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"Ego... sub me in." The (h/c) haired male stared at Ego with fierceness and determination, ready to send Shido back to the nest that he spawned from cause ain't no way he had been birthed and not spawned in randomly. 


Y/N blinked..... where the fuck was his cold overpowered main character moment? What the fuck Victor Perkins AKA the bowl cut fucker called Vector that tried to steal the moon. Yes, he pulled out bro's government name. 

"The fuck you mean no? You don't see that roach of man on the field?" Y/N pointed to Shido who looked like he was having a lot of fun being that one annoying roach you can't seem to kill.

"Just because they swapped players doesn't mean we need to too. Plus you're injured and before when you weren't Shido could handle your kicks just fine."

 "And you don't see Niko's walk looking a little strange?" the (h/c) haired male pointed out. "At this point even I walk better than bro and I'm supposed to be the handicapped one so explain that to me." 

"He's just nervous about playing with so much on the line."

".... I swear to god you're only blind when I'm about to cook," Y/N could not believe this bullshit. When he was hurt he got moved off field so quickly but when it's someone else bro apparently ain't even injured like what the actual fuck. 

"You can't cook." 

"... Yes I fucking can just sub me in and I'll-"

"In the kitchen you can't," Y/N immediately closed his mouth. Ego was not wrong. He nearly burnt down his whole house while trying to fry an egg.... he swears it wasn't his fault that the pan handle caught on fire like I mean honestly, why is the handle even flammable?

"I mean to be fair look at me," Y/N pointed to himself, "do I look like someone who could pull a malevolent kitchen out my left ass cheek? Come on I don't even throw random gang signs and hope they do something." Yeah, he totally doesn't lay on his back and do random hand signs in the air. 

"Someone like Barou could probably cook."

"Speaking of Barou did you not see bro try to jump me just then?" the (h/c) haired male questioned.

"See what?"

"... Complete fucking bullshit." 

Deciding that he was done with Ego's crap, the (h/c) haired male turned back to the match in front of him. It was Shido's turn for a penalty kick and all eyes were on him, yes including Niko's. It was clear that Shido was gonna just kick randomly until Sae said something to him. It seemed that Sae's words have given Shido an idea on how to make the best play possible that he could imagine.

Y/N has one thing he wants to say to Sae..... 'why don't you say those words to yourself motherfucker who switched from being a striker to a middle fielder cause they're a fucking pussy.' 

Chigiri's big brain was able to figure out what Shido and Sae were gonna do however he was a little too slow to stop them. Shido was able to score a hat trick after he and Sae exchanged rizzlines and the scores were now tied.

U-20 Japan      Vs      Blue Lock 11
                         2    -    2

And the next few things that Shido said.... yeah no I'm not fucking repeating it volume 15 ch 128 check it yourself it was zesty as hell. 

"That goal was a break through for the U-20 team. Our balance is broken and what we need is someone to counter the other team's new trump card and reinforce the balance," Ego analysed the whole situation. Chigiri seemed to be in a bad condition and his leg didn't seem that great like Niko either. 

"It appears the Blue Lock 11 are swapping out players. No.4 Chigiri Hyoma and No.3 Niko Ikki are getting swapped with no.14 Mikage Reo and no.23 L/N Y/N," said the live announcer. 

"Thought you said I wasn't gonna get subbed in Ego," the (h/c) haired male smirked as he got up and cracked his knuckles.

"You're playing soccer with your feet not your hands L/N. Plus I did say I'd sub you in eventually I just said no to you asking before," retorted Ego.

"First of all, I look both hot and badass. Second of all, 'before' was literally like five minutes ago."

"Just get in before I sub in Barou."

"Yessir," the (h/c) haired male walked onto the field. 

"Nagi you're better than this you better score," Y/N haired Reo's voice. "If you don't then it's the end of everything and it's too early for us to end." 

"Yeah, I know," came Nagi's reply. 

"Yo Reo if I score can I get $50?" asked Y/N.

"50? Wasn't it 20 before?" Reo asked as if it wasn't just a grain of and compared to his total net worth. 


Game restart! 

Isagi would start with the ball and immediately pass to Reo who gets instantly blocked but that was ok, because Reo's job wasn't to go 1v1 the opponents but to adapt to the core members and match their moves. 

"Go," Reo passed the ball to Yukimiya who's very gifted in going one on one against an opponent.

Yukimiya was able to get near the goal however, the opponent soon gathered around him and he was forced to shoot a goal in pressure. He unfortunately misses and the ball knocks against the poll and bounces back into the open field. The ball was now out in the open and the person to take possession of it? L/N Y/N. 

"Your leg is still injured isn't it?" Shido blocked his right side and moved alongside him. "Playing with that leg, what kind of explosion will you bring out~?"

"So you're injured?" Sae appeared from behind, "and yet you still decide to show up and play. What kind of foolish goal and you dreaming?" Sae seemed to be trying to steal the ball from between his legs. 

"The goal that you let go of to let your brother keep dreaming alone," the (h/c) haired male began to accelerate in speed and fight back against Shido and Sae's pressure.

"There is more in the world of strikers that you don't know of. You're still foolish," Sae spoke calmly, "you were doing so well as a middle fielder befo-"

"Shut the fuck up," Y/N swung his left leg and kicked the ball while trying to keep balance with Shido pressed against his right side, "you failure of a striker.

The sound of a whistle rang out. Y/N's body fell onto the ground. 



CHEMICAL LINK | [BLUE LOCK]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें