Night 16

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Night Guard (Kallie) POV

I got through my day job-it seemingly going by faster than I had expected-and I sat on my bed. I had already taken my hour nap from 4:30 to 5:25. I was recovering from waking up, and I stand up, a bit weak at the knees. I wasn't used to getting as much sleep as I have been...

I walk down the stairs, and i grab some coffee from the coffee pot. It was cooler, so I put it into the microwave, and warmed it up before i drank it. I run my hands through my hair. "I'll get it done tomorrow," I mutter aloud.

I slowly eat something I'd call a dinner before walking down the stairs to wake up Foxy. I see that Foxy had hidden in the "Cove" that Funtime had made. I gently wake him up, and he shakes his head. "Good evening, Captain," I say.

He slightly groans, then stands up. "Ahoy," he murmurs.

"So wha's first, matey?" He asks.

"Well, I need to change some mechanics in your hook, so you can change between hand and hook whenever, and not have to worry about connecting wires and all sorts of other complicating things when putting a hand on," I reply, "and I've also got to refur you, which is... very obvious... and also it seems like I might need to check on your skeletal system, and your wiring."

"Wha' makes ye say that?" He asks.

I motion to his hand, which twitches violently. "Oh aye, that..." he trails off.

I sigh slightly. I lead him to the room, and I ask him" can you see just fine out of your eye?"

I turn back to face him, as I open the door for him, and he looks at me. His eye patch flips up and he stares at me. "Eyes," I correct.

He nods. "I didn't know that you could do that," I say, and I have him sit up on the table. 

"Aye, Ive always been able t' do that," he says.

I nod. "Good to know," i murmur, and I pull up the blueprints for him.

I decided to start with checking his endo, just to make sure nothing is messed with. I sat up on the table, and I pulled off his backplate-even though there wasn't all that much to have been pulled off... I look over the wires, seeing how they were matched up, and I noticed something wrong already. Two wires were misplaced, and one was missing entirely. "Tell me if anything hurts," I say, as I carefully started to remove the two misplaced wires, to which his hand falls limp. 

"I can't even feel me hand," Foxy sighs. 

I noticed the wire that was missing was the stabilizer, this was the first I've seen in the Withereds. "Can I ask," I begin, as I start putting the misplaced wires into their correct place. "Why do you have a stabilizer?"

"I used t' be faulty, used t' glitch out at every time I was performin', the others didn't. 'Twas jus' me, 'n no one mighty quite understood," Foxy replies. "So they tried somethin' that stopped most o' the glitches. But eventually, that wore out, 'n 'twas the reason why I was decommissioned."

I sigh. "So thats a problem," I say. "I'm going to need to find that."

He nods. "Do ye know where that problem comes from?" He asks.

I nod slightly. "It's in your code," I reply. "Well, most of it is, and the rest of it would be in the wiring."

I look back to the wires, and I see just how old they were. "Another question," I begin. "When were you created?" 

We sit in silence for a while. "I was created in... 1983, if I remember correctly," he replies. "Maybe give or take a couple o' years."

I nod. "How long have you been decommissioned?" I ask.

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