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Ema followed Aizawa as he got ready. 

Today Aizawa was going to meet her mom. 

Her dad was still in the states so her mom invited her Aunt over so she wasn't alone. 

"If you don't wanna go we can skip." 

Aizawa wasn't questioning Ema's behavior. Living with someone that obviously has some anxiety, he could tell when she got stressed. 

She didn't realize it but she started to slowly get more and more clingy as her anxiety came. 

Aizawa turned to his girlfriend and put some of her hair behind her ears. 

"It'll be fine."

"You cant be sure. When my mom and her sister are together they can get mean."

"I can handle it."

"I know you can but, I want her to like you." Ema felt like she was 12 again showing her mom her report card. 

Aizawa gave her a soft kiss. "It'll be okay"

Ema nodded and took a deep breathe. 

She did a once over of herself in the mirror. 

She wore a grey crewneck that just said UA on the front, black jeans and converse while Aizawa wore a black long sleeve and black jeans. 

After putting some perfume on, they left. 

"Seriously though, if you get uncomfortable tell me and we can leave." 

Aizawa nodded and they walked to the house. 


Ema knocked and her mom answered. 

"Come in, come in."

Aizawa followed Ema as they walked to the kitchen, where her Aunt sat at the table. 

"This is Ema's boyfriend."

Her Aunt did a once over and gave Ema a look. 

"Have you ever met Hawks? One of the girls I work with can get you his number."

"Stop." Ema sat down and Aizawa sat next to her. 

"I'm Shouta Aizawa." he introduced himself. 

"What's with the long hair?"

"I don't have time to cut it."

"You don't have enough time to cut your hair? How do you have time for my niece."

"They live together."

"Oh. So how's that? Youve been dating less than a year?"

"We've been dating around 8 months." Aizawa said. 

"Just to be clear, she would've gotten the job regardless if you two.."

"Seriously. No mom I didn't sleep my way into a job." 

Ema was slightly hurt that she would even think she would do that. 

"I just, Ema can we talk in the living room."

Following her mom, they stopped when they were out of ear range. 

"He looks like he needs a shower and there are so many younger guys that would kill to date you." 

"he showers. And I really like him."

"I can get you a date. I just think you could do better."

"He treats me well and he has a job. How could I do better?"

Her mom opened her mouth to say something but stopped herself. 

"I could do better for you, you want me to date a famous hero that everyone wants because to you, looking like the perfect couple is more important than the actual relationship. I really like Aizawa and we're not breaking up any time soon. So stop with the whole concerned thing." Ema walked to the kitchen and tapped Aizawa's shoulder. 

"Its time to go." 

"It was nice meeting you." Aizawa knew not to argue seeing that Ema had a look on her face, and her mom looked pissed.


Ema was quiet the whole way home. Which wasn't the most unusual thing, but she was different. 

"Sorry that didn't go well." 

Aizawa shrugged. "Could've been worse." 

Ema smiled. "True."

They walked into the apartment and Ema sat next to Aizawa and leaned into him. 

"Sorry, I'm being clingy again." Ema went to get up but Aizawa stopped her. 

"I actually like it when you're clingy."

Ema smiled and leaned back into him. 

She could smell the cologne he put on before meeting her parents and found it comforting. 

Tired~ Aizawa X OCWhere stories live. Discover now