Night 10

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Night Guard (Kallie) POV 

Bonnie had woken up when I entered the basement to get him. He knew what he was needed for, so he stood up, and followed me. I walked up to the room, and I motioned to the table. He sat down. "So what are you going to do today?" He asks.

I motion towards his arm. He nods. I pull off the plates from his arm, which showed the endoskeleton underneath. I see that some wires were completely corroded, and places where wires should be. I sigh, and pull up the box of wires from under the table. "You're gonna use up all my wires!" I laugh.

He looks at me. "Don't worry, I'll get more for the others," I say.

He looks away. "When do you think I'll be able to go back?" He asks.

I think as I remove the wires, and then I finish. "Well, depending on how long it'll take me to completely make a new arm for you," I think a bit more, as I toss the corroded wires away. "Maybe I'll get you back sometime this week, maybe next week, but early next week," I reply, looking at the date. Today was Tuesday.

Bonnie nods. "If I had all day, I could maybe get you in by Thursday," I add. "But I have my day job."

"I know," he says.

I grab the new wires, and started connecting them. As I connected them, I saw his hand start moving. I don't think it was really him moving his fingers. I quickly glanced up to Bonnie, but then went back to work. Every once in a while, I'd ask if he could move his fingers, testing, basically.  I got three of his fingers in one try. His fourth I had a bit trouble. The wire wouldn't stay while I was connecting it. I sigh, and rub my face on my shoulder. I turn back to the wires, and I tried again. Finally, the wire stayed where it was supposed to, and I finished on that part of his arm. He moved his fingers around, then twisted his wrist, rotating his shoulder. 

Bonnie POV

I looked at my arm as I moved it. It didn't hurt anymore, neither did it slowly move, it moved when I actually wanted it to. I looked to Kallie, and I said "thank you."

She nods. "I try," she says.

 Night Guard (Kallie) POV 

I look to the clock, and I see that I had three hours still. "I can get to work on your other arm," I tell him, while I put the plates back on his arm. "But this time, I need you to actually stay here for me to work. Your face was basically just put together, attach a few things, but your arm, it has to be put on, while I work on it."

He looks at me, then nods. "Ok," he says.

I go to his left side, where the wires all dangled. I just shake my head. I pull off the only thing that really lasts of his arm-the shoulder plating. I see the place where his arm used to be, the metal still slightly there. I grabbed the metal rod that was roughly the same size as his other upper arm. I moved the wires away, carefully, and carefully aligned the metal rod to his shoulder. It fit, almost perfectly. I quickly attached the metal rod to his shoulder. I put an elbow-like hinge, which moved in the ways his other arm should. This morning I had checked his other arm, saw what parts I had needed. I checked the time, and I saw I had one hour left. I connected the metal forearm to his upper arm, and begun work on his hand. I didn't put his hand on right away, I put his hand together separately, then I put it on. 

Though, that will have to wait for tomorrow. Though... maybe I can bring some things to work...

I grab my bag, and then I grab another bag. This bag I hardly carried around, it was bigger and bulkier than my normal bag-which was basically, I guess just a backpack. "What're you doing?" Bonnie asks, as I load metal parts and some smaller tools into the big bag. 

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