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Ema heard Aizawa talking to the students while she was grabbing her phone.

Ema perked up hearing a female voice talking to Aizawa and grabbed her phone and quickly walked out of the bus.

Ema saw a really pretty girl with turquoise hair laughing.

"You're a real laugh riot buddy."

"As usual your impossible, Joke." Aizawa said.

Ema jumped when Midoriya realized who she was and went in his usual rant about heroes.

Ema had heard of her and how her quirk could make people laugh.

"Come on imagine it, if I was your wife you'd have a future full of constant laughter." She gave a thumbs up.

"That sounds like an actual nightmare." Aizawa seemed uninterested.

Joke laughed and Tsu spoke up.

"It seems like you two are close."

Mina leaned into Ema and whispered "so you two aren't dating?"

They looked up when Joke began speaking.

"Our agency's were near eachother. As young heroes striving to make a difference in the world a mutual love bloomed."

"No it didn't." Aizawa was quick to interject.

"I do miss your quick retorts."

Ema smiled at the obvious difference in the two personalities.

"Over here everyone. This is UA." Joke called for her class to come over.

"Second years from Ketsubusu academy. This is class 2. They're my students."

Ema walked over and stood next to Aizawa while the two classes interacted.

"Are you a student?" Joke asked.

"She's security at UA. She helps around UA." Aizawa quickly spoke.

"Oh. You seem a bit young."

"Oh I graduated college and everything." Ema said.

"I'm Joke!"

"I'm Hayashi." Ema felt petty not giving her first name.

Ema watched as Jokes student walked ahead.

"Ema." Aizawa got her attention and she followed between him and Joke.


Ema had sat next to Joke but Aizawa moved her and she sat a seat away.

"Eraser." Joke laughed looking at Aizawa.

"Your fly is down."

Aizawa looked like he was going to burst any moment.

"I can't believe you still have 20 students. It's unusual for you to not have expelled someone. You must actually like your class this time."

Ema tried to shrink herself into the seat. She felt out of place with Joke.

"Not really."

"Aha don't be embarrassed that's so like you." Joke giggled.

"Please date me."

"Shut up."

Joke laughed but got serious.

"But really you know what's about to happen down there. And yet you didn't mention a thing to your class."

"What's going to happen?" Ema felt stupid for having to ask.

"They'll target UA. It's because their quirks have all been made public so there's no surprise."

Tired~ Aizawa X OCWhere stories live. Discover now