Chalter 22- Tahiti

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We woke up at 4:30am to catch our flight at leaves at 6:55am.
"Your packed right?" I asked
"Um ya. Just need a few shirts right?"
"Chandler!! Hurry!" He walked out of the room and opened a box labeled 'clothes'
"What's the weather there?"
"Chandler it's a tropical beach!" I say laughing
"Right." He pulls some clothes out and shoves them in a suitcase. I grabbed the $50 off the fridge for parking and opened the door. I got my suitcase and put it in the trunk. Then I ran back upstairs to get Chandler's.
"Wait!" He said after I started grabbing it.
"What? We can't be late!"
"I need my swim suit."
"And do you know where it is?" I asked
"Let's go we'll buy you one!" I grabbed his suit case and walked out. He turned off our lights and closed the door I say in the car and turned in the radio. He gets in and turns on the engine.
"Ready, my love?"
"Ready." I say. He drive to the airport as we sang Honney I'm good.
"Truuuuueed!" We yelled
"You got that BUTT that I kindly!" He parked the car and we got out. He popped the trunk and we got our suitcases. We walked in to the airport.
"Did you lock the car?" I asked
"Nope." He walked back outside and came back in.
"Let's do this!" He said. We walked to the kiosk and printed our tickets. We walked over to check in our bags. I put my bag in the scale: 51 pounds.
"Ma'am you are going to have to get rid of one pound." The grouchy lady said. Chandler laughed at me. His was 46 pounds. I opened my bag and pulled out a pair of shoes. The scale then read 50 pounds.
"Thank you." The lady said
"What are you going to do with those? Wear two pairs?" Chandler joked.
"No I'm putting them in your bag." I said
"Hey!" He said. I unzipped his bag and put I put in my flip flops.
"I like the way you think." The grouchy lady said. I nodded. We payed and headed to security. I put my belongings in a bin and walked though the scanner thing. No beep. Chandler put his stuff in the bin and walked though. It beeped. I laughed.
"Sir can you empty out your pockets." The tsa officer said. He pulled out a earring box.
"Sorry, those were supposed to be a surprise for the lady." Chandler said
"Put it in a bin." The tsa officer said. He did and walked back though the scanner. No beep. We walked to our gate and sat down. Chandler pulled out his phone.
"You going to tell me Bout the earrings?" I asked
"Nope." He said
"Hey!" I said hitting him in the shoulder.
"They're a surprise." He said laughing.
"Get off your phone." I said
"We're not boarding." He said
"This is our honeymoon!" I said taking his phone and outing it in my purse.
"Well now it's lost forever." He said laughing.
"Stop it!" I said laughing.
"What do you want to talk about?" He said.
"What is your plan with college?" I asked
"Well, I'm going to go and finish school to be a pediatrician. And you and going to keep going to school to get your bachelors degree to be a adoption worker and part time work at Costco. Chandler part time work at the rec center as a lifeguard. We will survive, that's the main thing."
"Ok, that sounds good."
"What are we doing in Tehiti?" He asked
"Today we are scuba diving, couples massage, and dinner in the beach."
"And tomorrow?
"Zip lining and waterfall hike." I said
"And the day after that?"
"Swimming with dolphins, surfing and hula dancing."
"Hula dancing?" He asked
"It came with the honeymoon room."
"And our last day?"
"We will spen the day in the beach making sand castles. Our flight leaves at 5pm that day."
"This is going to be amazing." He said
"I know, swimming with dolphins."
"No, the part were I get the spen time with you."
"I love you." I said leaning over and he kissed me
"I love you too, B."
"Flight to Tahiti now boarding." The man in the intercom said.
"Let's go!" I said. We sat up and I took his hand as we waited for our turn. I gave the man my ticket and I stepped aside waiting for Chandler. He grabbed my hand and we walked down the tunnel to the plane. We approached the plane.
"Touch the plane for a safe flight." He said. He out my hand in the cold plane with his on top.
"That's what ShayCarl says." I say. We walked in the plane. I walked to the back.
"You get window seat my lady."
"Thank you my Shakespeare." I said sitting down. He sat down next to me. I heard a teenage girl behind me say:
"Relationship goals!"
"Haha. We've been married for 24 hours." I say laughing.
"Oh wow. I'm Wren. Honeymoon I'm guessing?"
"Bailey, and yes. Who are you going with?" I ask
"My boyfriend." Wren said
"Relationships goals!" I said in Chandler's ear.
"I'm sorry i didn't take you to Tahiti til now." He said. I laughed. I talked to Wren for a bit then I went to sleep on Chandler's sholder. The flight is 10 hours long. Chandler woke me up.
"Can I have your credit card?"
"What for?"
"To watch a movie." He said
"Sure." I pulled it out and handed it to him. He swiped it.
"How much?"
"Holy crap! For one movie?" I said
"Movies until the flight ends." He said
"Better be good ones for $11." He laughed. He plugged in his headphones and I layed on his shoulder falling asleep. Again I wake up.
"Sorry I got to waz." He said
"Really? Pee. You have to pee."
