Chapter 20 (Mall day)

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>Tara's POV<

We made it to the mall. Once walked in on the side of the food court, we browsed our choices carefully.

"Should we eat first?" Anika said.

"Wait a minute. We gotta manage our money carefully." I said.

"Oh, Tara." Mindy whined.

"Nooo, I'm serious. The movie theater doesn't allow outside snacks in." I said.

"Well, i could put all our snacks in my bra." Amber joked, causing Mindy to laugh along.

"Orrr, we could pick the cheapest but best place to eat in the food court. Then go shopping. Then, have enough for tickets and snacks at the movies." I said.

"This is why Tara is the mom of the group." Liv said.

"Truth." Anika said, eating gummies.

We chose to eat Asian food and it was pretty good and for a nice price.

After eating, we cleaned up our messes and started walking around the mall.

"Are you guys still forcing me to go to Spencer's?" Liv whined.

"Absolutely. Not." I replied.

"Wait, pleaseeee." Amber begged.

Mindy cracked another laugh.

"Jesus." Anika giggled.

"Why do you wanna go so bad?" I asked.

"On a serious note." Amber said, holding my arm. "There's a Chucky doll that I want that's there."

"Oh, HELL no." I said.

The girls laughed again next to us.

"Whyyy?" Amber whined.

"Because I don't want that creepy thing looking at me while I sleep." I said.

"Aww." She whined.

"What if I buy you something one day to make up for it?" I said.

"Fine." She whined again.

"You guys are so funny together." Liv said.

"Ok, seriously, we're passing up stores as we speak. Which one are we going in?" Mindy asked.

"Forever 21!" Anika said and went in.

"I guess we're going to forever 21 then." Liv said, following.

I went over to pants looking for new ones for my closet. My jeans were getting old.

"You should try these on." I said Handing Amber a pair.

"What do you guys think?" Liv came out of the dressing room in Silk Night gown.

"Who are you getting sexy for?" Amber teased.

"I will projectile vomit all over you, Amber." Mindy said with a dead expression.

I just laughed and shook my head.

"I tried on these pants." Anika danced out in denim mom jeans.

"I like the baggy look on you." I said.

We spent about 15 more minutes shopping and eventually came out.

"We should go to hot topic next." Amber said.

"So you can get more emo merchandise?" Liv teased.

"Shut up, I have coupons." Amber folded her arms playfully.

"Let's go, innn." I said.

Amber went straight to the back, looking at band T-shirts.

"Mötley Crüeeee." She sang.

"Don't overspend." I said.

"I have couponssss." She sang again.

"POKÉMON SHIRTS!" Anika yelled and ran to the section.

"We should get matching ones." Mindy suggested to Anika.

"Should we get Raichu, Pikachu, orrr Snorlax?" Anika asked.

"I got three shirts!!" Amber came over excitedly.

"Look at the bracelets they have." I said.

She went straight for the black ones.

"Wrist beadsss." She said.

I went to the front to purchase and then went to the candy stand outside of the store.

I bought a couple of lollipops for $5 while the group finished in the store.

"You snuck off." Amber complained.

"Sorry, I got hot in there. Do you want some candy?" I offered.

"Apology accepted." She said, taking the sucker.

We kept walking down a few aisles, and there was a stage in the middle of the floor. Some band was singing.

"Sweet, I free concert!" Amber said and went over.

We didn't know the words, but we sure danced for quite a while.

"The theater is down that way." I said once we finished dancing.

"Let's go get those tickets." Amber said.

"We're seeing Jumanji, right?" Liv asked.

"YUP!" I said, walking over to the ticket place.

"Are you sure this is funny?" Mindy asked.

"I'm 100% sure this is the funniest movie you'll ever watch." I said.

We got tickets, and the movie didn't start for another 30 minutes plus the commercials beforehand.

We decided to take pictures together by the movies for memories.

"Tara and Amber first." Mindy said, getting ready to take pictures with her camera.

"We should do Mindys Camera first, then my Polaroid Cam." Anika said.

We spent at least 10 minutes taking several pictures that should and will be framed and finally went to go get snacks for the movie.

"They have mini PIZZA!" Amber pointed.

"Fine, we can get it." I said.

"We need icy drinks." Anika suggested.

"Anika and I will share a large." Mindy said.

"I'll share a large with with Amber." I said.

"I'll have a small." Liv said.

We finished getting our snacks and popcorn, and before the previews finished, our candy was gone.

Finally, the movie started. It was about 2 hours long and I laughed through the whole thing, along with my friends.

By the time we came out, it was dark outside.

"Ok 11/10 it was hilarious." Mindy admitted.

"We should get food to-go from somewhere else and bring some home for everyone else." Liv suggested.

After throwing away our trash, we walked back to the other side and ordered some more food in to go plates and made our way to the car.

My phone rang and I answered.


"Hey, you guys are out pretty late." Sam said.

"We're fine, we just ended up getting the latest seeing of the movie. It was two hours plus 10 minutes of previews." I explained.

"Okay, get home safe." She said.

"We will." I replied.

"Who was that?" Amber asked, getting in the backseat with me.

"Sam checking in." I said.

"Best mom evaaaa." Amber danced.

Anika got in the driver's seat this time, and Liv got in the passenger seat.

And yes, we did karaoke on the way home.

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