|| Traitor!

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"Don't be a fool, Severus," Lupin warned, his hands defensively positioned as he stood behind Sirius.

"—It's a habit. He can't help it—"

"—Sirius, be quiet—"

"—Be quiet yourself, Remus!"

Snape growled, annoyed. "You two, quarreling like an old married couple, as always."

"Run along and play with your chemistry set," Sirius continued to press, irritating Snape further. Snape appeared to reach his limit and pointed his wand directly at Sirius' face.

"I could do it, you know. But why deny the dementors? They're so eager to see you," Snape found Sirius' weak spot, causing his face to contort in immediate fear, his lip trembling. Snape noticed and continued his verbal assault.

"A Dementor's kiss. One can only imagine what that must be like to endure," Snape continued to pry. Sirius began stepping back, and Snape remarked, "It's said to be nearly unbearable to witness, but I think I'll do my best."

Y/N and Harry exchanged glances. Sirius was on the verge of being dragged away by Snape when Y/N took a step forward, handed Harry her wand, and signaled him. No words were needed; their eyes communicated the plan.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted. Snape's eyes widened, but before he could react, Y/N sent a forceful yet controlled blast of fire, knocking Snape away without setting him ablaze. The man crashed onto the decaying bed.

"Harry, Y/N. What did you just do?" Ron choked.

"You attacked a teacher!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Tell me about Peter Pettigrew," Harry demanded.

"He attended school with us," Lupin tried to explain, desperation evident in his voice as Harry cautiously pointed his wand at both him and Sirius. "We believed he was our friend, but we were wrong!"

"Pettigrew's dead," Harry snapped, then pointed accusingly at Sirius. "You killed him!"

"He didn't," Lupin defended matter-of-factly, though his words were fast and stumbling. "I thought so too, until Y/N mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the map."

"The map?" Ron asked.

"Y/N!" Hermione's face twisted in disbelief. "You were supposed to give that to McGonagall!"

"Not exactly my top concern, Hermione, given I've just witnessed a resurrection," Y/N replied with a bite of her tongue, earning an unamused glare from Hermione. Harry then screeched in frustration.

"Stop bickering like a married couple!" Harry exclaimed. "The map was lying—" he began, but was soon interrupted.

"—The map never lies, Harry," Sirius countered. "Pettigrew's alive. Whether you like it or not!"

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