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*okay so they'll be little plots but it's not going to go with MHA*

Ema sat extremely still as Mina painted her nails.

She thought it was cute that the 1-A girls looked up to her. Aizawa mentioned that they bring her up often during class.

"What's college like?" Mina asked adding a second coat of the clear polish.

Ema shrugged. "I'm  personally a quieter person so I had a hard time making friends, but it's better than highschool."

"What's dating like in college?" Uraraka asked glancing over at Midoriyas dorm.

"I'm not sure. I've never had a boyfriend."

"So Mr.Aizawa's your first?" Mina asked.


She giggled.

"I saw you two smoking together. It was cute."

Ema's whole face erupted into red.


"He's obvious to. Whenever your mentioned, he seemed less irritated."

"Remember us teasing you about following him at the training camp?" Yayorozu asked.


"We discussed further, and when your sent with us to go somewhere, if your not by his side, he looks for you."

"Interesting." Ema kept her face down.

"Aw he's your first!!" Mina hugged Ema's arm and began giggling.

"Let's change the subject." Ema said tucked some baby hairs behind her ear.

"Aw man. You and Mr. Aizawa are our favorite gossip subject." Mina wined.

"Remember I'm technically your teacher."

Mina grabbed a hair brush and hummed.

"Sure sure. Cause teachers let their students give them makeovers."

Ema chuckled and felt Mina began brushing her hair.

"You have nice hair."

"Dove shampoo man."

"Ribbit. Why do you like Mr. Aizawa?"

Ema blushed slightly.

"Long story."

"Were you two dating when we went to your old workplace?"

"No but we were friends."

"How'd you meet?"

"We were neighbors."

"Why do you smoke?" Yayorozu asked.

Ema hesitated. "It's a long story. Don't get into the habit. Or the caffeine addiction. Don't do that either. They're not healthy."

"Does Mr. Aizawa smoke?"


"Is he a good kisser?" Tsu asked. When Mina chuckled, she shrugged.

"He's not bad looking." Tsu defended. 

"I'm not answering that." Ema smiled.

"Ohh can you braid my hair?" Uraraka asked.

"Sure. Sit here." Ema leaned forward.

Aizawa walked in and leaned against the doorframe to watched the scene in front of him.

Ema was sitting all the way left of the couch, while Mina was to her right, Uraraka was sitting right in front of Ema and Yayorozu was sitting on the floor closer to Ema. Tsu was in the chair and watching Ema closely.

He was happy they got a girl to look up to. Midnight was really good but Ema was closer in age and could relate to them more.

"Ema!" Ema jumped hearing the stern voice.

"It's 6 mins past their curfew."

Ema chuckled sheepishly and stood up.

"Okay guys. I'll see you tomorrow."

They all complained but started getting up.

"Fun wrecker." Mina huffed.

"See you tomorrow!" They all walked to their rooms and Ema walked over to Aizawa's side.

"They really like you." He noted.

"I've noticed."

Ema followed Aizawa to their room and laid on the couch.

Aizawa walked past her and sat in the chair.

"Joke asked for your services." Aizawa said.

"For what?" Ema switched so she was laying in her stomach to face Aizawa.

"Her students are training at the USJ, and she wanted an extra person there since the last villain attack."

"She's nice, thankfully."

"She is."

"Why didn't you like her?"

Aizawa shrugged.

"I mean she's pretty. And funny. And your age."

"I just didn't." He got up and gave Ema a quick kiss before entering the bathroom to shower.


"Hayashi!" Ema spotted the blue haired girl and walked over.

"Hi." Ema had her hands in her pockets and watched the students get out of the bus.

"Thanks for coming. I originally asked for Aizawa but he refused."

"Oh. He didn't tell me that." Ema said.

"Yeah. How's working with him?"

"Fine. He's not to talkative during work hours. And more introverted." Ema said.

"Are you into him?" Joke asked smiling.

Ema blushed but didn't answer.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up. I asked him multiple times and got rejected each time."


"Yup. I doubt he'll ever get into a relationship" Ema followed Joke as they entered.

She stood back slightly while Joke explained what her class was supposed to do and felt out of place.

"Start!" Joke was more serious when teaching which shocked Ema. She thoughts she'd be more like Mic where she joked but instead she was stricter and had a more stern voice.

"I might try to ask Aizawa out." Joke said joining Ema.

"Really? I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend."

"I heard that to. But I mean I've never heard of her. And I'm the same age as him."

Ema nodded. "I dunno."

"True. If I find out he is 100% dating someone I'll leave it because I'm not into that but Aizawa was never one for relationships."

"Yeah he told me he's never had anything serious."

Joke nodded. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Are you going to ask him?"

Ema wasn't sure how to respond. She knew he wouldn't care if she told Joke but she didn't want to make it fully public.

"I'm not sure."

"Your pretty. And you two are similar."

Ema hummed and looked down.

She played with the end of her braid as her thoughts went spiraling.

Joke was closer in age. She was really pretty. Funny and not just because of her quirk.

Yes she could get a little annoying but Ema could barley hold a conversation as a 23 year old. And would always overthink.

She sighed and tried watching the students to keep her mind off of it.

Spiraling wouldn't do anything.

Tired~ Aizawa X OCWhere stories live. Discover now