Chapter 16: Sunset picknics

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I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I got out of bed and walked in the kitchen. Kian was at the stove and Annie was doing dishes.
"Good mornin'." Annie says
"Is that bacon?" I ask yawning.
"Yup." Kian says. Grace walks out fully dressed and grabs a banana.
"I am making bacon for you! And you walk out and grab a banana. I you kidding me?! Grace, come on." Kian says. Grace sticks out her tongue.
"I'm sorry. I'll eat your nasty bacon." She gets in her tippy toes and kisses him.
"See!? Brat." He says looking at me pointing to Grace. I laughed. I walk over to the table and sit down. Annie closes the dish washer and and sits next to me.
"We're you ok last night?" She asks
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be." I ask. She leans over and wispers.
"You were kind of crying." She says
"You let me know wen hunter goes away for 2 years!" I yell. Grace walks over and pushes me out of the chair.
"What the poop?!" I say
"Get you negitive butt in the shower, you stink and we have plans today." She says. I look at Annie she looks hurt.
"Come here." I tell Annie. We walk in my room and she shuts the door.
"What." She says
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."
"I'm sorry I brought it up." She say
"We cool?" I ask
"Cool." She gets up and we hug. Then she exits my room. I shower and get ready. I walk out the door and see Kian and Grace cleaning up the mess Kian made.
"You guys don't have to do that!" I say I walk over and botty bump them away. Grace moves but Kian doesn't.
"Back off I got this bro." He says. Grace laughs
" fine. Where is Annie?" I ask
"Bathrooooom!" Kian yells
"Shut up!" Grace says Kian gets in her face
"What you say? That's what I thought." Grace steps back and puts her hands on her face, she is laughing so hard. "Stop it!" She say.
"Go get your shoes on." he says slapping her butt.
"I'm going! You don't have to be my mom!" She say
"Grace Nicole Blue-Lawley, get chow butt out of this kitchen!" He says laughing. I am on the floor at this point literally ROFL. They act like an old married couple. Annie walks out of the bathroom.
"What are we doing today?"
"We are horse back riding!" Kian say.
"That sounds so fun!" Annie says.

The car ride is fun. We play Bingo. Basically every time you see a yellow car/vehicle you yell Bingo! The game pretty much never ends and no one keeps score. At this point Kian is so done with this game.
"This is stupid! Who even came up with this crap?" He says. We laugh.
"It just to pass the time." I say
"I have to pee!" Grace yells.
"BINGO! Get it?" Kian says
"Oh my gosh, your killing me!" Annie says. We stop at a gas station and we all get out. While Grace is 'making a bingo' Annie, Kian, and I are trying on sun glasses.
"How bout these!!?" Kian says turning around in old lady reading glasses.
"Your a YouTuber?" I ask
"I wouldn't have even guessed, I thought you were a glasses model!" I say sarcastically. He laughs
"How bout these?" Annie says turning around in green star shaped glasses.
"I'm not even going to say it, it's too dirty." Kian says
"Hahaha. Let's keep it PG." I say
"You look like a grandma who can't." Kian says
"Oh my gosh!" Annie says. Grace walks out.
"Let's go people!" She says. As we are walking out I ask Grace: "how did you even marry him?" I ask
"I don't even know!" She says giggling. 20 minutes later we arrived.
"Yes! We're here!!" Kian gets out and kisses the grass.
"Sorry sitting in a car for 2 hours with 3 girls so not what I call fun!" He says.
"All you talked about was your upcoming callabs with Ricky Dillon and JC!" Grace says
"Well you talked about make up!" Kians says
" I don't wear makeup!" Grace says
"What? Are you sure. Maybe you put it on in your sleep?" She licks his finger and runs her face.
"What? No. And have you ever in our 1 and 1/2 years of marriage ever seen me put on more than chap stick?"
"You got a point." Kian says. After they argue we walk over to the lady Grace had contacted for riding.
"Hello! I'm Quinn!" She hold out her hand and we all shake it.
"Grace... We're you the gal who called?"
"Yes. We wanted the whole package deal." She says
"Come with me." She walks us over to the stables.
"We have 6 horses for the public. You have have your choice. The names are listed above the stalls." She says. I walk over to the one that catches my eye first. It's a white horse named Ocsar. I pet him.
"I want gramps." Kian says pointing to a grey with white speckled horse.
"I like jasmine." Annie says petting a brown horse.
"And I like Majic." Grace says pointing to a black horse with white head.
"I'll take Oscar." I say.
"Perfect, let me show you how to saddle them up." Quinn says. She walks over to a brown horse named Cocoa, and shows us.
"You think you got it?" She asks.
"Let's see you try Urcle." She says pointing to Kian.
"Did you.... Did you just call me Urcle?"
"Mm um." She says
"I rock suspenders way better than he ever will!" Kian says with a straight face. Quinn laughs.
"Come on show me!" Kian walks over to Gramps and pulls a saddle off the wall.
"Holy poop!" He says.
"Its heavy isn't it, Urcle."
"Yes." He says losing his breath. He pulls it on the horse and fastened the straps.
"Done." Kian says.
"Great job, lady's show Urcle up." I walk over to Oscar hand saddle him up. We all walk our horses out and get on. Quinn teaches us the commands to use and puts a couple blankets in their packs and some food. we set off.

We travel over mountains and hills. We gallop for hours. We see lots of wild life. We finally settle on a mountain and tie the horses to a tree. I open a bag and pull out a blacket and cups. Kian lays the blankets out and Annie gets the food. Me and Annie sit down and discuss bridesmaid dresses. Kian and Grace lay down and feed each other.
"Get a room!" I yell
"That crave ok?" He ask pointing to a dark hole in the mountain. Grace hits him in the shoulder.
"Stop it!" She says. We laugh and Annie and I resumed conversation. We just sat there talking in the sunset. I wished Chandler could share this moment with us, but he's doing something more important and I was going to have to wait. Just one more year.

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