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"A sub huh...." Y/N looked at his name on the lists of subs. Of course he couldn't have expected to be in the starter team after Ego had already finalised everything and because of his ankle. This was good enough for him.... he'd pester Ego crazily later for a chance to get on field anyway. 

The (h/c) haired male stared at the number 23 on his jersey, 'fuck.... the last number.' Well whatever, at least he was guaranteed to go on. There's no way going against the U-20 and the prodigy Itoshi Sae would not put Blue Lock 11 in a dilemma at least once. 

"Without further ado, here are the formations of the two teams!" spoke Atsuto Tereasa, the live announcer. "As expected, our star Itoshi Sae is lower central position! This match is being presented live from Blue Lock Stadium and it's almost time for kick off!" 

U-20 Japan       Vs        Blue Lock 11
                         0     -    0

Kick off!

Rin glanced at the (h/c) haired male who was sitting on the bench before turning to Isagi. "Isagi let's go," Rin passed the ball to him.

"Yeah," Isagi received it and continued to move forwards. Sae was quick to move in front of Isagi who then passed to Nagi and formed a triangle of passes with the two of them and Rin.

'Let's go you monster,'  Isagi passed to Bachira as both Bachira and Chigiri approached to support. 

"Time to fly!" Bachira smirked and crazily dribbled past a defender. He looked around to find a suitable person close to the goal to pass to and his eyes landed on Isagi, "it's gotta be Isagi!" 

 He passed to Isagi who was in front of the goal but before Isagi could score, someone else appeared and blocked the goal like a large serpent with the ultimate defence. It was Oliver Aiku, the captain of U-20 Japan.

'The heart of the U-20 team is not Itoshi Sae, it's this man,'  the (h/c) haired male rested his head on top of his hand and stared right at the man who looks like he's been through two divorces. He's the ultimate defender of U-20 Japan. An expert at blocking and receiving with a very agile ability and good vision. 

The problem isn't if Blue Lock could score more than the opposing team, but if they could score at all. Although Gagamaru is great, in the end he isn't a goalkeeper but a striker which makes Blue Lock's defence worse than the U-20 team who has someone that was trained properly for goalkeeping. 

"Did you know number 11?" Aiku said to Isagi, "you can think of strikers as robbers and defenders as cops. And as long as I can see you... you ain't stealing any goals from you cat bugler." 

"Just try to stop me "officer"," Isagi smirked. "Better keep a collar on me then."

"Yeah yeah," Aiku returned the smirk with his own.

"Damn... these motherfuckers are gay as hell..." the (h/c) haired male mumbled. The guy sitting next to him gave him a side eye. "I ain't fucking wrong.  Take that out of context and people would think you're doing some kinky shit." 

Now it was Reo's turn to look at him weirdly.

"I know your ass ain't side eyeing me right now Reo you literally say "good boy" to Nagi," Y/N pointed out. 

"Wha- it's just a partner thing you know?! It's not something weird I swear," Reo tried to defend himself. 

"Just a 'partner' thing my ass oh my fucking god just kiss already you're making me depressed after that damn break up."

"What the hell are you talking about? What break up?" Reo looked absolutely bewildered.

"Oh,  no break up? Good to know," Y/N turned back to the game while Reo was more confused than Yuji trying to figure out what 4+1 is.

The ball was then thrown in by Chigiri with Isagi receiving it and passing it to Rin who was trapped by a defender. Rin tried to pass to Otoya but could not since said male was trapped in a 1v1 with another player who could smell him..... fucking weird but ok. 

"Isagi! Change your thinking!" shouted Rin before passing to Isagi. 

"Right!" Isagi sent the ball straight to Yukimiya who could not shake off a speed defender and had the ball kicked away from his possession by the defender.

The ball was now free and out in the open. Nagi was quick to take the ball but was as quickly trapped by a defender without being able to advance forward. Aiku quickly seized the situation.

"Good boy Niou!" Aiku grinned as he stole the ball from between Nagi's legs.

'.... Are all the motherfuckers who play soccer into saying "good boy" to others? I better social distance as if Covid's knocking on the door before I become a victim of this bullshit...'  Y/N slightly shuffled away from Reo who was sitting on his right side. 

Reo who had just been distanced from, ".... ???" Reo felt like he was being targeted today. 

"You're dead in the water Blue Lock," Aiku smirked kicked the ball with a strong vertical pass with the one that it was aimed at being none other than Itoshi Sae who was unguarded... for some reason..... But why was he unguarded though? Why?

Sae was agile and quick on his feet. He got past the people blocking him easily and when the first person he passed to failed to score, Sae decided to take it into his own hands. He use to be a prodigy striker after all. 

A beautiful shot moved over Gagamaru with power and went right into the goal with the stadium erupting into loud cheers. This was Itoshi Sae, the prodigy striker that Japan had lost. The prodigy that Japan was looking for. He was the main star of this match. 

U-20 Japan      Vs       Blue Lock 11
                        1     -    0

The first point of the match goes to the U-20 with Itoshi Sae's debut back in Japan. 

Turning his head back, Sae looked at a certain someone who was sitting on the bench on Blue Lock's side. His eyes were as cold as ever, as if nothing matters to him. Though there were no words exchanged, Y/N knew what Sae was telling him.

"Are you worthy? 


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