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Ema couldn't help the smile she had when the final day of helping Joke ended. 

Joke was nice but after the first day, she decided that Ema was to stoic and kept trying to either scare her or get her to laugh. 

"It was nice working with you. And try smiling more." Joke said as the students entered the bus.

"Good suggestion." Ema felt slightly guilty for the sarcasm but was getting annoyed now. 

"Who knows. Maybe Aizawa will like you smiling."

"Trust me, he likes me well enough." 

Not letting Joke respond, Ema began walking back to UA.

It was getting late and she knew she had to patrol that night. 

She groaned. 

"You wanted this." she mumbled to herself.

"Miss. Hayashi!!" Ema turned and saw the 1-A girls. 

"Did you guys get permission to leave?"

"Gosh, you sound like a teacher!"

Ema shook her head but smiled. 

"We were just having a girls day. We asked Mr. Aizawa if you could come, but he said you were busy." Mina pouted. 

"Ribbit, it would've been fun with you."

Ema smiled. "You guys are sweet."

Mina latched onto her arm and began telling her any gossip. 


"I didn't realize students left the campus this much." Ema said seeing Shinsou walk over.

"He calls you by your first name?" Uraraka asked. 

"Weird.' Mina said. 

"Be nice, we knew each other before I graduated college." Ema said. 

Shinsou joined the group. 

"Youve gotten buffer." Mina said. 

"I've been training more."

"That's cool. Mr. Aizawa has been tougher on us."

"Any ways, so Bakugo got angry," Mina resumed her story. 


Ema entered her apartment and flopped on the couch. 

She was alone. 

Checking the time, she saw she had 20 minutes before patrol. 

She curled up on the couch and dozed off. 

Opening the front door, Aizawa saw the sleeping figure and covered her with a warmer blanket. 

He sat on the chair and pulled his ipad out to grade. 

Not 10 minutes later, Ema shot up. 

"Bad dream?"

"No, I have patrol!"

"Endeavor is patrolling your area tonight. He said he wanted to check something out." 

"God, he deserves the best head." Ema mumbled laying back down. 

Aizawa smiled and went back to grading. 

"Nezu accepted my time off for tomorrow right?" Ema asked. 


Ema nodded and fell back asleep. 


Ema was once again letting the water hit her scalp. 

Tired~ Aizawa X OCWhere stories live. Discover now