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Ema's stood in the shower deep in thought while the water hit her scalp.

The scent of vanilla lingered in the bathroom since she should've gotten out 10 minutes ago.

But she couldn't shake the feeling of Joke and Aizawa.

"I wouldn't get my hopes up."

Ema knew Aizawa liked her. He took her virginity so she hoped he liked her.

She rolled her eyes at herself and turned the water off.

Ema knew she was being ridiculous. Aizawa asked her and they live together. 

She stepped into her room and changed into an oversized band shirt and sweats and saw Aizawa sitting in the living room grading papers.

"How was Joke?" He asked glancing at her.

"Fine. We talked about you."

"Really?" Aizawa did not seem surprised. Seeing that it was joke. 

Ema sat on a chair and put her chin on her knee.

"She told me to not get my hopes up about you since you reject everyone."

Aizawa chuckled. 

"But she was nice."

"That's good."

Ema nodded and took her phone out.

"How was 1-A?"

"Fine. Nothing new has happened."

Ema nodded and stayed quiet.

Aizawa got up and went to their kitchen. "Anything specific for dinner?"

"Whatever you like." Ema said.

She got up and grabbed a jacket.

"I'm gonna go have a smoke."

"That's your second one since you've gotten home?"

Ema nodded and walked out.

She made it just before the front doors before hearing her name. 

"Ema!" Ema glanced over and saw Shinsou.

"What're you doing?" He asked.

"Just getting fresh air."

"Sure. Fresh Smokey air." He mocked.

Ema chuckled and he followed her outside the campus area.

"Are you allowed to do this?" She asked since they were now off UA property. 

"I mean I am with security."

She hummed and lit a cigarette.

"How's being a pro?"

"Not bad. It's weird working here though and being called Miss. Hayashi. I feel old."

"You should. I mean you have one friend and it's a 15 year old."

"I also have Aizawa."

"Does he count?"

Ema chuckled.

"People my age suck."

Shinsou chuckled.

"Is there anyone your interested in?" Ema asked hoping to get the topic off of her. 

"Please. I have bigger issues than a crush. Plus even if I did, theyre all are still scared of me."

"Then they aren't worth the time."

Tired~ Aizawa X OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz