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Aizawa walked into the teachers lounge and saw All Might at his desk.

"I brought you more coffee."

It had become a routine. All Might would bring coffee and they would sit and maybe chat if they felt like it.


"I see the same girl there everyday."

"Have a crush?" Midnight had walked in.

"She's alway to young for me. But she kind of reminds me of you." All Might was looking at Aizawa, who was writing something.

"She has those sleepy eyes."

Aizawa ignored him and kept trying to get the lesson plan ready.

"I used her name tag and found out her quirk."

Midnight stood, she was interested.

"It's called Fear. If you talk to her, she can use your fears against you."

Aizawa looked up and gave the taller male a look.

"Like she can cause her opponents to become scared?"

"I was told she only used it once. She went to UA. Nezu remembers her. Apparently she used her quirk during the sports festival and a kid tried to kick her out. Ever since then she hasn't used it."

"Sounds creepy. A little like a villain." Midnight chimes in.

"There are no villain quirks, just villains." Aizawa said as he began writing again.

"That's true. One can use their quirk for good as long as they have good intent."


Ema was asleep at the back of English. She slept like shit.

She had closed and it was rough.

Busy until close and Tanaka was useless.

She had coffee and an energy drink but still ended up asleep.

Like her bio teacher, her English teacher didn't care. Ema had the highest grade in English and was never late so the teacher never cared if she was asleep.

Ema woke up when a student accidentally dropped their loud ass water bottle.

She grumbled but set her chin in her palm and listened to what the teacher was saying.

She looked out the window and could see UA from the window. She missed his easy highschool was.

She looked down and doodled. She hated college. She was happy she was at her last semester so she could leave the stupid school.

She drew a caterpillar and looked out the window seeing a group of kids walk out.


Ema watched as people walked past. It was her lunch period and she was at the cafeteria. Her computer was infront of her and her sandwich beside her.

She was assigned yet another four page essay about a random book she had read.

She had a good plan going and just needed to actually write the essay, but her motivation went down the drain.

She had two months left and knowing that did nothing for her ability to get her homework done.

It didn't help that teachers were assigning homework like crazy.

"Damnit." Ema mumbled but began typing.

It was 100% work vomit but she'd rather get it turned in that no grade at all.


"Welcome back." The blonde man, who was now a regular.


"Are you in school?"

"Yeah I'm a senior in college."

"Nice nice."

Ema waited for him to order and looked at her hands ti avoid the awkward eye contact.

"I know your quirk."

"What?" Ema's eyes shot up.

"I work at UA."


Ema gave him a look. "What's you want to order?"

"Oh black coffee."

Ema quickly put the order in and made it, wanting him out.

"I'm not a villain." Ema said when she handed him her coffee.

"Never thought you were."

Ema gave an awkward nod and walked to the back ti avoid any further conversation.

She sighed. There goes her chances of being a hero.

"Ema you have a customer." Ema rubbed her eyes and went to the front.

It was the attractive man.

"How can I help you sir?"

"I'm meeting someone." He briefly said and sat next to the blonde.

Ema sighed again. Today just needed to end.


"That's the girl." All Might pointed.

"Don't point it's rude."

"Well you can train her and Shinsou together."

"Why would I train her?"

"She told me she's not a villain. It might help her confidence."

"I'm not adding another student. Plus she seems old enough to train herself."

All Might made a weird noise and looked her direction.

"She has the highest grades. The only notes that I saw were how often she slept during class."

"She sleeps in class?"

"I see her here morning and night. And she's a full time student and it seems a full time worker."

Aizawa watched the girl clock out and rush out.

She was pretty. Her dark hair and light brown eyes fit her. She put in a black hoodie over her uniform and jogged more than walked.


Aizawa found himself in the same shop the next day.

"How can I help you." The monotone voice of the girl from the previous day asked.

"Let me guess a black coffee?" She seemed to be making a joke, but the red in her eyes and scratchy ness of her voice made it hard to tell.

"Uh yeah."

"Your blonde friend always comes in and orders it. He said it's for his coworker and I'm guessing your him."

"Yeah I'm the coworker."

She nodded and looked back up. "What else can I get for you?"

"That's all."

She gave him his total and turned to pour the coffee.

Aizawa watched and shamefully checked the younger girl out. Her jeans were that tight and her converse looked tattered and dirty. But the shirt hugged her waist and he hated how attractive it looked.

"Here." She gave a quick smile and turned to keep stocking whatever treats she had.

Aizawa walked out and nearly numbed into All Might.

"Seems like your a regular here."

"Ah did she guess your order?" Aizawa nodded.

"She's nice. She reminds me of you."

Aizawa rolled his eyes and followed All Might to UA.

Tired~ Aizawa X OCWhere stories live. Discover now