Chapter 13: facing the world

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It's 12:45 pm and I'm in bed with my tissues and Netflix.
"B, let's go to the mall, you need to get out." Annie says. I'm watching the titanic.
"No, I'm ok you go with hunter." I say with a stuffed up nose and red puffy eyes. Annie comes over to where I'm sitting.
"You going to work?" She asks
"No. I can't face the world." I say pausing my movie.
"You have been crying for days, please come with me!"
"Watch the movie with me." I say
"Up, up, up." She says pushing me off my bed. She walks over to our closet and picks out a white long sleeve shirt with a pink scarf, jeans, pea coat, and grey boots. She lays it on the bed.
"Get a shower and meet me upstairs in 30 minutes."
"Annie!" I say as she closes the door. I sit in bed for a minute, looking at my ring.
"1 year and 11 months." I say. I get showered and put my clothes on.

Upstairs I eat a banana, Annie's talking to mom. Mom hands her $20 and Annie walks over to retreave my keys.

"We're taking your car, let's go." I throw away my banana peel and walk outside with her. I open the passenger side door and get in. Annie walks to the driver side and gets in. She puts the keys in and starts the engine. We buckle our seats belts and she backs out of the drive way. "I know it's hard, but you can't keep locking people out of your life, B." She says. I stare at the road. "I know." I say wiping a tear from my face. Don't cry. Don't cry. "It's only been a month and your a mess." I look at my chipped nails. Usually I always had perfect acrylic French tips. She was right. "I'm going back to work tomorrow." I say. "Good. We care about you, you know?"
"I know." We park in aunt Julie's driveway.
"What are we doing here?" I asked
"We are taking Callie and Rosie ice skating." She says closing the car door. We walk up to the kitchen door and open it. Julie is in the kitchen doing dishes.
"Anabelle!" Callie say hugging here feet."
"Hey Callie, you ready?"
"I am!" Rosie says
"Get your shoes on." I say. They run off.
"Are you sure you want to take them? They're driving me nuts." Aunt Julie says.
"We'll be fine." Annie says.
"What about Braden?" I ask
"He's at a friends house." She says
"Ooh, some nice alone time." I say
"You have had plenty of that, B" Annie says. I smile.
"I'm ready!" Rosie says with a oversized coat on. Callie walks in wearing a ugly Christmas sweater.
"Julie, it's March" Annie says pointing to Callie's sweater. (The weather here is still cold and snowy)
"Go change your shirt." Julie says flicking her wrist with water at Callie. She sreams as she runs to her room.
"She's so difficult!" Julie whispers.
"Haha." I say
"Wait til you have kids!" Julie says
"Yeah..." I say. Callie comes back wearing a football jersey.
"Better." Julie says.
"Get your little buns in the car!" I said lightly patting Rosie's bum.

"All about that bass, bout that bass..." Rosie's sings in the back.
"Rosie! Where do you lean that?" Annie says, keeping her eyes on the road.
"Teen magazine!" She says.
"She has one cute personality!" I say to Annie.
"No kidding." She says laughing.
"Can we Liston to wrecking ball?" Rosie asks
"No!" Annie and I say in unison.

We arive at the mall. "Alright, everyone out." Annie says. "I have to potty!" Rosie wines.
"I'll take her, you and Callie wait here." I say to Annie. She nods. We're in the bathroom and Rosie is on the toilet. "The other day this boy kissed me on the cheek, at school." Rosie says.
"Wow. You have quite the brave man." I say
"Not really, he has a girlfriend."
"Rosie, you are in 3rd grade how can he possibly have a girlfriend."
"Your missing the point! He cheated on her with me!" She yells. I laugh.
"Shh.." I tell her. She flushes and opens the door and walks over to the sink.
"When I grow up my husband will have to buy me ice cream every day." Rosie say.
"Really?" I say. She's holding my hand as we walk out the restroom.
"Yes and will will be rich."
"Sounds like a plan. Who are you going to marry?"
"Augustus waters! He's hot. And we will have 50 kids." She says casualy.
"wow, that's a lot." I say.
"I paid. What size are you?" Annie asked me.
"9." I say. Annie told the guy at the stand my size and he gave her a pair of skates. She already had on Callie's and hers. She handed me mine and Rosie's. We all walked over to the bench and sat down to put them on. I kneel down to take Rosie's shoes off. Then I put her skates on. Then Annie, Callie, and Rosie went out on the rink. "Give me just a minute." I told Annie.
"K." I put my skates on al walked over to the girls.
"Ready? Show me your moves." I told Callie. Callie is a ice skater. She does competition. She did a double spin in the air. "Whoa!" I cheered. She loved being on the ice. After skating we got dinner and drove back to Julie's and dropped of the girls. We got home and I got a txt from Greyson:
G-dubs: hey wanna go get ice cream?"
Me: sure.
"I'm going with Greyson to get some ice cream." I told Annie. She tossed me the keys.
"Ok, see you in a bit." She said she got out of the car and went inside. I switched to the driver seat and drove to the Riggs.

"Hey." I said as Greyson entered the car.
"How are you doing?" He asked
"I could be better." I answered. We drive to Macie's. I parked and we got out and walked inside. We got our ice cream and sat down at a table to talk.
"How's school?" I asked
"Good, it's close to being over."
"Have you been getting Chandler's letters?" He asked. Hearing his name made my heart ache.
"Yes, I have." I say
"Did you read the one about the homeless man they baptized?"
"Yeah. I'm so proud of him." I said.
"I want to be just like him, and have a girl who loves me waiting for wen I get back."
"It's hard." I said
"I'm sorry, I brought it up."
"No it's ok, I need to let it out."
"So what are you thinking for your wedding?" He asked.
"I want the colors to be lavender and light yellow." I say smiling, I haven't told anyone about my ideas.
"How come? Those are a little odd."
"Purple for my great grandma and yellow for my aunt." I said
"I like it." He said
"I bet you have all your bridesmaids planned."
"Annie, Ashley, Lindsay, and my 4 best friends from Texas, Michelle, Gabby, grace, and Kate." I say
"I wonder who this Gabby, grace, and Michelle are." Greyson asks.
"Haha, they are amazing, you will love them." We finished out ice cream and I drive Greyson back to his house. Wen I got home I wrote an email to Chandler, and went to bed. Tomorrow will be good, I say to myself.

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