Chaoter 27: Emerson

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Chandler woke me up at 6:40am to tell me goodbye and a kiss. he had a class at 7am. I went back to sleep and what felt like minutes later my alarm for 7:45 woke me up. I got up, took a shower, did my makeup and hair, then put on my Costco vest. I walked in the kitchen and opened the fridge. Chandler left some oatmeal and cut up fruits for me. I heated it up and ate it. I got in my car and drive to work. Chandler and I have 2 cars, so it works out perfectly. Wen I got to work I clocked it at 9:00am on the dot. I worked from 9-5 weekdays. On Saturdays I did online schooling and sometimes during the week. Sunday's were my off days to go to church and be with my husband. I put my purse in my locker and put on my name tag. Lily, my best friend and manager, poked her head around the corner.
"Hey! How was Tahiti?"
"Uhh, I miss Tahiti!" I said
"Well wen you get your bachelors degree don't complain about how many kids don't have a home."
"I was actually thinking about adopting. I'm not sure though." I said
"Have you even asked Chandler?" Lily asked
"No, if I was sure I would have asked." We walked out and she put me on cashier.
"Have a good day back." She said. I opened my register and began scanning items. A lady was paying for her items in a shirt that said "bun in the oven"
"Aw cute shirt, wen are you due?" I asked
"Excuse me!? I am not pregnant!" She yelled
"Your ehh ehh shirt.. Never mind." I said
"Mmm mm. You lucky I don't complain to your manager." She said walking off. Another customer came by purchasing a large bag of dog food.
"You have a big dog?" I asked
"No." He said
"I don't have a dog, I am starting the Purina Diet again. I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in the hospital last time, but I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms."
"A diet?" I asked
"it is essentially a Perfect Diet and that the way that it works is, to load your pants pockets with Purina Nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well." The man said.
"Did you go in to intesive care because it poisoned you?" I asked.
"no, I stepped off a curb to sniff a poodle's butt and a car hit me."
"Interesting." I said
"Have a nice day." He said walking off
"You too." Did that really just happen? I asked myself. Lily made me do samples after I worked at the register. I was putting out samples of a energy drink. I was greeting customers and filling up cups. I stomach was growling and lunch was almost here.
"This looks good, thank you." A young man said. I look up and saw Chandler's face. He held up a bag of in 'n out burger.
"Lunch?" He asked.
"Yes! I'm staving, thank you!" I got up and my co worker took my place. We walked to the break room. On my way I told lily I was taking lunch. Chandler and I sat down at a table.
"So how is your first day back?" He asked
"Bad. I saw a lady with a shirt oh that said bin in the oven. I asked her when she was do and she got mad and said she wasn't pregnant." I took a bite of my burger.
"That's harsh."
"And then this guy was buying pet food and I asked if he had a big dog. He went on and on about how that is his diet and it helped him lose 50 pounds." I said
"He's very convincing." Chandler said
"What do you mean?" I asked
"B, he's just pulling your leg."
"Really? That explains a lot."
"How was your day at school?" I asked
"Good, good. My professor sees 'nothing but potential'"
"That's sounds good. Which professor?" I asked
"Professor Whitney."
"Annie had him last semester. He's really good she says."
"Alright I'm going to go get some groceries. I'll say goodbye before I leave." He say getting up.
"Ok, thanks for lunch, babe." He kissed me.
"No problem." After lunch I went back to samples. I just needed to clean up. I was walking back o the bathrooms and Chandler walked over with a cart full of food and said goodbye.

After work I parked my car and walked up the steps to open the door. I open the door and see my husband on the couch and a dog on the couch.
"Why in the heck is there a dog in my apartment!?"
"Our apartment. And I got her for us."
"Chandler we can barely play for you to go to school, why do you think we can take care of a dog wen we aren't even here?" I yelled
"B, calm down. I'm not gone all day I would love to come home and feed her and let her out to pee. Think of it as a no child."
"Oh my gosh, she's so cute." I said petting her.
"Just don't surprise me with another one anytime soon." I said
"I won't as long as you don't suppose me with a baby." I gave him a funny look.
"No kids right now." I said.
"What are you going to name her?" He asked
"Isn't that your boss' name?"
"No." We sat there for 2 hours looking for a name.
"Mm. I like it."
"Yes! Finally! Emerson."
"We need to go to the pet store." Chandler said.
"Ok." We opened the door and she didn't run. We all walked to the car and got in.

Wen we got in the store she walked right by our side.
"Ma'am your dog needs to have a leash."
"Can you buy one, that's kind of why we're here."
"Absolutely, follow me." See took us to the collar and leash aisle. I picked out a red polka dot one and we got her a tag that says her name and our phone numbers. We also got a kennel, dog bed, food, toys, and treats. We payed and walked out.

When we got home we taught her how to 'kennel up'. She did great. We fed her. And we ate too. We played with her all night. We fell asleep on the couch and Emerson licked my face I kenneled her and got a blanket. I turned off the lights and locked the door. I sat back on the couch and fell asleep on Chandler's shoulder.

Married to Chandler Riggs // I WaitedWhere stories live. Discover now