Chapter 5: 84 days til his mission

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Flash forward November 7: it's my belated birthday.(by 2 months) Me, Chandler , and Annie graduated early. We didn't do anything for me and Annie's real birthday because of all the school work we need to get done for graduating early. Chandler contacted my grandparents in West Jordan to see if they could take us camping.

"Hello, grandma Judy, grandpa Kay? Chandler, Annie, and I are here." We walked in. No answer. The R.V was in the drive way. "Let's check the R.V" I say
They follow. I open the door to see my grandma on her phone trying to figure out how to use her phone, again. And my grandpa putting food in the refrigerator. We all sit down, me next to Chandler. "Bailey! So good to see ya!" My grandma gives me a hug. "Oh Chandler you got so tall!"
"Anabelle how ya been?" My grandma talks a lot. My grandpa gives us all hugs with out a word other than hello. "Clayton is coming, Lindsay is busy planning her wedding though." My grandma says. Clayton is my cousin and Lindsay is his Fiancé. "That will be fun!" I say.
"And we're bringing the razor." My grandpa says. The razor is like a four wheeler, but bigger!
"You have one?!" Chandler asks
"Yes, son, we do!" My grandpa says. Honk honk! Clayton pulls up.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Annie says.
"I'll put your bags in." Chandler says.
"Thanks." I kiss him, it's normal now.
"Grandma you still haven't told me where we're going."
"We're going to John and Wendy's" John and Wendy are family friends.
"That fun, il get to see dusty." Dusty is their dog.
"Hey, You! Happy belated birthday!" Clayton says
"Hey you! How have you been?" I say. He gives me a hug and lifts me off my feet, he's significantly taller than me.
"Great, the wedding is taking forever though."
"Who is all coming?" He asks
"Grandpa and grandma, Kate, you, Chandler and I"
I say. Chandler walks back in the R.V and sits next to me. He gets up when he says Clayton.
"Hey, Clayton! Haven't seen you in a while!"
"Ya last time I saw you was wen Lindsay and I came up to Payson to see bailey." I smile.
Annie walks in. "Hey Clayton!"
"Hey Annie!"
"Time to get this show on the road!" Grandpa says.
On our way there Clayton talks to Chandler and I'm talking to Annie.
"I wish Kate could have came." I say
"Yeah, too bad she had to fly back to Texas."
"We're here!" My grandma sings.
We all get out of the R.V and walk inside Wendy's home.
"Judy, Kay, Clayton!So good to see you!" Wendy and John say. John is quiet, so he doesn't talk much.
"Ha! Bailey! You were 14 last time I say you!" I hug her.
"This place looks good." I say to her (they live in a little ranch)
"I don't think I've met you two!" She points to Chandler and Annie.
"This is Anabelle, my cousin, who I live with in Payson." Hey shake hands.
"And this is Chandler, my boyfriend." I say. They shake hands.
"It's good to see you have a nice man in your life!" Wendy says. "Wendy!" I say laughing.
"It's good to meet you Wendy." Chandler and Annie say.
"Why don't you get your things together, then you can fire up the four wheelers and Razor." John says.
"That sounds good." Grandma says.
"Clayton you are sleeping in the R.V, Bailey and Annie, you are in the room down the hall to the right, and Chandler you are in the R.V. Move it!" Grandma says like a bad drill sergeant. We laugh and 'get to work'.
"This is so cool! Did you see the guy next door! Best birthday ever! He's hot!" Anabelle says.
"Go for it, girl!" I say as we unpack our clothes.
I walk outside with Annie. She walks over to the neighbor and starts talking to him. He shows her how to brush the horse he has. My focus is on Annie then all of a sudden Chandler jumps out.
"Boo!" He yells in my ear. I scream!
"What the poop, Chandler!?" I hit his chest. Clayton walks over to Chandler and gives him a $1 bill.
"You guys don't bet on me!" I say Clayton rubs my head.
"Clayton come over here and help your old pops unload the Razor!" My grandma yells.
Chandler and I laugh.
"Let's go for a spin." I say. Pointing to the four wheelers. Chandler runs inside and asks John for something and comes back out.
"I got the keys, but you can't have yours."
"Chandler!" I jump in the air but there too high up.
"Say: Chandler is the best, I love Chandler!"
"Chandler is the best, I love Chandler!" I yell. He still won't give it to me. I lean up and kiss him. This distracted him long enough for my to grab the keys. I take the keys and walk over to the shed door.
"Thank you!" I say with my back turned.
"You Cheeter!" He yells and runs up behind me and tickles me. "Awweh!" I scream.
"No funny business, you guys!" My grandma says. She's on the swing on her phone, yelling at her phone. "He started it!" I yell. We laugh and he holds my hand. I start mine up and he starts his up. "Be back for dinner!" Wendy yells as we drive in to the sun set.
"Sure thing, Wendy!" Chandler says. We stop at a large oak tree in a grassy field. There are horses eating and grazing the grass. We hold hands and just stand there watching the beautiful view for what felt like ages. "I love you, thanks for asking to take me here!" I kiss Chandler's cheek. "No problem, my love" I hear honking in the distance. Then Claytons voice: "whooo hoo!" He yells! Me and Chandler get on our four wheelers as fast as we can, Claytons on the razor, so it's faster. Clayton zooms past us. Minutes later we are all 3 riding side by side. We pass Annie on our way back to the house. She is riding a horse in the neighbors back yard.we pull up to the house and park our four wheelers. "Dinner!" Wendy calls. We walk up to the porch and sit at the table. "It's spaghetti night!" Grandma says.
"Will you go get Annie, Bailey?" By grandma asks.
"Sure." I walk over to the neighbor's Yard and see the guy Annie likes. "I'm here to pick up Annie." I say with a smile. "Hi, I'm hunter." He held out his hand. I shake it. "I'm Bailey, Annie's cousin."
"Nice to meet you. She's one heck of a rider." He says
"Really, she's never ridden before."
"She's got talent." He says.
"Hey, Annie! Dinner!" I call
"Be there in a minute!" She hallors back.
"It was nice meeting you, hunter." He nods. I walk back to the porch, and sit next to Chandler "she's coming." I say. At dinner Clayton talks about the wedding. "...Bailey, I talked to Lindsay and she said that she wants you and Chandler in the wedding."
"That sounds great."
"When is it? I'm trying to get some college stuff done before I leave." Chandler says
"January 2." Clayton says.
"That works fine. Thanks man!"
"No problem."
"You going on a mission, Chandler?" Wendy asks.
"Yes ma'am, Boise, Idaho."
"That will be a great experience!" She says.

After dinner: Annie walks in our room wrapped in a towl and a towel in her hair with a toothbrush in her hand. "Your turn." She mumbles
"K, thanks." I say plugging in my phone.

After my shower I walk out to the front yard and sit there. I hear someone whistling my favorite song.
"Hey, B." Chandler says coming around the corner, he sits down next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Our heads align and we sit there starting up at the starry night shy. I didn't realize it but we fell asleep.

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