Chapter 14: Big plans

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It's 2:10 pm I'm at Tonya's discussing wedding plans.
"Oh crud nuggets, I have to get to work." I tell Tonya.
"Come back after work."
"Ok, see you in a bit." I say. I walk to my car and open the door. I climb in and my phone chimes: it's a email from chandler.

Subject: Groomsmen
I want Greyson as my best man. And the others are Clayton, Alan, Carl, Kian, Aiden and Hunter.
And you chose Annie as your maid of honor? The other bridesmaids are: Ashley, Lindsay, Michelle, Gabby, Grace, and Kate. Correct? Let me know who is paired with who.
I would like chocolate cake. You can decide the design.
Love you! -elder Riggs.

Subject: wedding
Yes on bridesmaids and maid of honor. And yes on grooms men and best man.
I am thinking: Greyson & Gabby, Clayton & Lindsay, Grace & Kian, Michelle & Allan, Ashley & Carl, Aiden & Kate, Annie & hunter. Let me know. And daisies or yellow roses?
Love you - B

After I send the email its 2:20. My shift is in 10 minutes. I drive to Costco. After my shift I grab Tonya and I dinner. Cafe Rio salads. We finish wedding plans and I go home.

It's 8:00 pm. I sit on my bed. Annie walks in. "Hey." She says.
"Hey." I look up. My show rolled credits. I was crying, who doesn't cry during the Titanic.
"You ok?" She says rubbing my knee.
"Yeah I was watching the Titanic." I say laughing.
"Oh, haha I feel you." She says. I smile
"What's up?" I ask
"I want to do your nails. A little demo for the wedding." She winked
"Ok," I show her my nasty nails.
"Ew! Let's clean those up!" I laugh. She took my hand and we walk in to moms bathroom. I sit at the sink and he washed my hands and pushes my cuticles back.
"Who are your bridesmaids!" She asks.
"You are my maid of honor, and then we have Ashley, Lindsay, Michelle, Gabby, Grace, and Kate. You remember Grace, Michelle, and Gabby right?"
"Hah, red head Gabby? she's a riot! I lover her.
"Ya, she's my friend from Texas."
" and Grace as in Grace Lawley?"
" ya, I remember in middle school she would always make weird noises that sounded just like Kian, its so funny they actually got married!" I say
"And goofy Michelle?" She asked
"Hah yes. She's so funny. I showed her a picture of Greyson and she was like: he looks like he's 12!"
"Hah! He does have one nice baby face." Annie say.
"Who are the groomsmen?" She asks
"Greyson is best man and the others are Alan, Carl, Kian, Aiden and Hunter." She drys my hands and starts filing them.
"Who's with who?"
"Greyson & Gabby, Clayton & Lindsay, Grace & Kian, Michelle & Allan, Ashley & Carl, Aiden & Kate, you & hunter."
She then pulled out 3 colors of polish.
"Which one?" She ask. I point to the red. She puts on a base coat and starts painting.
"Thanks for pampering me. It's been rough with out him." I say
"B, I don't like coming home from work seeing you binging on Netflix, watching Titanic. That's like the 5 time this week!"
"I know. I jus-
"No! No more excuses. You told me last week when we took the girls ice skating this would change."
"Let's do something crazy!" I say
"Oh no, like what?"
" let's rent out a apparent together, just until chandler comes home."
" that kind of sounds fun." Mom walks in.
"Hey! Will you do my nails next, reindeer are out of season." She says looking at her nails. We laughed
"Sure mom." She fills a bucket of hot water and soap and sticks my feet in while she paints moms nails.
"What were you talking about?" Mom asks
" we want do to something." I say
"We want your opinion." Annie says.
"Oh gosh, what?"
"We want to look in to renting out a apparent." Annie says.
"Umm. That sounds like it would be a good experience for you two, living on your own, i like it."
"Thanks mom." We say.
"I'll look in the morning with you." Mom says

After my nails were done I got in bed a looked at my phone. Email:
Subject: wedding
Good on putting the girls and guys together. Where are you wanting the reception?
Love you! -elder Riggs

Subject: wedding
I want to do it in Jeff and Tonya's backyard. What do you think?
Love you too! -B

I send the email and fell asleep.

In the morning mom came in our room holding a laptop.
"I found the one!" She yelled
"What?" Annie said just waking up.
"The dress! Bailey's dress! I found it!!"
"Let me see!" I say. I looked at the screen. I saw a beautiful white floor length wedding dress it had lace and cap sleeves. It was gorgeous!
"I love it!!" I say
"Ok! Good. Now get up we are going apartment hunting!" Alan and Aiden walk in and are picking up the 2 bras on the floor and putting them on.
"Look my I'm a girl!" Aiden says. Mom laughs takes out her phone for a picture.
"Say: Womenhood!" I sigh and fall back in my bed.
"Really?" Annie says
"Annie! Don't get sassy with me!" Mom says. Then the boys and her leave the room. We get dressed and leave the house with mom.

"I found a few." My mom says getting in to the car. We are looking at 3 today. We drove to the realtors office and she got in the car.
"The first one is next to the BYU Campus." She said.
"That's perfect since chandler will be going to school after you get married." Mom says
I walk in and fall in love with the place. Large kitchen open family room. 2 bedroom 2 bath.
"I love it so much,B" Annie says
"Do you guys want to look at more?"
"This is actually everything we want."
"Will you take it?" The realtor asks.

Married to Chandler Riggs // I WaitedWhere stories live. Discover now