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L/N Y/N, a former middle fielder was greatly known for one thing, his great field vision. As a middle fielder, his job was to constantly change from offense to defence as well as pass the ball to the striker. Using Rabbit Hunter, he could flexibly change decisions and know who was in a good position immediately which made him a brilliant middle fielder. 

The problem of using Rabbit Hunter was never a problem, because his only job was to observe and pass, that's all. He never had the ball for long. That made his stamina very weak when using Rabbit Hunter as a striker. 

Usually he would only try to use Rabbit Hunter in a close area surrounding him, because all he needed to do is get through, not pass. There was no one who could receive his pass anymore, so a wider range is not needed however, this gave his opponents an advantage. If one of them could move out of his range, then it'll be bad for him. 

If he used a large range which allowed him to even notice those behind him, his mental energy would drain faster because he's never been in a bad situation before. In short, his defence is absolutely shit against players who are above average. But in a 1v1? He would win. 2v1? He'd still win. But a full team? A monster is invincible until its weakness is found and worn out. 

'Fine then,'  thought Y/N, an aura appearing not just in his eyes but all around his body, 'let's go full vision then.' 

Game resumes

Once again Reo starts with the ball and is again immediately blocked. He looks at Y/N who had already seen his signal. He starts moving towards Reo then Isagi and Bachira runs in but unfortunately he's already seen this and used his teammates as a shield. 

'Shit!'  thought Isagi, being unable to get pass Y/N's teammates who were determined to block him.

"Reo hurry!" Y/N suddenly shouted out. A few second later, Chigiri stole the ball off Reo who was being blocked and scored.


"Hah..." Y/N's aura began flowing more and more, "I haven't used full vision as a striker before, but it feels way shittier than as a middle fielder." Well in full honesty he was busy inting games and whiffing which caused his skills to rust a bit.

"L/N," Isagi approached him, "are you really trying to win or not?"

"Hm?" Y/N looked at Isagi. 

"Or have you been completely devoured by your own ability?" Isagi smiled. 

"Devoured? " Y/N felt like he was gonna laugh.

 The black haired male then focused his eyes on the movement of Isagi's legs. When Isagi tried to pass the ball, he stopped it and dribbled pass him. 

"Are you saying the only one who can devour me is me? " Y/N smirked.

He kicked the ball towards Nagi who was in front of the goal, however Nagi was unable to stop it. It instead bounced on his leg and right into the goal. 


That was what full vision can do. Utilising your teammates even though they can't receive your 'pass'? No problem, use them as a springboard. 

'That pass,' Nagi turned to look at the (h/c) haired male's back, 'it's... a lot different than Reo's. Was that really a pass? Soccer is... interesting.' 

Maybe he was just surprised about the pass that was incredibly dangerous. Was there a chance that his leg could've been broken if something went wrong there? Or maybe he was surprised about the thing that was able to make someone gain so much power behind just a kick. 

'I want to be able to receive it,'  in the moment when Nagi tried to receive the pass, he felt a strong power behind the kick when he tried to move it. If he could direct the ball with that power behind it into a kick, would it become explosive? 

"Pass... pass to me again," Nagi said to Y/N.

"Don't ask for something you can't fucking handle," he threw a cold expression towards Nagi. "Ow- what the fuck!" Y/N felt someone pinch his waist.

"We're gonna stretch again today." 

"Fuck your entire bloodline- oh wait no your blood line is rich."

"And?" Reo raised his eyebrow. 

Y/N looped his hand around Reo's neck. 

"Give me some of that money homie," he rubbed his index and middle finger against his thumb with a smile. "Come on honey, give some money to your boyfriend. I want to buy some new skins," Y/N made kissing noses towards Reo. This was the first time he went along with Nagi and Reo's boyfriend joke. 

"You called me homie then boyfriend?" Reo nearly became speechless. "Gold digger?" 

"Yes." No hesitation whatsoever. 

"You-" Reo was completely flabbergasted. 




"Oh wow, we lost," Y/N sat on the grass. 

"Who was it that didn't play properly?" glared Reo.

"Wuwuwu, honey your glare is too scary. Let's break up," Y/N fake cried.


"Honey wanna fuck?" Y/N felt the stares of the people around him. "Come on bro, if a straight guy can turn gay for $20, so can I even if I already have a lover." 

"You have a what?" Isagi questioned with a weird expression.

"A lover," Y/N said proudly.

"Who? "

"My damn PC who do you fucking think?" 




"Nagi, Y/N, let's go?" Reo questioned, grabbing a ball. 

"You guys can go first, we can't even go together anyway. It's an individual assessment. I want to chill outside a bit first," said Y/N.

"Alright," nodded Reo. He then entered after Nagi. 

Y/N then looked around, 'did Rin already go first? There's no way that he wouldn't make it.'  He waited a bit more before deciding to go in, 'well whatever.'  

A ball shot out of the wall and a hologram man appeared with the words 'Clear 100 Goals' on the wall. 'Isn't this easy?'  Y/N kicked a direct shot and watched as the hologram move to the side as if it was trying to block a cure ball. Y/N was surprised.

"You analysed my data while I was in here haven't you?" Y/N spoke out loud. "I mostly used curved balls so this goalkeeper responded that way." 

Y/N kicked another direct shot but it was blocked this time. 

"It's continuously analysing me isn't it?" Y/N clicked his tongue, "isn't it fucking unfair that I can't do the same?" 


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