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Ema stood watching everyone using their quirks.

It was close to the last day and Ema watched as everyone was tired and drained.

She remembered the camp being more about fitness than quirks so it was shocking to see everyone using their quirks passed comfort.

It was hot and she felt bad.

One guy was vomiting and another seemed totally drained.

She briefly watched the grape boy but was told by Aizawa to stay clear of him.

She saw Kota and walked over to him.

"Hi." She wasn't a fan of kids, but his had was cute.

"What do you want?"

Ema shrugged. "Just saying hi I guess."

He ignored her but then turned around and marched back.

"Are you a pro hero?"

Ema shook her head no.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was asked to come for security."

He kept his hard glare on and walked away.


It was later that night and 1-A was testing their bravery while 1-B was trying to scare them.

Ema was told to go into the forest and use a small amount of her quirk on each student.

She was the farthest and looked around when she smelled something funky.

"Hey! Aizawa?!" She called out when it smelled like something burning.

Ema looked up and saw black smoke coming from the trees and quickly looked around.

"What the-?" She froze when she heard one of the pussy cats talking.

"Everyone in Class A and B you are granted permission to engage in combat."

Ema felt fear creep up when she realized she was alone.

She ran towards the place that the students should have been but stopped when she saw a big black bird.

Her breathing faltered as she skidded and fell back when it turned to her.

She looked around and realized she was alone and had to fight.

She took out her knife and began attacking.

It felt useless when it was able to dodge all her attacks.

She yelped when it punched her and sent her flying.

She groaned standing up and feeling blood on her head.

"He's a villain. A bad guy." She spoke to herself and tried to get her quirk to activate.

Useless. It felt useless.

Her face fell when it didn't react. She tried again stopped when it grabbed her arm and squeezed.

She screamed and kicked it's chin, causing it to let her go.

She tried to move her arm and flinched, realizing it's probably broken.

She remembered Endeavor fighting one of them in the tv.

She knew it was a unfair fight. She would lose. Her quirk was a mental quirk and was useless against the black thing.

She looked around and pretended to jump left but threw her knife.

Tired~ Aizawa X OCWhere stories live. Discover now