Sunday and Night 21

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Circus Baby POV

I wanted to tell Kal something, but I don't think I should. She might get worried, or nervous...

But I knew something about the fire. I had lied to her, saying I didn't know what happened, just 'I woke up and I smelled smoke'. I lied straight to her face. Before, when I mentioned I should try and find a name to be called by instead of being called "Baby" in public. That might get weird looks... I found myself drawn to the name Elizabeth... 

I look around, waking up after a nap in the basement. I heard voices above, someone was crying. I barely heard music playing, so I stayed still. I look around, seeing everyone powered off. Except for Freddy, but he's like me, and doesn't go to sleep often now. I wondered if Foxy would ever be back to what he was before. I stand up, and I move to the doorway to leave. I carefully and quietly walk upwards, before I see a hooded person walking around upstairs. The person had their hands in their pockets, but I didn't want to disturb them... though, I was curious. I keep going up the stairs, looking around, before I hear something called "my stomach growling". 

I look down, before looking up again, and I see the hooded person looking at me. "Shit," he mutters. He moves slowly, walking away. I move to stand in front of him. 

He jumps back slightly, and moves to walk away. I knock his hood off. His skin was purple, and his eyes were closed. "Eggs!" I shout, quietly.

"Baby?" He asks.

"Hi Eggs!" I grin. 

"What the hell?" He asks.

I heard someone moving behind me, and I turn to look. Kal stood behind me. "Hi Kal!" I grin. I chose not to tell her at that moment. 

"Hi Baby," she says, softly. "Mike, I thought you were going to stay in the room?"

"I was, but I heard something out here," he says.

She shakes her head. "And what are you doing up Baby?" Kal asks me.

"I got bored, and Freddy isn't really in the mood for talking," I say, and I pout. "Plus I'm hungry."

She sighs. I turn to Eggs as Kal walks away to grab something from the fridge. "Can you eat?" I ask.

"No Baby," he says, he sounded upset. 

"How unfortunate!" I say, and then I see him glare at me. His eyes were open now, and I now saw the unsettling black and white eyes he had. 

"Well, frick you too," he rolls his eyes, and slowly pulls his hood back up over his head. I still saw the white lights. I shiver when he looks away.

Kal holds out a sandwich in front of me, and I take it. She hops up to sit on the counter, and I sit on the chair. Eggs leaves. "Like old times!" I say to her.

She sighs, and I take a bite of the sandwich she made me. She takes a bite of her own sandwich. "Thanks for making me a sandwich," I say.

"Mmhmm," she mutters. 

"Did I wake you up?" I ask her.

"No," she replies.

I nod, slowly. "If I told you something, would you be upset with me?" I ask her.

She looks at me, and takes another bite. "I mean I already know you killed two technicians and Mike," she replies. "How much worse can you get?"

"You remember the fire?" I ask.

"Yessss?" She drawls, and takes another bite.

"I... I started it," I tell her.

"You what?" She asks, her voice raised a bit.

Broken be Fixed (FNaF 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora