Chapter 37: taking them home and Blair

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Thank goodness they love pacifiers or I might be dead right now. Chandler and I were up all night rocking and diaper changing. We have finally been discharged today. Chandler ran home to get car seats. I'm just laying in bed feeding Mav and Bently. Chandler came in with the car seats. We buckled them in. They nurse told us to swaddle them for the first few months. Chandler drove us home in our little minivan. Wen we got home we spent the day together. I got a call from Milo he told me that they had a 16 year old girl who was kicked out of her foster home and needed one night somewhere until they could rehome her. I hesitated but Chandler made me say yes. 15 minutes later a teen was at my door.
"Shh.. The Babies are asleep." I said to her.
"I'm Blair." He said shaking my hand in a loud voice. I opened the door and shoved her outside closing the door behind me.
"Blair, I realized you are in a unfilmiliar home but I just home home from the hospital after giving birth to two children. Please cut me some slack."
"Sorry." She said rudly.
"Do you realize that me allowing you to come to my home with new babies and on my maternity leave is very very kind of me?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Now, I am Bailey and my husband Chandler and I would like it if you could please quiet your voice.
"Ok." She said. I let her inside and showed her to the guest room.
"Do you want ne to tell you why I got kicked out?" She asked
"I think I figured that out in my own." I said.
"Teen pregnancy." She said
"What?" I asked
"I snuck out and did it with a boy, first time, boom pregnant."
"Is that true?" I asked
"Yup, I have depression. I was given up for adoption wen I was 2 weeks old. I then went behind my foster parents. How far along?" I asked
"I don't know, couple weeks."
"Do you have contact with the father?" I asked.
"He wants to be apart but i don't want him to." Blair said
"Honey, don't shun the father out, would you like it if you were the father? It hurts." I said.
"I don't want this baby!" She said.
"If you are old enough to do it, you are old enough to be a mother and face the consequences. Blair this is a human, do you want to do that to a human just because you don't want it? This is not a tee shirt you don't want anymore and throwing it in the goodwill pile, this is a human." I said. Blair started crying.
"What do I do?" She said. I hugged her
"You have the option to give up this baby for adoption or keep it." I said
"I don't know." She said.
"Think about it, pray about it." I said
"I do t pray."
"I'm this household we do." I got up.
"Do you need anything?" I asked.
"Can I have a shower?" She asked.
"Of course." I gave her soap and a towel.
I walked in to Bently's room and saw Chandler rocking her.
"She hungry." He said.
"Come here." I said taking Bently. I sat on the rocking chair feeding Bently. Chandler took a nap in the ground. Blair came in.
"Bailey, can I eat something."
"Of course."
"Thanks. Do you need anything?" She asked.
"No thank you." I said. She walked out. Chandler was out cold, snoring. I put Bently back in her crib and put Chandler to bed also. I walked in the kitchen and saw Blair having cereal at the kitchen table.
You have beautiful home." She said
"Thank you." I sat down next to her.
"Blair, I know Mili said one night, but we all know it's going to be more. You are welcome here for as long as you need." I said.
"I'm sorry it was bad timing." She said.
"It's ok. It was for a reason." I said. We finished breakfast and all took a nap. An hour later Mav was crying.
"Your turn." I said nudging Chandler.
"Your turn." He said. Then I fell asleep. 5 minutes later I woke up and Chandler was still asleep. I ran in to Mavericks nursery. Blair was changing his diaper. I walked over.
"Sorry, he was crying and I didn't want to wake you."
"It's ok, that's very nice if you. And good exspirience." I said. She smiled.
"It must be hard with 2." She said.
"Who knows you could end up with 3." I said
"Oh god no!" She said laughing.
"Blair we don't use the lords name in vain, try oh poop no!" She laughed.
"Your a beautiful family."
"Thank you. I'm sure your will be beautiful too." I heard a knock on the door. I open it and see Milo.
"Hey, how are the babies?"
"Good, thank you. What's up?" He shook his head. I closed the door and we sat in the bench.
"No luck on a foster home. For her age it's hard."
"Did she come from a LDS foster home?"
"No, she outside LDSFS."
"She a good kid." I said
"I hope, I feel bad having you watch her. I would but I have one with me right now."
"It's ok I understand." Milo left and I walked back inside. I went back in to Mavericks room and she wasn't there. I went in the guest room and saw her in the bed crying.
"I heard everything. I'm a lost child, I have no home, no family, no love." She said. I sat down and rubbed her back
"Blair! Right now this is your home, right now this is your family, and right now I love you, your Heavenly Father loves you, you are never alone in this. It's going to be hard, and it's going to suck duck, but you have to be strong." She hugged me.
"Your like the mom I never had." She said in my ear.
"Why don't we have some dinner?" I asked.
"Ok." She said wiping her nose. I ordered take out. We ate and then talked. I let Chandler sleep while I took care of the kids, teaching Blair how to bottle feed and swaddle. She has so much potential. I hate to see her so worn down and Broken. That night was rough but we made it. When I got out of the shower I went to check on Bently. Chandler was talking to Blair and getting to know her. He hugged her and went off the bed. I layed in bed with my head to his chest hearing his heart beat.
"Did you get any stretch marks?" Chandler asked
"Haha, let me see." I looked at my stomach and counted
"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8." I said
"It doesn't matter, because your gorgeous." He said.
"I love you."
"I love you too goodnight."

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