A small meeting then Night 4

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Night Guard (Kallie) POV 

I woke up to my alarm, which did the trick and got me up at eight. I felt better-actually, a lot better. I wasn't going to mention that to Bonnie though. I got up from the couch, and saw that I was still in the night guard's clothing. I ran up the stairs and got changed. I walked down the stairs slowly, then went to my day job.

*time skip cuz I don't feel like figuring out what "my" other job is :p*

I got back, and took another nap, just an hour before Baby was supposed to wake up. Which, we've figured to be 6:05. Like yesterday, she had just as many questions, this time about my life before I started working with her and the others. "If you don't mind me asking, where did you learn about us... and this?" She asks.

I set my sketch book aside, then turn to face her. She was sitting on my couch, eagerly staring at me, she seemed to be waiting for my response. "Partially my father," I reply, but don't say anything further.

"Why haven't we met your father?" She asks. "You told us stories about him before you went to the night shift there. Back when you worked with us at out location."

"Uh..." I tried to figure a way out of this... touchy subject, but then I stand up. "I can go make you some lunch or dinner maybe? I mean, you haven't eaten anything, and you must be starving-" she cut me off.

"Kal, what happened to your father?" She asks again.

"You're not gonna stop till I say why, aren't you?" I ask her, and she nods.

"And yes, please I'd love something to eat!" She grins.

I lead her to the kitchen, and I look around. She opens my fridge, and pulls out my leftover Subway sandwich I had from yesterday... or maybe it was the night before?

She picks it up, and looks at it. I take it away from her, then look at the sandwich. I didn't trust it.  Baby gasps, then asks "can I have ice cream?" She looks at me with puppy eyes.

God dammit.

"If you eat a sandwich or something like that, you and I can go for a little trip," I tell her, then I motion to the PB&J sandwich that I had made the night before. She picks it up, and eats it quickly.

She grins. "Now can we go for ice cream?" She asks, and looks at me with puppy eyes again.

"I already agreed, god, you don't have to do it continuously!" I grin. 

"I haven't been outside in a while..." she looks down at her hands, then back up to me. "Not since our building burnt down."

I nod. I lead her to my car, and let her sit in the passenger's seat. I go to the driver's side, and sit down. I open the garage door, and then pull the car out. I drove to the DQ that was a few blocks away, and ordered us both cones. She smiled. As I drove back, I occasionally glanced over to see her enjoy the ice cream in her hands, smiling at times. "Thanks, Kal," she smiles.

I nod. I check the time, and realize how late it was. "Well, Baby, now I have to go get ready," I say. "Don't tell anyone I took you out for ice cream otherwise ima get in some amount of trouble."

She nods, and quickly finishes the cone. I hand her napkins, and she cleans her face off a bit. "Better?" She asks, and turns to face me.

I nod. Baby rushes down the stairs, and I stand in my bedroom, with my now clean uniform in my hands. Most of the other guards hated the job, so they'd quit after a few nights, but I intended to keep my job for much longer. I had already ordered a few parts, so once I change all of the codes, I'd go to bring the Withered to my house-one by one-and fix them there. I planned on fixing Bonnie first, then I'll figure the others out after.

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