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"Why did you take so long?" Rin glared at his childhood friend who had a smile on his face. 

"Was busy flirting with someone," Rin froze at the Y/N's words. 

"Who?" Rin looped his arm around the (h/c) haired male's back and grabbed his shoulder. 

"Whoa whoa, so jealous~" Y/N chuckled. "I just trying to convert someone to become my bitch." 

"What?" Rin raised his eyebrows, his grip on the other male's shoulder's tightening. 

"If I win against him then he'll become a middle fielder and pass to me," Y/N pat the hand on his shoulder, indicating that he was squeezing too tight. "A striker being forced to pass to someone who is in the position they once were in, would that completely destroy them?"  

"And if you lose?" Rin questioned.

"Then I become a middle fielder ouch- what the fuck Rin!" Y/N held the back of his head that was smacked by his friend. 

"Idiot," Rin clicked his tongue. "Don't play with that guy, just play with me instead." 

"How possessive ouch- fuck you!" Y/N slammed his hand onto Rin's back, making the other get pushed forwards. 

"Ugh..." Rin turned his head back to once again glare at the (h/c) haired male. 

"Ahem... uh... er... congratulations you unpolished gems. According to my information all 300 of you are... the best strikers under 18," a man with a bowl cut and glasses appeared. "My name is Ego Jinpachi, I was hired to give Japan a World Cup victory." 

'Strikers? All of them?'  Y/N glanced around him. He knew it. He just knew that there was something wrong ever since he spotted Kira Ryosuke. With him and Rin included, that was already three strikers in total. Everything added with the message from Sae, he knew that strikers were the main target for this training program. 

"How stupid," Y/N heard Rin mumble. 

"Then will you leave?" Y/N asked him.

"No... I'll trample on all of them," Rin spoke with determination, or at least it looked like that. Y/N couldn't really tell, but maybe it was a desire to dominate every striker here. 

"Sure," Y/N said before walking towards the exit. He didn't know what was said, but it seemed like everyone else was running towards the front with every intention to become the best striker, but he really had no interest in it at all. 

"I don't know why but," a hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the front, "in that moment the monster said, "don't let that boy get away". That was a first," a boy with a bob cut and cheerful voice spoke. 

"Wait wait wait- I don't even know you bro-" Y/N really did not understand why so many people liked grabbing his wrist today. 

"Neither do I!" the boy replied happily, "but I'll follow what the monster told me to do! If it told me this then you must be a great player right?~" 

"... Are you schizophrenic by any chance?"


"A chunibiyo?" 

"I'm not!"

"A kidnapper?"


"... Ayo? " Y/N did not know whether he should be concerned or not. 




Sitting right next to the window with his 'kidnapper' sitting next to him, Y/N did not know whether to laugh or cry. How could such a skinny looking dude be so strong? It was as if a chipmunk got possessed by the devil himself which gave it enough strength to drag a whole person with only a pinky. And who was that person? It was Y/N. 

"You... you know kidnapping is illegal right?" Y/N said as the bus door opened.

"I didn't kidnap you! I just snatched you!" the chipmunk spoke as if trying to justify himself. "Come on! The line will get even longer!" he then grabbed Y/N's wrist once again to drag him towards the line.

"Fuck... my legs," Y/N stared at the long ass line with a pained face. 

"Want me to carry you?" a voice spoke behind him. It was a tall male with orange hair.

"... Holy fuck is that Kurosaki Ichigo?" Y/N's eyes widened in disbelief as question marks appeared on the orange haired male's head. 

"Uh, so do you need help?" Ichigo 2.0 asked once again. 

Y/N hesitated before spotting a purple haired male carrying a white haired male on his back. 'Eh, it's just bros carrying bros, why not.' 

"Yes please," Y/N accepted the orange haired male's offer. 

"Do you want a piggy back or?" 

"Anything is fine, just do whatever." 

"Ok," the orange haired before just straight up lifting Y/N up, causing the (h/c) haired male to wrap his legs around his waist and arms around his back. 

"Thanks bro, I owe you one," Y/N placed his head on the other's shoulder and pat the male's back in appreciation. 

"No problem, you are?" the male asked.

"L/N Y/N," Y/N replied as he pulled out his phone with one hand, "You?" 

"Kunigami Rensuke." 

"Oh, ok Kurosaki," Y/N spoke while opening a game on his phone.

"... It's Kunigami." 


"... I will literally drop you right now."






"Name?" a woman short brown hair asked.

"L/N Y/N."

"Here's your uniform, please leave your phone here," the woman handed him a uniform with the number '282' and the letter 'V' on it.

"I can't keep my phone?" the woman shook her head. "Well shit bye." 

Before he could leave, Kunigami turned him around and pushed him back in front of the lady, then grabbed the phone from his hand and gave it to her with a smug expression on his face. '...This guy is pettier than Rin.' 

"Please head that way," the woman in front spoke. 

"Ah... yes," Y/N held back the urge to flip Kunigami off. 

'You're lucky you carried me,'  the (h/c) haired male stared at Kunigami's shit eating grin before turning around and walking away.

Finding where his team room was, Y/N entered and saw the purple haired male from before along with the white haired male playing with a switch. 

"Oi, is that L/N Y/N?" 

"Damn he's on our team!" 

"Bro I'm gay."

"...??? Bro?" 

Hearing the whispers around him, the purple haired male approached Y/N with a smile.

"You're L/N Y/N right? I'm Mikage Reo," Reo held his hand in front of Y/N.

"Nice to meet you?" Y/N shook his hand in confusion. 

"Nice to meet you too," a strange look flashed in Reo's eyes.


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