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"You can't just be some lazy girl that thinks because she had a hard time in highschool means she can act all depressed!"

Ema hated when her parents visited.

"I'm not lazy though!"

"Shut up! I wasn't done. I don't know how your paying bills unless your doing something that I hope to for your not."

"Mom! I literally work full time."

"Then when do you go to school?"

"During the day, I work mornings and night."

"You need to get out of this 'I hate the world phase'. Your 23 act like it."

"Act like? Mom I work full time, go to school full time and take care of a cat."

"Look at you! Your wearing all black, your under eyes are bad and your acne needs to be under control."


"I'm just saying. Ever since the sports festival your not you! It's been 7 years. When are you going to get over it!"

"When I stop getting reminded I'm suppose to be a villain. Maybe when you and dad actually try to hang out without being nit picky."

"We wouldn't be so nit picky if you had your shit together."

"I'm leaving. You can have my room, I'll sleep on the couch."

Ema slammed her door and with shaky hands, pulled out a cigarette and sat at the nearest bench.

"Everything okay?" Great, her attractive neighbor heard.

"Yeah. Parents am I right?" Ema tried to joke but it didn't stop the tears. She put her palms on her eyes and nearly burnt her face.

"What happened."

"Nothing. It's nothing." She took a deep inhale and let it sit.

She let a small laugh out.

Aizawa quietly sat down. "I feel like as soon as my life is going good something happens." Ema couldn't stop the tears from escaping and leaned forward to rest her elbows in her knees.

She felt a hand touch her back.

She smiled slightly at the attempt.

"You should talk to someone. It doesn't have to be me but it's help a lot." Aizawa said.

Ema nodded.

"Did you know she called me lazy. Like I don't work more than 40 ducklings hour a week and like I'm not in five classes that give homework everyday. And I'm living by myself without living paycheck to paycheck."

Aizawa didn't say anything and knew she just needed someone to listen. "And then she criticizes my looks. Like that's gonna help."

Ema wiped her eyes and took a drag. "She's gonna throw a fit when she finds out I'm a smoker," she chuckled dryly staring at the ground and sitting up.

"God I'm sorry I just fully over shared my whole life." Ema joked.

"It's okay. You seemed like you need it."

Ema held out the cigarette to offer Aizawa a hit.

He shook his head and watched as she took another inhale. He smiled slightly and looked ahead.

"Where do you work?" Ema wanted to avoid silence.


"I went to UA."

"So did I."

"Think we ever met?"

"I went 13 years ago."

"Ah I went 6."

Aizawa realized how much older he was. It wasn't that much but almost ten years.

"What do you want to do after college?"

Ema shrugged. "I went with Nighteye agency but I'm not fully sure I'll be a hero for long. And if I am I won't be popular."

The silence was oddly very loud. Ema usually liked the silence. She loved people avoiding her. But Aizawa made her want to keep talking and trying to learn about him.

"How long have you been teaching?"

"8 years."

"If you became a teacher earlier we would've met."

It didn't sound like that would be bad to Aizawa. He found her very attractive and he knew he was attracted her her. He liked how she was quiet but she wasn't shy, she just preferred it that way.

"You have a boyfriend?" Aizawa was trying to be sneaky.

"God no. Look at me." Ema joked. "You have a girlfriend?"

Aizawa shook his head.

Both felt relieved.

"I should go back inside before my mom comes out and makes a scene," Ema crushed the cigarette and walked back inside their apartment.

Aizawa took a deep breathe. He liked talking to her. She didn't drain him.

He wished he could have offered her more help.

He smiled thinking about her. He looked up and his smile dropped.

He was falling for her.


Ema heard her mom and dad talking as she turned in the shower.

It would be a rough morning before they left.

She stepped in and let the hot water run down her head.

She stood there for a second and grabbed her shampoo and did her usual routine.

She liked showers. How her shampoo smelled and how she always felt better when she showered.

She smelled the familiar vanilla scent and used the matching conditioner and some random body wash that worked.

After the long shower, she used her typical face stuff and vanilla moisturizer.

She felt clean and walked into the living room.

"What are these?" Her mom held her lack of Marlboros up.

"Take a guess."

Her mom threw them at her. "Why would you ever think it's ok to smoke?"

Ema shrugged. "It's not everyday." Lie.

"You need to quit."

"Im quitting right now, just slowly." Another lie.

"Okay..." her mom threw them away and walked into Ema's room.

Ema just watched her back as she closed the door.


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