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Kunigami could only lower his head and clench his fists as he listened to the (h/c) haired male's words. Normally he would've argued back, but this time he knew the other male was right. He would still be competing with others in Blue Lock if he had been chosen instead of Chigiri and Reo. He couldn't prove his skill or stand out and believed in teamwork which had failed him twice. 

"Kunigami," Y/N walked closer to the male, "Blue Lock is a project to create egoists who would do whatever it takes including stealing from teammates to score," he placed a hand on Kunigami's shoulder and leaned closer to Kunigami's ear, "why the fuck are you playing a team game when everyone's playing battle royale?" 

"You want me to play battle royale?" Kunigami questioned, despair present on his face. He knows he was wrong, he knows. 

"I don't want you to, you need  to playing like everyone else," spoke the (h/c) haired male. " Kunigami you will never be able to catch up if you're playing an entirely different game from others."

Kunigami clenched his fists. Once again the male in front of him is right, entirely right. He needs to change, he has to change to become the world's best striker. 

Seeing Kunigami seemingly staring blankly in silence, the (h/c) haired male walked away, this time with blood stained on his hands. He had killed the hero with sharp knives disguised as simply 'blunt' words, but they were indeed the truth. 

Walking in the halls of Blue Lock, Y/N then spotted a familiar red haired male. "... Chigiri?"

"Hm? L/N?" Chigiri greeted him back and approached him. "How is your leg?" the red haired male glanced at him up and down. 

"It's... not bad."

"The truth."

"It's fractured." 

"..." Chigiri doesn't know if he's silent because he's bewildered by how fast the (h/c) haired male had switched or from how shocked he was to find out that the other was scoring goals with a fractured ankle

'I know damn well that I folded like a lawn chair, but I don't know what motherfuckers expect me to act when a pretty ass dude I would 10/10 call baby girl is asking me a question and is apparently concerned for me.'  Yeah, Y/N knows he folded too damn quick that even the ones camping the ORV pocket watches couldn't even compare, but who could blame him? 

"How long will it take for your injury to heal?" questioned Chigiri. 

"Uh... I don't know," Y/N shrugged.

"What do you mean you don't know? Did the doctor not tell you?" Chigiri was confused. Usually doctors would tell their patients approximately how long it could take an injury to heal, so why doesn't Y/N know?

"I forgot."

"..." now Chigiri would be wrong to beat up an injured person, but motherfucker was scoring goals so casually in the Team A vs Team B match that bro clearly cannot be classified as 'injured'. Now he might be going to hell, but he knows damn well that Y/N will be going too because ain't no way is this basement rat gonna end up in heaven. 

"Oh but it doesn't matter because I heal unbelievably fast. Even if the doctor tells me how long it'll take for my ankle to heal, I'll end up healing way earlier anyways," said Y/N.

"Even so you should take care of your ankle. If you don't take care of it properly it could cause some permanent damage and you might never be able to play soccer again," warned Chigiri. 

"I don't mind that."

"... What? You don't mind that your soccer career is going to end?" Chigiri was shocked. "Do you not fear that one day you won't be able to play soccer ever again? You'll lose everything."

"Chigiri the primary reason I came here was to have fun," that was a lie he was dragged here by Rin. "But eventually I felt like I wanted to prove that I was also a striker. However even if I lose my career forever, I would feel happy enough to know that I have proven myself and can walk away without any regrets," he smiled softly.

Liar. He was a big fat liar

He knows more than anyone about his own greed. His greed to crush others, his greed to become the best and his greed to become the biggest  danger anyone has ever known as if it was natural instinct. He knows that even if he could make people ignore his past as a middle fielder and acknowledge him as a striker, he still wouldn't be able to walk away satisfied. 

Blue Lock was the place that awakened his true ego, so of course Blue Lock should be prepared and responsible if he were to do a few things under their supervision yes? He shouldn't have to pay for therapy for those who he will traumatise and shut down. 

"It seems you don't fear the same thing I fear. I had actually injured my leg too, I tore my ACL and never dared to run again after that because I was afraid my career would end, but after I came here I wanted to risk it all... Blue Lock is slowly changing people huh?" Chigiri smiled softly. 


The change between Nagi and Reo.

The change of the hero Kunigami. 

The change in fates and dreams of those who could survive Blue Lock.

Everything had changed, but one person had never changed... Y/N had never changed

"By the way Chigiri, I've noticed that you look like you're sad for a while now," the (h/c) haired male pointed out, "what's the problem? Did something bad happen?" 

"It's just I wanted to pass the second selection with someone, but they seemed to not have passed. We were pretty good friends so I'm a big upset," answered Chigiri.

"Oh? Who is it?" Y/N raised his eyebrow.

"His name is Kunigami Rensuke."

Y/N, "..." he knows damn well that he's not allowed to tell Chigiri that Kunigami was still in the Blue Lock facility but damn he was tempted to. 

"He was a pretty nice guy. Even though he didn't pass the second selection, I hope that doesn't change his nice personality and he will still be able to prove that he's a great striker somewhere else," sighed Chigiri.

Y/N, "..." now he feels like he should apologies...

"Hm? What's wrong L/N?"

"Nothing..." what he meant was 'bro I just changed that guy's whole damn personality my bad'. 


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