Chapter 34: chicken pox

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That night we went to bed I still couldn't sleep and Chandler kept itching his arm. Chandler was holding me and I couldnt become free so I'm whispered in his ear I had to go to the bathroom. He let me go and I walked into Bently's nursery. I sat in her rocking chair that had butterflies on it and picked out a book: sneetches. I loved that book. I read Bently her bedtime story. I loved that book not only because it was one of my girls camp themes but it teaches about jealousy. How there were sneetches with stars and sneetches with no stars. In the real world that could be skinny girls and bigger girls.
"Bently, don't be like the sneetches with no stars nor the sneetches with stars. You be you. You be who god intended you to be. I love you. Goodnight." I rubbed my belly and put the book away. I walked into Mavericks room and pulled out another book: the ugly duckling. This book is not only funny but it really is the cutest book. It teaches to except one another.
"Maverick-" Chandler is leaning on the doorway smiling. I look at him and smile.
"Maverick, no matter if you you have a friend who is black, Asian, white, big, small, tall, skinny, mean, nice, selfish, or a different religion, your treat them with respect, like any other person. They are daughters and sons of God, don't treat someone differently because of a imperfection. I love you, goodnight." I rubbed my belly and Chandler walked over. He held his hand out and I grabbed it. You don't know how hard it is to get out of a chair. He pulls me to my feet and hugs me.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too." He pulls me away and kisses me and kneels onto the floor.
"Goodnight my munchkins, I love you." He says kissing my belly." He stands up and I smile. He takes my hand back to the bedroom and we get ready. I turn on the light and Chandler takes of his shirt to change. All you can see is bright red dots all over his body.
"Are you ok?!" I as frantically.
"Chicken pox. A little boy I looked at yesterday had them. I wore gloves and a mask."
"What do I do?" I asked.
"B, I'm sorry."
"I know." I blow him a kiss.
"I'll run to the store and get you something."
"No, call Alan, I don't want you or the babies around this.its best if you leave" He says.
"Ok." I tried calling but no answer. I face palm.
"He's on his mission as well as Trevor and Greyson. I'll cal Aiden." He nods.
"Aiden! Hey Chandler got the chicken pox and I need you to run to the store and get me something."
"Aren't you supposed to be on a plane in 2 hours?" He asked
"Not with chicken pox."
"Ok. Uhh what do I get?"
"Oatmeal and ani itch cream." I say.
"Ok, be there in 20."
"Ok thanks, love you."
"Love you too." I hung up the phone. I walked into the kitchen and got Chandler a glass of water and in the hall closet I got him a Tylenol.
"Take this." I said. Handing him the pill and water. He took the pill and gave me back the glass. I put it in the sink. I went in the kitchen and got a pair of oven mitts. I walked in a handed him them he put them on and started dancing. I was laughing.
"You look like Mike Wazowski wen he's afraid to touch Boo." I say
"Hahaha. Now I want to watch monsters inc." he says. He picks up the remote and turns in the TV.
"Your not serious." I say
"Yeah, I am." I'm laughing. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it.
"Thank you!!!" I say hugging Aiden. Thank goodness he moved to south Jordan.
"I also got you an ice pack and a blanket for if he gets cold and you don't want him touching the bed."
"Thank you! Please come In" he walks in and I put the groceries on the island. I grab my purse and grab my wallet.
"How much?" I ask
"Yes! How much." I start digging through the bag for a receipt.
"I got it." He said putting his hand in mine.
"Thank you." I said. You can hear Chandler dancing in the other room. Aiden walks into our room and sees Chandler in his boxers and wearing oven mitts and googles. I walk out cuz I can't take it.
"Put some clothes on bro." Aiden says
"My house, my rules, hamdog." Chandler says.
"You don't want your kids to see that." Aiden says covering my belly with his hands.
"Hey B, why don't you go do something with Anabelle. Let Chandler and I have bro time."
"Ok. Call me if you need me." I say
"Let me know if your water breaks." Chandler says.
"Always." I blow him a kiss. I grab my boots and sit on the bench at the end of our bed. I attempted to put my boots on.
"Do you want some help?" Aiden asks.
"No, I got it." I say grunting. After a good 5 minutes I give up.
"Ok." I say. I'm out of breath. Aiden walks over and put my boots on and my coat.
"Ok, bye, love you."
"Love you too!" They say in unison. I grabs the car keys and my purse. Wen I walk outside I change my mind and walk across the street to my grandparents house. I knock on the door. But it's always open.
"Grandma?" I ask.
"Oh, Bailey come around back." I hear her say. I walk around to the back door and open it. I see them setting up their Christmas tree.
"Grandma, it's October!" I say.
"Yeah, yeah. But it's late October."
"It's not even Halloween." I say sitting down.
"I told her that too." I see my aunt sandy and uncle Kevin walk around the corner. I don't see them like ever because they live in Dubai. My uncle teaches people how to fly those military helicopters.
"Oh my gosh!!!" I walk over and hug them.
"It's so good to see you!" I say.
"We had to come! We heard your exspecting." Sandy says
"I am. In February though."
"Wen was your baby shower?" She asks.
"I didn't have one because I had to work." I say
"But love my job." I say
"Well good thing im here, boy or girl?" She asks taking out a notebook and writing baby shower at the top.
"Both." I say
"your kidding?!" She says
"That's great!" Kevin says.
"Congratulations!" Sandy says.
"Thank you."
"So yellow, or green?" She says.
"I like yellow." I say
"Just like your aunt." My grandpa says.
"You know she is due on shelly' know." Grandma says.
"Aw, well we have one amazing holiday to celebrate." Sandy says.
"Do you have names?" Kevin asks.
"Maverick William and Bently Eden."
"That's precious." Sandy says.
"Thank you." I stayed over there until 8pm making baby shower plans with sandy. We even ate Arby's for lunch. The Arby's we ate at was the one Sandy first met Kevin in. Wen I got back Aiden was watching Tv in the living room. I ordered pizza for them and walked into my room and put on pajamas. I could hear Chandler singing in the bathroom.
"Hey." I said knocking on the door. He was in a tub of oatmeal.
"You feel any better?" I asked
"A lot actually." He stood up and the bright red dots were faint.
"I'll sleep on the couch tonight." He said.
"No. I want you with me. What is my water breaks or what if-"
"B, it's ok. I'm never leaving. I just don't want you to be around me wen I'm sick."
"Can't you just sleep in a sleeping bag?" I ask
"Uhh, I could." He said. I took a shower and layed in bed next to my worm. I'm so happy to have him in my life.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

Married to Chandler Riggs // I WaitedWhere stories live. Discover now