Chapter Twenty One

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Derek had had enough.

Mickey could try to make it look like he had tripped over his own feet all he wanted. It was not going to change the fact that Derek knew who was behind the boy's clumsiness.

Did Arianna truly feel threatened by Jolene? Did his headstrong angel not realize that he was already half in love with her? Did she not have a mirror in which to see, that even in her cabin boy's garb, she was still more pleasing to the eye than the over made up child?

Aw, but she knew not that she was already his.

But her ignorance on those matters was no excuse for her behavior, or the behavior of those which she directed. It needed to stop. Tonight.

"Don't you agree, my lord?" Whitmore was speaking to him. All eyes around the table were turned his way.

"I apologize, Whitmore. I seem to have been lost in my own thoughts. Would you repeat the question?"

"Aye, I asked if you had heard the rumors the crew are telling. It seems they believe that Lady Arianna has claimed you from the grave. They are explaining the odd occurrences that have been happening to Miss Bridger with a dead woman's curse. The idea is preposterous. Do you not agree, captain?"

Derek stared at the Viscount as if he had grown two heads. He then lifted one arm, studied it briefly, then did the same with the other.

"Odd. I do not feel cursed." What was he truly to say about such a claim? For he could very well see where they had gotten that impression. The only flaw in their logic was that the woman was not dead.

It was only the men at the table, as the Bridger women were not present. The Viscount's brother, Mr. George Spencer, laughed at Derek's statement.

"Tis not you who feels the effects, my lord, but those who pursue you."

"There is something afoot." Dr. Bridger added. "For though my daughter would have no luck at all, were it not for bad luck, it has never been this bad before."

"I do not mean offense, Dr. Bridger, but is it possible that she offended one of my cabin boys? 'Tis a thick bond the boys share." Now he was attempting to make excuses to cover for her. This was just lovely. He could not wait to get his hands on her.

"Tis possible, my lord, she has always been an uppity thing when it came to those in serving positions. Though I know not why. She is a public servant's daughter."

Derek decided that he liked Dr. Bridger. 'Twas not many doctors who remained humble after years of a successful practice.

"I will speak with my cabin boys and do my best to ensure that it ends, Dr. Bridger. Mayhap you might speak to your daughter as well."

"Aye, that I will, boy."

"And Dr. Bridger?"


"I feel it would be best if your daughter was informed that I am promised to another. She is such a sweet girl, I have not the heart to crush her myself." The lie slipped easily off of his tongue. Better a half lie to her father than too much truth to her face.

"Aye, Trent. I shall see that she stops pestering you as well." Dr. Bridger laughed, and the conversation quieted as the men finished their supper.


Arianna helped Betsy to bathe after supper, then she did Mickey's dishes, while the cabin boys refilled the tub so that she could bathe herself. The boy's garb she was now fairly used to was comfortable, much less restricting than her gowns were, quite a bit lighter too, but tonight Arianna just wanted to be herself.

She bathed away the smell from the kitchens, and soaked in the warm water, washing her hair and letting it hang freely down her back. The dull ache in her head, from keeping her long, thick hair twisted at her crown, had become a constant and she finally felt the tension ease.

Rising from the tub, she pulled on her nightgown and wrapper. It felt sinfully delicious to have the soft silk of her nightclothes against her skin once more.

The girls played a couple of hands of rummy, while Arianna shared her story of Miss Bridger's ill fortune, and how the others were starting to believe that she had spun a curse. Betsy found the whole thing amusing and laughed at Arianna's reenactments as she told the story.

"I would like to get out of the cabin tomorrow, my lady, if you think it possible." Betsy looked up at her mistress with hope in her eyes.

"Of course, if you think you are up to it. Perhaps the captain will set you up in an out of the way spot and you may read in the sunshine for a bit. Would you like that, Betsy?"

Betsy's smile lit up her face and her enthusiastic nodding set her clean curls to bouncing. "Aye, my lady, I would like that very much."

"I will speak to the captain then, before I retire. Is there anything you might have need of tonight?"

Betsy shook her head and relaxed against her pillows. "Nay, my lady. I will be fine. Thank you."

"You are welcome, Betsy. Good night."

"Good night."

Arianna slipped from Betsy's cabin and knocked upon Derek's door, remembering to tie her wrapper, just before the door swung open.

"You." He simply said, his brows drawn low over his eyes as he looked her over from head to toe.

Arianna opened her mouth to speak, but was pulled into his cabin and pressed up against the now closed door, before much more than a squeak passed her lips.


The small rowboat crossed the waves from the Avenger to the Lady. Thomas Bell cursed the full moon, as he watched the ship before him for any indication that they had been seen. The four men behind him labored over the oars, trying to cross the illuminated water as quickly as possible.

Thomas hated these missions, the fear of discovery, and the sometimes necessary killing that went along with them. They were worth their weight in gold though, and that was why Thomas volunteered for them.

They were now in the Lady's shadow, and Thomas tied the rope about his waist. He hurled himself across the few remaining feet of water to cling to the ship. He began to scale his way up to the deck and, once he was outside the railing, he attached the rope to the lowest rung.

Now he would wait and watch.

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