Night 18

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Night Guard (Kallie) POV

I woke up some hours later, still fairly broken up of the events earlier. I check the time, and I see its 6:03. I forgot to set the alarm.

I overslept.

I jump up from my bed, and race down into the room-where I find Jenny and Mangle talking. Jenny looks over to me, and she smiles. "Mangle and I have been talking for the past half hour, her and I had agreed to let you sleep," Jenny explains.

"Where's Beau?" I ask.

"Beau's with Baby playing cards," Jenny replies.

I nod. "We've been waitin' fer ye t' get up, but I'm patient," Mangle says. 

"Good to now, Mangle," i say, and I look to the parts laying on the table. "Is it dry?" I ask.

"For the most part, yes," Jenny replies. "I put the gloss on while you were at work, so it's all ready."

I nod. Jenny points to the parts that weren't fully settled yet, and then motions to the ones that are ready. "Thanks, Jenny," I say, as I pull the parts ready closer to me.

I look inside the pieces-trying to figure which one was which-and I sort them. Forearm, upper arm, thigh, other forearm... I finish doing this, in ten minutes. I figured, I might be able to finish fixing Mangle by tonight-hopefully. With her chest pieces-they come apart, so I pull the two apart-and I place one piece in front of her, and behind her. "Jenny, can you help me here?" I ask, and I motion to the back piece. I was holding the front up, but the two have to connect in a particular way, that doing it one person was fairly difficult. At this time, I was glad I had some help. 

Jenny grins, and nods as she stands up, and holds the back piece up. I carefully match the two pieces together, and with her help, we snap the two back together. Mangle now had a chest and back again. I make sure to grab her bow, and put it back in its rightful spot. The seams between the two pieces nearly disappeared, which was perfect. I made sure to put her elbows and knees on before anything else-after we got the parts that could go on first, on. I could tell that her head, bow, hands, and her one foot covering that had survived-were all fairly... dirty. Oh well, nothing a damp rag with some soap can't fix. 

I check the time-even though I knew it didn't take us that long to put on the pieces we did. It was 6:41. I quickly put her thighs and lower legs together, and her one foot. That took me maybe thirty minutes. I sigh softly, and I look at the last piece drying-since most of it did finish while we were putting together her chest and lower half. That last piece was her other upper arm. I quickly put together her hook-hand arm, and I put her forearm on. That took twenty minutes. I sigh, and I look over to Jenny. "Is it done?" I ask, quietly.

She nods with a smile, and hands it to me. I quickly put her upper arm onto her exposed endo, then I lean back. I grab a mirror, and I hand it to her for her to look at her reflection. "Oh its me!" She exclaims, and hands it back to me. 

"I did barely anything," I say. "You should thank Jenny." 

Mangle looks over to Jenny. "Thank ye," she says.

Jenny blushes slightly. "Kal," Jenny drawls slightly.

I shrug. "I can bring you back home tonight, if you want," I say.

"Aye," Mangle says.

I nod slightly. "When do you have off again?" Jenny asks.

"I think... maybe tomorrow, if I remember correctly. I dont remember what day it is," I sigh.

"Friday," Jenny replies. "Today is Friday."

"Sunday," I tell her. "I have Sunday off for my day job. The night job never rests," I add, with a grin.

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