Night 12

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Night Guard (Kallie) POV

Today was my day off for my day job. Everyone was downstairs asleep at this time, and I just wanted to gather a few things. I had the fur ready up in the room, so all i had to do was get Bonnie. I walked down the stairs, and woke up him. He looks to me, then nods once I explain, and he walks upstairs. I wait for a moment, checking on the Funtimes and Ballora and Baby, because last night when I got back, Baby said some were acting strange again. They all seemed normal, but a something startled me. Baby's stomach hatch opens, and her claw launches out at me.

My arm was hit, before she powers down again. I wince in pain, seeing as my arm was... well, bleeding. I knew she wouldn't do that, not on purpose anyways. The claw had ripped off some of my shirt. I sigh, and quickly walk upstairs, and run into the bathroom. I ran water over my arm, which then started to burn. "Shit," I mutter, when I finally get to see how bad it was.

Certainly, was too big for a bandaid. I reached into a cabinet, and grabbed the gauze that Dad always told me to carry close. The pain was gone in minutes. Until, i carefully rinsed it out again, and I dabbed a clean towel before I put the gauze on. After I did, well, I need a new shirt. I ran up the stairs, and into my bedroom, grabbing a clean shirt that matched the one I was wearing before, and quickly put that on. It covered my arm, but not my hand. I grabbed mechanical gloves, and quickly pulled it on both of my hands. My hand stung a bit as I walked into the room where Bonnie sat on the table. "So what's for today?" He asks.

"Gonna patch up the holes," I reply, and I motion towards his arms and his legs.

He nods. "Then, after, ima clean you up, and maybe I can bring you back by tonight," I add.

"Right, because you don't have to work today?" He asks.

I nod. "Exactly, and I have all of today to work."

I grabbed the box that had the fur in it, and I placed it on the table. I first had him stand up, so I knew where I had to patch, and then I started. I started on his arm-the one I recreated-and that took up quite a bit of time, maybe just a couple of hours. I messed with his shoulder plate, trying to get it to blend in with his arm, but eventually succeeding. I did the same with his other arm, covering up the shown endoskeleton. My entire forearm and hand stung the entire time, but I didn't let that slow me down. I had a small brush that I kept beside him, and occasionally smoothed his fur, detangling anything that might've been messed up, and actually helping with cleaning some dirt off of his original fur. 

"What's up with the gloves?" He asks, disturbing the silence as I worked on his back. "As far as I know, it doesn't seem like you'd need gloves to put fur on."

I didn't want to tell him that Baby had unwillingly hurt me, knowing that that would crush her. "If im going to be cleaning you, I'd need to cover any cuts I may have, plus, I just like wearing gloves," I reply.

"Wouldn't wearing the gloves come later though?" He asks.

"Again, I still like wearing gloves," I repeat.

He nods. I start furring the back of his head, and the parts on his ears. I had replated his exposed endoskeleton down on his foot, so all I had to do was simply put the fur back. In a couple of hours, I finally finished. I check the time, and I see that it was 5:42. I grabbed a dry washcloth, and the brush, and I dampen the brush. I gently brush against his fur, and then rub the washcloth across where I had brushed the fur. My good hand held the brush, and my injured held the washcloth.

(*time skip*)

I had finished cleaning his fur in an hour or so. "If I could, I'd like to stay the night here, one more night, please," he says. "Get time to actually say my goodbyes to them all."

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