Chapter Fifty One

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"If we are free, daughter, then why do you cry?"

Arianna lifted her head from her mother's lap, wiping the tears from her eyes, "I don't know, Mother. I had accepted that I had killed a man in as cowardly a way as possible; only to find he still breathes. I had thought my mother dead for years; only to find her whole and suppose it has been a trying week."

"Do you love this Earl, Arianna?" The Duchess asked, reading into her daughter's statement.

Arianna froze. Did she love Derek? After his cold manner with her in the hall earlier, she felt more hurt by him then anything else. But was she so hurt because she had opened her heart up to him? Memories of the kisses they had shared aboard his ship, stirred her blood, even now in her mother's company. But was that lust or love? They had a few disagreements, but gotten along rather well, despite the sexual tension that rose between them every time one became aware of the other. But did she love him?

"I cared for him, I still do. He moves me as no other ever has before; but 'tis not love, mother. At one point it could have been, but now, it would be foolish to love him."

"Love makes a fool of us all, but the unwilling never gain the prize. Keep your eyes open daughter, there may still be hope for your Earl." The Duchess smiled, remembering a time when her own love had once been a fool. And it seemed he had been again, more recently as well, but that matter could wait until he was present to defend himself.

"I.. I do not know what to think anymore, Mother. I just want to go home. I am glad I left, or I would never have found you, but I am ready for this adventure to be over."

"You realize your reputation may be ruined."

Arianna drew in a deep breath and her mouth tightened. "I will cross that bridge when I get to it, Mother."

"You won't do it alone, my dear."

Arianna smiled, squeezing her mother's hand. "Thank you, Mother."


Alejandro followed Carmelita up to the small quarters she had shared with their son. His palms sweat, his brow was damp, the blood pulsed loudly through his brain, as he stepped closer and closer towards the small doorway.

"Roman?" Carmelita called out.

"Yes, Mama?" An angelic voice called back.

"I have someone I want you to meet." She called in reply.

The door opened, a short replica of Alejandro stepped out into the hall. Alejandro stopped cold and stared back at the smaller mirror image of himself.
"Roman, this is your father. He has come to rescue us."

The boy's eyes left his father and widened as they reached his mother's. "Does that mean we get to leave here?"

Tears fell from Carmelita's eyes, as she smiled and nodded, in answer to her son. "We are free, Roman."

A smile spread across his face, but then his eyes turned back to Alejandro. Roman took a step closer to his mother, draping an arm about her waist and half hiding behind her.

"You look just like me." Roman said.

Alejandro smiled, dropping to his knees to be more at his son's height. "No, my boy, you look just like me."


Admiral Miser watched from around the corner as Trent and Bell carried Bailey's unconscious form down to the dungeons. If Trent was here and Bailey was his prisoner, there was not much hope that he would escape this island alive. Trent would hold a grudge against his abduction of Lady Kent. And most likely the bullet he had placed in Trent's shoulder as well.

Perhaps now was his chance.

Miser turned from the house, not even bothering to gather his belongings. There was nothing here he could not replace anyway. He made his way to the stables and saddled the closest stallion. As he mounted the stallion, the infected severed toe inside his boot pained him. He felt the pull of the fresh scar upon his cheek as he frowned at the pain, his tongue found the hole of the missing tooth he would never recover, thanks to Lady Kent.

He had been willing to allow Bailey to avenge him with the Lady and knew that he might still, despite his current state as prisoner. Aye, it was time for him to go.

The horse's hooves tore into the ground before the house as the Admiral spurred the animal through the gates and down to the harbor. He needed to get to the King before Trent.

The Duke of Marlborough had finally decided that enough was enough. His headstrong daughter had made an even bigger mess of things than he had, and frankly, he could not stay in England another week. One day, was truly all he could afford. He needed to find a man, a footpad. Preferably one tied up tightly in the Admiral's business; one who knew who the Admiral was working with, and where he may be found.

A note had been sent to the captain of the Duke's most heavily armed ship, bidding him to prepare for a voyage to the Caribbean. The Duke's valet was packing for the journey as well. With luck, he would be on open seas the morning after next. It was only a matter of time, before one of the Admiral's men came by for their 'quarterly payments', he had to act quickly.

The Duke scratched out his signature upon the letter he would send to his son. With luck, it would not reach William before he sailed. William was a good man, but he was still hot headed in his youth. A smile fleetingly touched the corners of the Duke's mouth. At twenty and seven, William was far more mature than he, himself had been. His lips compressed into a scowl. He could not say the same for his daughter.

Arianna was far too much his daughter, the Duke pitied Trent his future. Unless Trent found a way to curb her willful nature. But the Duke did not see that happening anytime soon. He sanded and sealed the letter before leaving his study and delivering it to Bentley, his butler, with instructions as to it's delivery. William would insist on accompanying him on this mission. And though Arianna's brother truly was the only one who could speak sense to the girl without receiving a defiant tongue-lashing, the Duke could not afford for both himself and William to be out of the country. Someone had to be accessible should one of the estates require attention.

The Duke retired to his rooms, tomorrow would be an eventful day.

Carmelita slipped from the room with a last glance and smile over her shoulder. The joy in her heart, at seeing her husband's arms wrapped around their sleeping son, knew no bounds. The bond between father and son had started to reform, Alejandro had sat upon the floor, recounting a few tame stories of his time at sea with Lord Trent. Within an hour, Roman had been sitting across from him, mesmerized by his stories of adventure, and laughing at his father's quick wit.

