Chapter 38: getting out

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The baby monitor woke me up at 4 in the morning. I went in to their rooms and took them out to the living room. I sat on the couch feeding the babies and watching Netflix. I noticed that Blair was sitting at the table reading.
"Hey." I said
"Oh sorry I got caught up reading."
"What are you reading?" I asked
"I found it in the coffee table. The Book of Mormon." She said
"Do you like it?" I asked.
"I really do. I'm stuck in Alma."
"Alma is so long!" I said laughing.
"It's like 250 pages!"
"How long have you been reading it?" I asked
"Just since I've been here." Witch has been 2 nights.
"You see that book on the shelf? It's really thick and short?" I asked
"Yeah." Blair said
"Bring it over here." I said. She got up, retrieved the book and sat next to me.
"Open to Joseph smith History." I said. She flipped the taps to the back.
"It's inly a few pages. I want you to read it." And she did. After she finished she looked up at me.
"What is this feeling I have? It makes me feel so clean and pure, and just happy." She said
"It's the spirit. Wen I get the spirit I get goosebumps." I said
"I like this. A lot." She said smiling.
"Do you want to learn more?" I asked.
"Yes!" She said.
"I'd love for you to lean more." I said. She nodded.
"I'm going to go back to bed." She set the books in the table.
"Your welcome to have them if you want." I said.
"No their yours. I'm ok." She said
"Please take them." I said.
"Thank you."
"Your very welcome, Blair." She took the books and went to bed. I stayed up feeding. A little bit later Chandler comes out. He sits on the couch next to me.
"I didn't hear you come back, thought I'd check on you."
"I'm ok." I rested my head in him. He kissed my forehead. Maverick and Bently started the fuss.
"Chandler go get their pacifiers, quick. I'll time you." I said
He laughed. He ran to their rooms and got the binkies. He rocked maverick and I rocked Bently.
"So have you talked to Blair?" I asked Chandler.
"Not a lot, how about you?" He asked.
"She was reading the Book of Mormon. She said she wants to learn more."
"That's amazing." He kissed me. I turned off the tv and we put them back to bed. Chandler and I went back to bed and I kid you not 2 minutes later they both start crying. We got up, again, and changed their diaper. After getting Bently to sleep I fell asleep in my bed with her in my arms. I woke in the morning with Chandler rocking Bently.
"You fell asleep." He said.
"Yeah." I yawned.
"Good morning." He kissed me.
"Good morning."
"You grandparents called and said they will take the babies because we need to get out." Chandler said.
"We've had them 2 days and already they want them." I laughed
"Yeah, so get ready, you can't spend all day in you pajamas." I got dressed them fed the babies. Blair walked in my room.
"He do you want me to get the door?" She asked.
"Oh I didn't hear it, it's just my grandparents."
"Ok I'll let them in." Blair said. I layed Bently in the bed a swaddled her. Then Mav. I walked into the family room and saw my mom and dad.
"I thought grandma and grandpa were coming." I said
"The babies grandma and grandpa." Chandler yelled from the bedroom.
"Oh ok." I said handing my mom Mav and my dad Bently.
"Aw my gosh there gorgeous." She said.
"Thanks, I made them." Chandler said wrapping his arms around me from behind.
"Oh mom this is Blair." I said pointing
"She's staying with us for a bit." Chandler said
"Hello. We're mr and mrs humphreys." My dad said shaking her hand.
"Blair. I got kicked out of my foster home, if you were wondering." She smiled.
"Blair!" I yelled.
"What?" She whispered.
"I hope you find a loving family." My mom says.
"Thank you." Blair says.
"Ok milk is in the freezer, blankets were just washed. They don't really have a schedule, but they always go down from 2-4" I say.
"And the tub of pacifiers is on B's night stand." Chandler says
"I think we've had a few of these, but thank you." My dad says.
"Thank you for watching them."
"Blair, you ready?" Chandler asked
"Oh, I'm going?" She asked.
"Yeah, go get ready, we will." I said. Walked to her room.
"She a good kid." I said to my mom.
"Why was she kicked out?" My mom whispered.
"Tenn pregnancy." I whispered.
"Oh." My mom said. Blair walked down the stairs.
"Ready." She said.
"Ok let's go." We got in the car and drove to the mall. We got out of the car and walked through the entrance.
"What are we doing here?" Blair asked.
"We need to get you some new clothes." He clothes were ragety and old, and some don't fit.
"These clothes are fine." She said.
"Blair wen your belly gets bigger you need bigger clothes." I said. She nodded.
"Hey B, I'm just going to look around call me wen your ready." Chandler said
"K." He walked off.
"Where to first?" I asked Blair.
"Uh JC penny?" She said.
"Sure." We walked in to the store and went to the juniors section.
"Can pregnant girls wear booty shorts?" Blair asked.
"Not in my house." I laughed.
"What?" Blair asked.
"If your butt hangs out of shorts you need a linger pair." I laughed.
"What about these?" She hold us a short pair.
"If you can see the pockets, something's wrong." I said. She laughed.
"Then what? All I wear are those and jeans." She said.
"How about these." I held up a knee length pair of shorts.
"I like those." She said. I put it in the cart. We got her some shorts and maternity shirts. Them we went in the baby section and picked out cute clothes for maverick and Bently. My phone chimed.
"Aw." I said
"What?" Blair asked.
"My mom sent me a picture of Mav and Bently." I showed her the picture.
"That's adorable." We got the twins shirts that say thing one and think two. We payed. I called Chandler.
"Hey, we're in the car." I said.
"K, be there in a minute." He hung up. A little bit later he opened the door and drive home.
"What did you get?" I asked Chandler.
"Play len for the kids." He says.
"And I got you some earrings and Blair a scarf."
"Thanks babe." I kissed his cheek.
"Thanks mr.Riggs." Blair said.
"You know you can call me Chandler."
"Thank you Chandler." Blair said. We ate lunch on our way back. We opened the door and walked in. I set the stuff in the couch.
"They just went down." My mom said.
"Ok, thank you!" I say hugging my mom and dad. Chandler does the same. My mom grabs her purse.
"No, mom please stay for dinner." Chandler says taking her purse.
"Oh alright." She said putting it down. We played games and watched movies together. It was really fun. My mom cooked dinner and she left after that. We played with the kids and I showed Blair how to heat up a bottle. After we got ready for bed I read Mav and Bently a bedtime story with Chandler and went to bed.
"Goodnight B."
"Goodnight, Chandler."
"Love you."
"Love you too." He kissed me good night, and we fell asleep.

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