Chapter 2: efy- the dance

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"...shut up and dance with me!!" I walk in, shut and dance by walk the moon is playing. There is a big circle of youth in the center of the gym. I'm with Chandler, we are linked in arms. I'm wearing my coral pink dress. He is in a suit;he looks too handsome! "Hey I'm going to get some water, want some?"
"That be great, thanks. I'll be with lach and Kate." I say
"Cool. Be right back."
Kate, lach, and I are dancing our hearts out. It's been 5 min where is Chandler, I think to myself. The song ends and a slow song starts: force of nature by Bea Miller, I LOVE this song. A guy I new from a previous dance, Russell, kind of creepy, asks to dance with Kate, and lachland is dancing with this girl he's had his eye on since orientation this morning. I'm just standing here...waiting. Where is he. I'm feeling lonely, did he ditch me? I walk over to a table and pull out my phone to not look 'forever alone' then suddenly a hand pulls me to my feet, I almost trip and a their hand lands on my waist and another in my hand. I put my hand on their shoulder and I finally see who it is. Chandler. "Do you really think I'd let such a pretty girl sit out during a slow song?" He says. I laugh and say "you never came back, I thought you ditched me." I put a pouty face on and curl my lip, me smiles. Aw that smile, like kryptonite. "Sorry went up to the DJ and requested a song."
"What song," I ask
"This one."
"Your joking, I love this song!"
"I know."
"What? How?" "Did Kate spill?!" I ask
"Haha no. I saw your phone when you plugged in your headphones and was Listoning to music, this song was on repeat."
"I am a little obsessed."
"Can I twirl you?"
"Go for it. But I haven't mastered it yet."
He twirls me and I tag a couple dancing next to us. It's a dance thing you pass around tag while dancing.
"No tag backs," I say as I get twirled back.
The music end and Chandler gets in one knee while holding my had and says " it 'twas a pleasure dance in with you."
" it was a great dance, thank you, Shakespeare." We laugh and meet up without group.
"Hey babe." I hear behind my shoulder.
Aw crap I say under my breath.

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