"Yes." He kissed my cheek. I look at the flight duration: 4 and 1/2 hours remaining.
"Beverage or snack?" We lady in the cart asked.
"2 waters and gummy bears." I said
"Waters are free. That will be $3.99." I handed her my card. She swiped it and handed it back.
"$4 gummy bears better me good." I said
"What was that?" The attendant asked
"Thank you!" I said. She drove that cart back.
"Back." Chandler said sitting back down.
"I got you a water and $4 gummy bears."
"Thanks." He said kissing my forehead." I then fell back on his shoulder. I watched the movie with Chandler.
"How are you not tired? Our wedding lasted til like 12:30!" I asked
"I only watched you sleep for an hour." He said
"That's creepy." I said laughing.
"Your breakfast. Pancakes or omlet?" A attendant asked.
"We will have pancakes. Thank you."
"Here you go. Enjoy." She put some space food on my little table. Chandler took a huge bite.
"Your kidding me!" I said
"It's not as bad as it looks. One time in Boise, this lady gave me sardines, homemade."
"Eww!" I said. After we ate I fell asleep we still had about and hour left. Chandler woke me up by kissing my forehead.
"We're here!" He said. I got up and put my purse around my shoulder. We walked down the aisle. The pilot handed out plastic wings to little kids.
"Bye bailey! Have a good honeymoon!" Wren said behind me.
"You too!" I said. We walked over and exchanged our U.S money for their money:Franc. I think. We wen got our passports stamped. And went through customs. We walked outside and got a leis, the flowe necklace.
"Now we really look like tourists." Chandler said. I laughed. Then we got our luggage. We walked to a man holding a sign that read: Riggs
"Mr. And Mrs. Riggs I will take you to your room I am Mana if you have any questions." a man said
"Thank you!" I said getting into the van. It turns out it was a kidnapper! Haha just kidding, he took us to our hotel. It was gorgeous! Clear blue water, palm trees. Just stunning.
"Wow!" Chandler said as we pulled up.
"Just me you don't want to live here." The man said.
"What why?" I asked
"In this economy?!" He said raising his eyebrows. We laughed.
"Here you are mr and mrs. Riggs." He said. We got out and walked to the front desk.
"Reservation for Chandler Riggs." I said
"Yes. Honeymoon suite. Your stay will be $379.96." I handed her my credit card.
"Please fill out this information." She handed me a sheet of paper.
"I'll fill it out." Chassis taking it.
"Thanks." After filling it out we gave it back and got our room key.
"Room 347 on the 3rd floor."
"Thank you." Chandler said. We walked to the elevator and got in. It stopped on the next floor and a blind man got in. Chandler started kissing me.
"I may not be able to see. But I can hear you shoving your Tongue down that poor lady's mouth." The old man said. I just about lost it. I started laughing.
"Sorry about that." Chandler said giggling. The man stayed in the elevator wen we got out. We walked down the hall.
"How embarrassing." I said laughing
"Yeah." Chandler said opening the door.
"Holy crud!" I said. The room looked far better in person than online. It had a full kitchen and living room. I think it's bigger than our apartment.
"How did you score this great deal,B?"
"They had a Christmas special. It's usually $159.99 a night but we got it for $94.99!" I said I walked over to the balcony and opened the door. It had started raining.
"Too bad we can't scuba dive." Chandler said.
"Well let's go to our massage appointment." I said.
"Ok." We unpacked and walked to the lobby.
"Where is our couples massage?" I said to the lady at the front desk
"Down the hall to the left."
"Thanks." Chandler said. He held my hand as we walked down the hall. He opened the door that led outside to a hut. It was getting dark.
"Mr and Mrs. Riggs, welcome. Here are your robes. You can change behind this wall." The women said pointing to a bamboo room with no roof and a door.
"Thank you." I said. Chandler and I changed and came out. We were holding our clothes and I happened to drop my bra walking out. Chandler ran back and got it.
"Hahaha! Good husband!" The lady said. We laughed
"Thanks." I said to Chandler
"No problem." He said with that smirk. We layed down on two bed things and the took off our robes and placed a towel on our butts. Chandler and I watched the sunset on the beach. The lady's were funny. They asked us about our marriage.
"How long you been married?" She asked
"About 24 hours." Chandler said.
"Hahah. You have lot to learn boy!" She said
"Happy wife happy life!" The other lady said.

After our massage we ate dinner on the beach.
"Cheers to a happy wife!" Chandler said holding up his water.
"Haha. I love you!"
"I love you too,B."
"Do you think we had a better wedding than Clayton?" I asked
"Duh, we had floating lanterns." He said
"Haha. True." We just sat there, eating our meal, starring at the beautiful beach. We got back to our room and showed and got in bed. Chandler layed next to me and tangled his legs in mine.
"Your feet are cold." He said
"I can't stand wearing socks to bed." I said we laughed.
"Goodnight my B."
"Goodnight my Shakespeare."

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