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Y/N felt like laughing. The words that Sae had said with his eyes were like a joke to him. He didn't need someone who swapped to a middle fielder because of their weak mentallity to ask him if he was worthy or not. He is someone who left his old self behind because of the weakness of others after all. It was too late to go back and ask himself that question, he's already in too deep- a full egoist both before and after Blue Lock.

"Just keep your eyes on me," Rin did not give a flying fuck about the opposing team scoring the first goal or the display of Sae's skills. "90 minutes from now... their cheers will turn into wailing." 

"Damn," Y/N whistled. How did he hear those words from that far and even with all that cheering? No fucking idea. Must be fate..... or plot armour but damn that sounded cool as hell, the (h/c) haired male will admit it. Cooler than the 'I am him' players he sees online with the speeches. 

The (h/c) haired male's eyes then wandered to the red haired man wearing white no.10 jersey who just shrugged off all his teammates. It was clear from the reactions of Sae's teammates that he had probably flamed them. Then Y/N heard it, the words, "Anyone with lower scoring than a middle fielder like me, does not deserve to be called a striker." 

'.... Fuck doesn't this seem a little familiar?'  I swear it was not intentional. 

The match then continued with Isagi and Rin moving towards the goal passing back and forth before they were blocked by defenders. With a heel kick Rin passed the ball to Bachira who came to assist and continued moving forwards.

"Yoo hoo!" smiled Bachira, "that teamwork is making me jealous!"

'.... I'm sorry is everyone that plays soccer here gay?'  Y/N turned to Reo.

"Reo.... should I quit soccer and go play basketball?" Y/N's questioned had Reo confused but he seemed to think about it for a second before he replied.

"No? I think you're fine here," Reo then turned back to watch the match. 

"Are you saying I'm as fruity as everyone here?" 

"What the hell are you talking about?" if Y/N was a pokemon using the skill 'confusion' on Reo he must be the most talented pokemon ever because it was working better than Ikea instructions. 

"... Don't worry about it honey I'm just tweaking." 

Y/N was indulging into the joke between him, Reo and Nagi when he realised, 'fuck that was gay.' 




 And just like Rin promised in the next few moments the cheering of the crowd went silent in awe as if they were completely dazed and unsure of what they were seeing. The next goal scored was not by the U-20 but by Nagi. It was a debut and a way for not only Nagi but for Blue Lock to say, "fuck you, we're good." 

'It was scored by Nagi but the one who opened that path was definitely.....'  the (h/c) haired male's eyes trailed to Rin. 'There's no fucking way that Sae would still be a douche to Rin after this match right?' 

Well it seemed like Rin was still holding a grudge from that day that was snowing and decided to face his brother head on in a 'sibling fight'.... Y/N was imagining at least one of them in a headlock and the other trying to call for the ultimate card called "HELP MUM" but ok. 

"You will never surpass me," spoke Sae. Even though he was moving on the field maybe he was so good that he even had time to glance at the (h/c) haired male on the bench, 'and you will neither', his eyes seemed to say. 

"... Reo if I jump someone would you bail me out?" Y/N kinda  felt like jumping his best friend's older brother. 

".... Why is it always me?"

"You're sitting next to me." 

Reo turned to Barou, "let's change seat-"

"Fuck no."

"Didn't know the king was a fucking PUSSY," Y/N saw a chance and he took it.... he was the one who nearly got jumped. 

... I mean at least Rin managed to score which put Blue Lock in the lead though.

U-20 Japan     Vs     Blue Lock 11
                        1    -   2




"With the first half lead unexpectedly by Blue Lock, the second half now begins!" 

"Tch, what a pain," spoke Rin, "so they brought out antennas."

"You're going wild lower lashes, but that's the extent of your explosion. Let's settle who's no.1," Shido approached Rin and blew him a smooch. Yes, I'm not fucking with you he blew him a smooch. Re-read it 20 times it's still a smooch.

The appearance of Shido on the field completely took everyone off guard. He was like an unreadable demon that moved too fast for you to even process what was going on. It was like he was going on a rampage. He didn't care about strategies or formations at all, ignoring his own team and going wild by himself. 

It wasn't 11 vs 11.... it was 1 vs 21.  Shido Ryusei was going to destroy the whole field by himself, starting from formations to predictability and hope he was going to destroy it all just by making his presence known. 

He seemed to be the only with compatibility with Itoshi Sae in the U-20 team and the only capable of turning the tide against Blue Lock. Only a bat shit crazy fuck who's played battle royale in an enclosed area with over 100 sweaty dudes would know how to. 

Shido smirked as a pass from Sae came in. He got ready to score with an outside spin cross when the vermin exterminator appeared, Niko Ikki. 

Niko was able to block the goal however he had also gotten a yellow card and Shido looked like he was ready to start swinging any time soon. Please don't leave your food out in the open near him Niko. Actually no one do that. 

When Niko got up, Y/N noticed something. He got a sprained ankle. 

"Ego.... sub me in. "


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