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"He's really working hard huh? Just to stay in this shit hole," Y/N paused the recording of Reo on the screen. It was very plausible how Reo had worked so hard just to adapt to Blue Lock and have the right to stay here, but it made sense. Blue Lock was the only place where weirdos could be acknowledged and given a chance to prove themselves. 

'I want to do it too,' the (h/c) haired male got up and left the recording room, 'I want to prove myself too.' And if he couldn't he'd find the motherfucker that broke his ankle and choke him to death..... though Shido might actually enjoy it. 

"Ego," he invited himself to Ego's viewing room. Ego was not surprised.


"I want a spot on Blue Lock 11," the (h/c) haired male leaned against the wall. His recovery rate was fast as ever, so since he no longer needed crutches it was time to ask this. Ego looked down at his ankle. "What the fuck bro do you have a feet fetish? No wonder you like soccer-"

"Do you want a one way ticket to get the fuck out?" Ego's words immediately made the (h/c) haired male shut the fuck up. Ego sighed, clearly done with Y/N's bullshit. "With that leg what do you expect to do on the field? Play hopscotch?"

"I can still wipe the floor with motherfuckers," Y/N gave Ego a thumbs up.

"I wonder how you still haven't gotten a red card," Ego covered his forehead with his hand.

"I'm sorry have you fucking seen that zest fest?" Y/N looked offended. "Plus I have talent why the fuck would I need to throw hands in a soccer match when I can wipe the floor with them in goals? Who the fuck do you think I am?" 

"A retard."

".... Fair enough but still offended." 

"But anyways, even if you ask to be apart of the Blue Lock 11 team now, the formation has already been finalised. There's nothing you can do about it," Ego showed the formation against the U-20 on the screen. 

"Even so, there's no doubt that I'm pretty fucking cracked at scoring right? This is a place to show off talent and a place where the ability to score is everything," the (h/c) haired male grabbed Ego by the collar, "give me a fucking chance."

"Your injury will give us a big disadvantage. It's a huge baggage that will drag us down. A weakness."

"It will not. You've seen it right? I know you're always watching you stalker freak. There's no fucking way all he suffering I went through in Wild Card was for nothing. You should know Ego," Y/N left go of Ego's collar and stared down at him coldly, "if you're truly fucking talented then you should know how to overcome weakness. It's called not being a fucking pussy." 

"You'd trade your soccer career just to have a chance at playing in this one match?" Ego stared at him emotinlessly.

"Yes I'd fucking do that to slap Itoshi fucking Sae on the cheek twice." 

Ego grit his teeth. "There's really no help for stubborn weirdos like you."

"Yeah well if it doesn't work out I can go back to trolling people on the internet and inting my teammate's rank up promotions," Y/N shrugged. "Oh wait I have Reo now too-"

"Fine, I'll give you a chance to prove that you're able to play," Ego's eyes turned sharp, "go to Wild Card.... and beat up every challenger there."

"...  The League rank?"


"The Val rank?"

".... No."

"The MLBB rank?"

"The people who wants to be the one to walk out of Wild Card for fucks sake."

"Oh my bad g."

"Now get the fuck out of my office."

"Yessir, try not to steal the moon while I'm 1v1ing  the hoes."

"..... I should of kicked your ass out."




"Oi motherfuckers," the door of Wild Card lifted to show a smiling (h/c) haired male who immediately had all the eyes on him as soon as he walked in, "square up," he smirked.

The sound of the speakers turning on echoed, "I meant beating them up in soccer not in fights."

"Right..... square your legs up."

"L/N, what is this about?" Kunigami approached him. 

"Ego told me to 1v1 the hoes to get a chance to play," Y/N started warming up.

"He called us hoes?" Kunigami lifted his eyebrow.

"Oh no that's just me." 

".... Of course it is."

Y/N gasped, "what the fuck is that supposed to mean Kurosaki?" 

Kunigami walked away. 

"Damn.... bro was NOT letting that slide."

"So you're here to play against us 1v1?" some random dude approached him. 

"I'm sorry who are you?" Y/N asked.

"I'm Kuon Wataru from Team Z, we've played against each other before," Kuon tried to remind Y/N.

"Yeah I don't remember you, must be a fucking pussy then." 

That seemed to piss Kuon off. "Since you're here you must not be that much better than us."

"If you haven't noticed, no one's been sent here for a while yeah? The reason for that is because the second selection has ended already. It's been over since the first time I've come here," the (h/c) haired male pointed out. "The reason I'm here is simple, every single person here... is a fucking stepping stone."

The indoor field turned completely silent. The simple stares of others soon turned into glares and looks of dissatisfaction. 

"No need to be so mad. See me as one too. It's like a practice match. If you can beat me, maybe Ego will acknowledge you and let you back in? See me as a ticket back to Blue Lock." Just like that, the eyes filled with dissatisfaction and anger soon turned into greed.

"You're not kidding right? Ego will acknowledge whoever that wins..." the players started gathering around him.

"Yeah probably. But even with a fucked up leg, isn't it still a little unfair? How about this, 11 of you vs one of me?" he smirked.

"Your ankle is still fucked even if you can walk normally now," Kunigami reminded him.

"No worries..... I'll be scoring with my left leg. " 




"A question Ego, why is Shido not part of the team? He scored plenty of goals and is ranked second right?" asked Yukimiya.

"Though his behaviour off field is..... unpardonable, there's no doubt that his ability to score is amazing. However his goals were all by his individual skills and none of you have chemistry with him," explained Ego.

"But it would be a waste to not use his ability," spoke Yukimiya. 

"That is true, so in a dilemma, Shido Ryusei would swap with Itoshi Rin as a Joker. But I had received a phone call and there was one condition Itoshi Sae wanted to make. He was allowed to pick any player from Blue Lock to play on the U-20 side, and he picked  Shido Ryusei." 

"For real?" Igaguri was shocked. "Then Shido..."

"Will  fight against you on the opposing side," Ego confirmed. "But we still have another card up our sleeves." 

In every deck of cards, there is always two jokers. 

The door lifted and a male walked in. He was covered in sweat and breathing heavily as if he had just gone to war and back. The one who had stirred trouble in hell and soloed his way back up...

"L/N Y/N."


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