Night 11

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Night Guard (Kallie) POV 

I got off early from my day job. I had to work on Saturday again this week. Sunday I had off, which meant I could work all day on whomever I had, assuming I finish Bonnie before Sunday. I quickly got home, and found Baby. She was up again. She grins. "Come on! Let's go!" She exclaims quietly.

I nod. Baby sits in the passenger seat as I drive to the DQ. "What do you want?" I ask.

She looks to me. "Anything?" She asks.

"Anything," I reply, with a grin. 

She gasps. "Oooooooh, I don't know what I want!" She squeals.

I sigh. "Ok, we can go in so we don't hold up the line," I say.

"We can go in?" Baby asks.

I nod. I pull out of the line-after explaining to the person who was trying to take our order-and I park up front. I and Baby get out of the truck, and we both walk in. It was around lunch time, so it was a little busy. Not as busy as a normal Wednesday afternoon, but that made it a good thing. The line wasn't too long, which gave Baby more of a chance to decide. I mean, I already knew what I wanted. I wanted a cheeseburger anyways. We got up to the cashier, and I looked to Baby. "Do you wanna go first?" I ask.

She looks up to the menu, then nods. "I want... a vanilla ice cream cone," she looks to me, then smiles. 

"Anything to eat with that?" The cashier looks to Baby. 

"Uh... I didn't really think about that," she says.

The cashier turns to me. "I'll get two cheeseburgers and a vanilla cone too," I say.

The cashier nods. "To drink?" The cashier asks.

"Uh..." I look to the menu. "Two small Cokes, please."

Baby looks to me. I just smirk. "Is that it?" The cashier asks.

I nod. "Ok, that'll be-" the cashier begins, but then I hand her a few dollars.

"Just... keep the change, I don't want it, already have enough," I tell her.

The cashier nods. "Do you want the receipt?" The cashier asks.

I nod. The cashier hands the receipt to me, and then we walk away. "So what do we do now?" Baby whispers to me.

"We just wait," I say.

She nods. 

(*time skip, cuz no one really likes waiting for their DQ ,'/*)

I had driven home while Baby ate her ice cream. I had eaten my cheeseburger. "Thanks, Kal," she says. 

I smirk. "Ya know, I'd love to do this again," I say. "Maybe not always DQ, but maybe some other places? I know a few good places that have ice cream. And, there's a place where it's a chocolate factory, and we can go there some times."

She gasps, and looks at me. "Really?" She asks.

"Well, not now, but maybe when I'm done fixing the animatronics," I reply.

She stares at me, then smiles. We were standing in the kitchen, when she suddenly springs forward and hugs me. I freeze. "You're the best," she says.

"I'm really not," I say.

"But you are!" Baby pressed, and she pulls away.

I shake my head. "Well, thank you, Baby," I say.

She smiles. I pick up my ice cream from the counter, and start eating it. Baby looks at me. I motion to the cheeseburger I had put into the microwave for a while to heat it back up a bit. 

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