if his words were absolute, "we're both going."

"To compete with each other?" a hint of playfulness appeared in Y/N eyes, "Rin if you wanted to play against each other then just say so."

"Why do you think we'll compete with each other?" Rin questioned. 

"We're both strikers, so obviously we will compete in training to see who's the better striker," Y/N began to walk away with the cold bottle of water in his hand. 

"But what if they don't want you as a striker?" Rin's words made Y/N freeze on spot. "What if they want you as a middle fielder?" 

"Then I won't go," Y/N did not look back and continued walking away.

"Pass to me Y/N. Go to the training program and pass to me as my middle fielder."

Y/N narrowed his eyes at Rin's words. He then dropped the water bottle and grabbed a soccer ball from the basket and kicked it towards Rin. Rin then tried to stop the ball with his foot but his eyes then widened as he found the power behind the pass was too strong for him to fully stop it. 

"Can you fucking receive my pass?" Y/N asked almost mockingly. He then picked up the water bottle and walked away. 

"Hmp, petty," muttered Rin. 

"Says the fucker that remembers every word that anyone who offends you say!" Y/N retorted.

"Those words make you sound quite petty Y/N," a smirk appeared on Rin's face.


"What wrong, Y/N?"

"You bitc-"




"Fuck I'm not going!" Y/N struggled as he was being dragged by Rin who had a death grip on his wrist.  

"You're going."

"I said I'm not! Let go Rin!" when said male did not let go, Y/N could only continue to argue, "I'm gonna get banned for going afk mid game Rin! Shit- it's gonna be a permaban this time!" 

"Shut up, you always int anyways and we're already here," Rin finally stopped moving, but he did not let go of the (h/c) haired male's wrists. "Let's go."

Feeling a vibration in his pocket, Y/N took his phone out and looked at the ID, 'Itoshi Sae'. 

"Rin you go in first, I'll go in later," Rin's eyes hardened at the (h/c) haired male's words. Noticing this, Y/N quickly assured Rin by a line he heard a classmate tell his homie, "if I don't, I'll give you head." 

Rin finally let go and walked inside while Y/N was left behind with question marks all over his head. 'Damn that actually worked...? In full honesty how-'  Y/N's thoughts were interrupted when a two people appeared in front of him. 

"... Huh? L/N Y/N?" a male with black hair spoke in disbelief. 

"Hm?" Y/N turned to look at him and the other male who had light hair. "Oh, Kira Ryosuke right?" 

"I am happy that a great middle fielder knows me-"

"Striker," Y/N interrupted him, "I'm a striker now." 

"Ah, sorry about that L/N. It's just I've been mesmerised by your passing skills and spatial skills ever since I've seen your abilities as a middle fielder, so I have seem to have forgotten that you've changed positions," Kira said apologetically. "Though it's quite a shame that our country's lost a great middle fielder." 

"Kira Ryosuke let's play," Y/N smiled crazily, "win against me in a 1v1 and if you lose then become my middle fielder instead, how about that? If you win I'll obediently switch back to a middle fielder so our country won't lose out as you said." His head was filled with anger. 

What's the point of having a middle fielder whose pass can't even be received by most players? What's the point of keeping someone with great accuracy, power and skills as just a background character? Why should he play as a middle fielder when his own striker can't catch up? Just why? 

It fills him with anger just remembering all those times that he was made the scapegoat for his middle school team's failure just because his striker was too slow- just because his striker was too weak. There's no way he'd play pawn for people like that. So in conclusion, fuck them teammates

"Hey, how about we head inside now?" the black haired male spoke nervously.

"Right," Kira smiled at the black haired male, then turned back to Y/N, "L/N-kun, I'll take you on for that 1v1 another time then." The two of them then walked in together, with the black haired male looking back a couple times to stare at Y/N.

"Hey," an arm then wrapped itself around his Y/N shoulders. A male with blond hair with pink tips and eyes grinned widely. "Wanna play against me instead? I'll make you explode."

"... No thank you," Y/N then moved the male's arm off his shoulder then tried to walk into the building when his wrist was held in another death grip. Unlike Rin's grip that was tight but painless, this guy did not seem concerned about whether it hurt or not and it fucking did. 

"Hey at least tell me your name!" the male smiled. 


"Mind having a broken wrist?"

"... L/N Y/N," Y/N reluctantly replied, feeling the grip on his wrist disappear. 

"I'm Shido Ryusei, you better remember it!" Shido then smirked and walked inside the building.

Y/N glanced at his phone.

Itoshi Sae: Don't go in, what they want is a striker. 

Y/N smirked and messaged him back, "So what if they want me? Jealous?"

He wasn't know as a troll in game for no fucking reason.

Itoshi Sae: Maybe.

Y/N who did not expect that, "..."

Fuck, the troll was not him but this dude who probably doesn't even know what humour is! 


I don't really know how to write romance. 

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