But as much as she would love to curl up with them, there was still work to be done to ensure that they were ready to leave the island. Carmelita descended the stairs with the intention of rousing the kitchens to pack provisions, but as she reached the main floor, she found Derek pacing it's width.

"Lord Trent?"

He turned, lifting haunted eyes to hers.

An awkward silence hung in the air as the two stood staring at one another. Carmelita supposed this was their formal introduction. This man had pulled her husband from a pit of despair at the bottom side of a bottle and restored him to life. Without the Earl, Alejandro may never have found them.

"I want to thank you.."

"I am glad that.."

They both spoke at the same time, and Carmelita smiled, motioning for him to continue.

"I am glad that we have finally found you. It is good to see my best friend reunited with his family." She smiled and nodded, for his words were true in her own heart as well.

"I want to thank you for being there for him. Our situation was... difficult, but I am glad that he was not alone these years. Thank you for taking care of him."

Derek smiled and moved closer, bringing her hand to his lips, he pressed a kiss to her knuckles, "He took care of me, as much as I cared for him. Though I know 'twas not by choice, I thank you for the time I had with him, for he taught me as much as he learned."

"There is no need to speak as if you have lost your friend, simply because I regained my husband, my lord. I do not see Alejandro turning his back to you so easily."

"He should, I would if situations were reversed. If I found my long lost family after ten years, I would be looking to settle as quickly as possible."

Carmelita thought on that a moment. There had been a strange glint in his eyes as he had said it, and his eyes had lifted to the stairs. Was he hoping to be able to settle the Lady Kent soon?

Derek saw the shrewd interpretation taking place in her eyes, and smiled, "You see through me as your husband does."

"If only she could, si?"

"Aye." Derek agreed.

They shared a smile between them, but Carmelita did not press him further. Instead, she related her intentions of packing provisions.

"Very good. I will signal my ship and have them put into harbor. Everything can be loaded in the morning light. Please extend an invitation to all others who wish for safe passage to England. All are invited, those who wish to stay may do so in freedom."

Carmelita's brow knit. "But the slaves are mentioned in the deeds, how will you guarantee that a new owner will not come here, and force them to work again?"

"I plan to speak to the king when we return to England. He will be hot with anger towards Bailey, and more than likely grant my request, that this island be turned over to those who have earned it."

Carmelita was doubtful, but she nodded and would relay his message just the same.

"Until later then."

"Until later, my lord."

Derek took few steps towards the stairs, ready to head to the study so that he could access the tunnels and signal his ship, but he turned back to her with his booted foot upon the bottom step.

"Should I be needed, I will be in the tunnels."

She nodded and he moved up the stairs.
Carmelita turned to the kitchens and roused cook to help her with the packing.


Arianna spent the evening with her mother in the Duchess's chamber. They had spoken for hours after Arianna's frustration over Derek's slight had receded. Arianna had shared news of her father and brother, for her mother's benefit. A knock sounded upon the door, and the Duchess nodded her regal head to Eliza, her personal slave, allowing permission for the door to be answered. Eliza quickly moved to allow Carmelita into the room.

"My lady," she said to Arianna after a curtsey for the Duchess, "Mr. Bell would like to see you."

Arianna lifted her eyes from Carmelita's to her mother's. "Do you mind if I receive him here?"

"Nay, daughter. Carmelita, please show him in."

"Yes, your ladyship."

The Duchess pulled a face at the address. "If you must be so formal, 'your grace' will do."

A smile touched the corners of Carmelita's lips. "Yes, your grace."

Carmelita turned from the room and admitted Thomas a few moments later.
Carmelita introduced Mr. Bell to the Duchess, Thomas bent low over her hand before addressing Arianna.

"My lady, the Avenger is no longer in harbor and the Admiral can not be found."

Arianna frowned at Thomas a moment, until his words fully registered, then she sighed and drew in a deep breath. She took a moment to gather her thoughts.

"If the Avenger is gone, then I assume it is safe to say Admiral Miser is as well. Has the Earl been informed of this?"

"He is being informed as we speak, his first mate is searching him out in the caves."

Arianna nodded, "Then I suggest we keep Bailey supervised and defended until he can be locked in the Green Eyed Lady's brig upon the morrow. Rouse a few men to watch the house for the Admiral, and though I don't expect him to still be here without his ship, 'twould be foolish to simply assume."

"Aye, my lady."

"Is there anything else that needs to be done this eve?" Arianna asked, suddenly feeling very tired. It had been an extremely trying day.

"Not until the morn, my lady. Perhaps you should retire for the evening."

The Duchess lifted her daughter's hand in her own, "Mr. Bell is right, my dear."

"If you will allow it, I will see you safely to your chambers." Thomas spoke again.

Arianna nodded, before turning to her mother and kissing both of her cheeks. "Until the morrow, mother."

"Until the morrow, sweet girl. Rest well."

"You as well." Arianna replied, as she embraced her mother.

Arianna left the chamber, Thomas and Carmelita followed her out. Carmelita said her goodnights on the Duchess' landing, before moving down to the kitchens to be sure her packing was completed. Thomas carried his candle before him to illuminate the stairs for Arianna as they climbed to her chambers. At the door, Arianna turned back to Thomas and thanked him for his escort.

"Not a problem, my lady. Rest well, tomorrow will be an eventful day."

Arianna smiled as she slipped her door shut. She dismissed her maids and climbed between the silken sheets without assistance. An overwhelming sense of loneliness filled her soul as she clutched to her covers. 'Twas early morning before sleep finally found her.

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