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"Hey Rin, what are you gonna do with the two week break?" Y/N asked while he was handed his phone back from Anri.


"That's a sad ass life," the (h/c) haired male walked next to his childhood friend. "How about we hang out?"

"I have no time-" Rin was cut off when the (h/c) haired male grabbed him.

"Nuh uh bro we gonna hang out."

"I said I'm busy-"

"I'm about to text Sae that you threw a big ass tantrum after he left and turned into an emo brat."

"I'll go." 

'This guy...'  Y/N sighed. '... He does know that with one look Sae could already tell he's emo right?'




"L/N over here!" Isagi called the (h/c) haired male over. "Ah, Rin's here too?"

"He dragged me along," Rin looked as emo as usual.

"What he means is 'uwu I'm very happy to be here because my lonely woney ass can't take it anymore'." Rin immediately pulled out his phone.

"What are you doing?" Y/N smirked, "gonna call for backup?"

"Mrs. L/N? Sorry to bother you but I'd like to inform you that Y/N had failed his math test last term and hid it under the bed."

"You motherfuc-" 

"Rinrin slept with Y/N's mum?!" Bachira jumped in. 

"..." Y/n slowly turned to look at Rin. "Nah you gonna do your homie like that bro?" 

"... Why are you believing someone who can't pronounce Friday?"

"Aye he sees all kinds of shit but who knew he'd see you and my mum-"

"That's because he's schizophrenic."

"Oh. I forgor."

"How about some karaoke?" Reo tried to change the subject.

"Ok," Isagi and Bachira agreed quickly.

"Y/N?" Reo turned to the (h/c) haired male.

"Uhhh nah."

"Never let him sing if you don't wanna turn deaf," spoke Rin.

"Shut the fuck up Rin you just don't understand true talent. My voice is so angelic it broke your eardrums not because it was ass shaking my head," retorted Y/N.

"Then why don't you sing? Do it Y/N," Rin challenged. Y/N began looking around.

"What are you looking for? Do you want help?" questioned Isagi. 

"Looking to see if I can summon a pretty pink princess roach to fight for me. Oh or marriage papers so I can marry Reo and get him to sue Rin for me," Y/N turned his head to the left and right as if he was actually looking for something.

"Marry me?" Reo looked confused, "but I'm not-" Y/N placed a hand on his shoulder and pointed out the window.

"It's ok brother I know what you are, look at the colourful sunset doesn't it kinda remind you of you." 

"It's morning." Reo pointed out. He turned to look at the others who also looked at him with a 'we know what you are face'. "... Guys I'm into women."

"It's ok I like them pegging me too."

"What?" everyone turned to Y/N.

"What? WHAT?! WHO SAID THAT?!" He began to look around again. 

"You said this was supposed to be a date you cheater! Who is this other bitch?!"a woman shouted as another one stepped out a karaoke room. She then slapped a guy before storming off with the other woman leaving too.

"Goddayum..." not gonna lie, Y/N wants to know the drama. 

"Seems pretty messy," commented Reo.

"Nah, wild to play people like that. I would never."

"Because you can't pull no bitches to play," Rin wasted no time to respond to the (h/c) haired male's words. Y/N really wants to choke Rin cause ain't no way bro just exposed him like that.

"Huh? Aiku? What are you doing here?" Isagi quickly recognised the guy who got slapped.

"Huh? Are you guys on break too? The U-20 are all here. See?" Aiku pointed to the group of people singing.

Y/N turned to Rin. "Do you believe my singing is angelic now?"

Rin looked at the group singing, "... yes."

"Looks like you're all here huh?" Yukimiya spoke as he approached with Nagi, Karasu, Otoya and Aryu following slightly behind.

"How about we wager on a meal?" suggested Aiku, "with bowling." 




After making their way to the bowling place, they were ready to compete when they spotted someone familiar playing bowling alone.

"Wait that spiked up hair... Barou!" Bachira exclaimed. 

"Hah? What are you guys doing in my hobby sanctuary?" Barou glared. 

"Going against the U-20 team in bowling. Loser pays for the other's meal," Y/N explained before approaching Barou. "... By the way do you got any pics of yourself oiled up or as maid Barou-chan? Cough asking for a friend it's their birthday." 

Isagi, Karasu and Yukimiya had to hold Barou back from jumping the (h/c) haired male. 

"Y/N, you gonna try bowling?" asked Chigiri.

"Nah the only ball I'm good at is a soccer ball." He was indeed not capping. He did not hit a single bowling pin.  

"Hey wait, aren't those the soccer guys?" a group of girls appeared behind them. 

"Excuse me," a girl approached Y/N. "Can I get an autograph?" She looked at him with hopeful eyes.

Everyone turned to look at what was going on.

"... I have no idea my mum still signs my school permission slips."

There were a lot of facepalms in the back. The poor girl damn...

"Then... can I get a photo with you?" asked the girl. 


The girl happily gave her phone to her friend who helped her take a photo. "Thank you L/N." 

"No problem," he turned to go back to watching the bowling game when the girl continued speaking.

"The pass at the end of the match was really great L/N. I hope your career continues to go well. You're really amazing you know? Being able to score and pass like that," she then left with her friends.

Y/N stood still for a moment before approaching his friends, "sorry guys, I got to go now have fun though." He then pulled out his phone to text someone. 





"Hah, what made you suddenly want to practice together?" Shido grinned, watching the (h/c) haired male make his way towards him on the field. "Liked how I received your passes when we were in the same team before?" 

"Don't think it's for you," Y/N began stretching, "at the end I'm still a fucking striker." 

A striker who'd do anything to win. 

"Hah, I like it," Shido licked his lips and smirked. 

"Come on demon," the (h/c) haired male stole the soccer ball from the tanned male's feet, "let's explode. 


I suddenly remembered I'm a wattpad author

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