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Ema watched as Koi rubbed herself against her leg.

Her legs hurt.

Yesterday Shinsou kicked her ass.

They were told to use their quirks and he got her to speak.

She was sitting in her living room listening to some music.

It was 12:30 AM and she couldn't sleep.

She hated how she couldn't sleep.

She tried reading, but she wasn't feeling it and decided staring at a blank TV with sad love songs on.

She thought of going for a walk but decided she's exercising enough.

She groaned and threw her head back.

"Koi I hate myself." She frowned.

She didn't know why she said that but she sighed. Maybe it was because she had started her period, or the fact that she finally admitted to set self that she liked someone, but her insecurities were really bugging her.

How her undereyes were dark and her chin covered in acne. She hated that her thoughts kept getting darker.

She got up and opened her fridge to find something to eat.

She saw leftover Chinese and decided that was best and turned on a comedy so she could take her mind off of things.


"What time did you go to bed?" Aizawa had his arms crossed.

Ema had run into him before work.


Aizawa gave her a look that said he knew she was lying but didn't press.

Ema watched as he walked ahead of her and stopped to wait for her.

"It's only a 4 hour shift, I'll nap afterwards."

They both were quiet as Ema went into the cafe and Aizawa kept forward.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Her manager walked up.

"No, he's my neighbor."

"Oh." She watched him slightly and turned back.

"Todays gonna be busy so I was wondering if you could stay an extra hour."

Ema sighed but nodded. "Fine but I can't work past 4."



Ema got off at 2, meaning her 4 hour turned into a 6 hour.

She made hella good tips but she was exhausted.

She fell into her bed and immediately passed out.


Aizawa walked over, seeing Shinsou.

"Did Ema use her quirk yesterday?"

Shinsou shook his head. "She doesn't want to use it in me."

Aizawa nodded. "Thanks."

Both walked off and Aizawa kept thinking about when he first heard of her quirk.

She told All Might that she wasn't a villain and seemed nervous that he knew what it was.

She also always changed the subject when the topic came up.

Aizawa kept walking and decided to talk to her about it after training.


Ema saw Shinsou and jogged up to catch up to him.

"How was school?"

He shrugged. "Boring. How was work?"

Ema shrugged.

They walked in silence and slowed when they got to the park.

"Today is probably just fighting over and over again." Shinsou complained.

It was great practice, but when two people are beyond tired and just doing movements, it's a kick to one's ego.

Aizawa stood there, leaning against a tree with his hair in a ponytail.

Ema stared at his jawline. Her small crush was starting to turn into a huge crush, with dreams about him and thoughts that she shouldn't be having.

His neck was exposed and Ema blushed and looked away. He looked extremely attractive.

"You guys know the warm up." Aizawa crossed him arms and watched them begin running around the park.

He was happy they got along so well.

He stared at Ema and watched her smile when Shinsou tripped slightly.

She was pretty.

He shook his head and checked his phone while they ran around.

Their warm up sucked 100%. Running a mile straight.

And then they did typically exercise and then after they were tired, it was fighting time.

It helped them build stamina and get used to fighting while tired.

They were finishing their last lap and Ema had gotten better.

She was less tired and wasn't complaining when small muscles began showing.

She huffed and wanted to cry when she remember that Aizawa would have her do different exercises to help with stealth.


Aizawa came up and told Shinsou to stretch before they fought.

"When are you gonna use your quirk?"

"Aiza- I can't. I'm not gonna use it for a spar. To make someone feel real fear during a fake fight isn't fun."

Aizawa nodded. "Is it always their biggest fear?"

Ema thought for a sec. "Like just make them see something weird?" She's never thought to briefly show them something slightly creepy, always their worst fear.

"Try that."

"If you notice that I use his biggest fear, stop me. Please," Aizawa noticed how she maintained eye contact until he nodded.


She smiled and jogged towards Shinsou.

They got into positions and began.

It was interesting how fast they both learned and how they got used to moves.

He noticed Ema was more confident while fighting but still refused to use her quirk.

He saw her make eye contact and then saw Shinsou falter.

He watched closely as Shinsou jumped and tried to get something off his arm.

When he was distracted, Ema swept his feet and pinned him.

She smiled and hopped up.

"I did it."

"That was you!"

"What'd you do?"

"Spider. Made a spider 'crawl' on him."

Aizawa's lips curled slightly seeing how happy the girl was to not make someone hate her quirk.

"Good job."

Tired~ Aizawa X OCWhere stories live. Discover now