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Ema had an iced coffee and was walking to the store when she saw a familiar face.


He perked up so fast, it scared the blonde he was with.

"What're you doing?" He walked over, trying to get it of earshot.

"Going to the store. Ran out of cat food."

"Fair. It's 3pm, why're your drinking coffee?"

Ema shrugged. "Want it? It's not that good honestly."

"Using the straw?" He gave a weird look.

"I mean we've shared worse."

Aizawa bent down and took a sip, while Ema still held it out.

Ema thought he looked cute.

Well until he made a face and stood up.

"That's really fucking sweet."

"We'll Jeez you could've just said no." Ema chuckled.

She chugged the rest and gagged slightly before throwing it away.

"I paid 4 dollars and that was a good 3 shits of expresso, it's not going to be wasted."

Aizawa chuckled and looked back at Mic.

"See you around."

Ema waved and Aizawa walked back.

"Who was that?!"

Aizawa said nothing and kept walking.


"We've shared worse~." Mic had been teasing Aizawa about the interaction for their whole walk.

"What'd she mean by that?" Mic wiggled his eyebrows.

"Nothing like like, Jesus."

"What was it?"

Aizawa ignored him.

"Was it a drink."


"Cigarette? I've seen her smoking during her breaks." All Might had joined.

Aizawa glared and they both chuckled.

"It was a cigarette."

Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"Is she cute?" Midnight walked in.

"She's nothing."

"She's pretty and remind me of Aizawa. She gets a bunch of caffeine during the day."

"She's fine."


Ema inhaled the cigarette while sitting on a bench.

She had fed Koi and played with him since he got hella zoomies, but craved the cancer stick.

She sneezed and groaned.

She took a deep inhale and saw Shinsou.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" She asked scaring him.

He relaxed seeing it was just her.

"My classes teacher got sick so we just have the day off."

"How'd the test go?"

Shinsou shrugged. "Easy A."

Ema chuckled and took a deep inhale.

"Why do you smoke?"

"No clue honestly."

"Can I try it?"

Ema thought deeply. "Only one time. But you better not make it a habit or I'll kill you."

She handed him the stick and he took a small drag and immediately began coughing.

"Fuck that." Ema laughed and took a drag.

"Yeah it's not good."

Shinsou shook his head and stopped coughing.


After training, Ema walked with Aizawa towards their complex.

"You did good today."

Ema smiled and looked at the ground.

"Thank you."

Aizawa awkwardly kept her pace.

"I got teased about trying your coffee."

Ema chuckled.

"Yeah it's weird when they assume we're more than friends."

"Yeah and we're just friends." Stab at the heart.

Ema faltered. "Just friends."

Aizawa watched Ema stopped out of the corner of his eyes.

"The moon looks really pretty." She stared at the full moon.

"Yeah." Aizawa looked up.

Ema turned her gaze towards him and studied his face.

The moonlight made his feature look lighter and made him look more at ease.

Ema immediately turned her attention elsewhere when he looked at her.

Aizawa looked back up and looked back at Ema and saw her already looking at him.

They both quickly looked away and began walking again.

"Shinso is improving." Aizawa spoke.

Ema quickly agreed. "I noticed. He seems more confident."

Aizawa nodded.

The walk felt like forever and both sighed when they saw the complex.

"I'll be having a smoke on my balcony...if you wanna join."

Aizawa smiled. "Okay."

Tired~ Aizawa X OCWhere stories live. Discover now