Chapter Forty Nine

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Whitmore stepped off the gangplank onto British soil once more. He breathed in a heavy drought of the foul wharf air, simply glad to have dry land below his feet again. He scanned the carriages and conveyances that lined the wharf, spotting the Duke of Marlborough's crest upon a black carriage a short ways up the road. It seemed his letter had been delivered. Whitmore hefted his baggage and made his way up the docks to the street. A footman wearing the Duke's colors took his bag and led him to the carriage. The footman opened the door, placing the bag inside for Whitmore, after he had climbed in. The Duke sat facing forward so Whitmore took the seat facing back.

"You have news of my daughter?" The Duke asked.

"Aye, she was k-kidnapped by the Admiral and t-taken to someone known as 'his lordship.'" There was a tremor in Whitmore's voice. Marlborough had always intimidated him, even when they were boys in school.

"And? .... Your letter said that much."

"Lord Trent has gone after her." Whitmore informed the Duke.
Marlborough lifted his face from the shadows the curtains created for the first time. "Trent? How did Trent know where she was?"

"I told him.. Well, I told him where he could find the information. You see, I was on the same ship she was, and when the pirates attacked..."

"Pirates!?" Marlborough yelled.

"Aye, Pirates. You see..." Whitmore began to recount the events that had taken place, before he had split ways with Lady Kent, the Duke was an avid listener.


Arianna stood on the west terrace overlooking the beach when Bailey made his appearance, fifteen minutes late.

"Do excuse me, my dear. There were some pressing matters that required my attention."

Arianna's right brow shot high upon her face; 'twas alright for him to be late, but not her?

"Please, my dear, if you will be seated I am ravenous."

No compliment for her appearance either?

Arianna moved across the terrace towards the small table, fully expecting to have to pull out her own chair to acquire a seat. Bailey stepped past her chair, but then backtracked and held it for her.

"Why, thank you." Arianna smiled a bit sarcastically.

"Your very welcome, my dear." He stated, either ignoring, or not registering her sarcasm, Arianna knew not which.
Footmen appeared through the open terrace doors with lidded dishes, wine, fruit, and breads. One of them placed a covered dish before Arianna and removed the lid. A large lobster tail nestled amongst vegetables was revealed. Arianna drew in a deep breath of the intoxicating smell.

She glanced across the table to find Bailey with his cutlery, already tearing his tail apart, so she picked up her own silverware and began to eat.

"The day after tomorrow will be our wedding, Arianna. I have made arrangements for a small ceremony on the beach, per your request."

Arianna fought to swallow the lobster in her mouth, "That sounds nice."

"Hmm.. I am sure it will be." He lapsed into silence once more, his attention on the platter before him, Arianna did not offer any other conversation.

Bailey did not speak again until his meal was half gone. "So, my dear, I..."

A footman stepped out onto the terrace, clicked his heels and bowed to his owner, "Your lordship, there seems to be a problem with your supply of brandy. Mr. Bell..."

A growl escaped Bailey's throat, as he lifted his napkin from his lap and slammed it loudly upon the table. Arianna started at the unexpected action.

"Why the hell is the American in my brandy to begin with, Winters?"

"I know not, sir."

Bailey pushed himself from the table, pushing past his slave to locate the American. The footman turned and followed in his wake.

Arianna saw her opportunity. She slipped the vial from her pocket and unscrewed the cap. She poured the entire vial into his wineglass, not knowing what it was, or how much to give him. She then looked at the empty vial in her hands. Did she risk keeping it?

Deciding not to, she drew her arm back and threw it out, upon the sand beyond the terrace.

"May I ask what you are doing, my dear?"

Arianna turned, freezing when she saw Bailey leaning against the doorjamb, the curtain flowing around him, as he blocked the path the material normally took in the light breeze.


Thomas rose from the floor, shaking off the shattered glass from the broken brandy bottle, then made his way to the study where he opened the hidden doorway.

Derek and Alejandro slipped into the study, they quietly followed Bell as he took them up to his rooms.

"They are out on the west terrace." Thomas informed them, as he opened the doors to the balcony. The three men stepped out into the fading Caribbean sunlight and looked down on the west terrace below them. Arianna stood still as a ghost... except for the slight wobble that permeated her stance.

"Why, I was simply feeding the gulls is all." They heard her say.

Derek watched as Bailey stepped closer to his angel, Bailey's hand reaching out to trace one exposed shoulder. Derek had never seen her like this, wearing such an elegant gown, looking completely the proper lady. She looked absolutely lovely as she smiled up into Bailey’s face allowing him to place a hand upon her hip by reaching around her waist. Bailey lead her back to her chair and paused a moment behind her, obviously enjoying the sight of her daring décolleté. But Derek felt red hot ire rise from his core when Bailey brushed his fingertips across the exposed tops of Arianna’s bosom and spoke quietly into her ear. Derek felt his anger intensify as Arianna lifted her wine glass at Bailey as the man slipped into his chair.


Arianna smiled up at Bailey, fighting the nausea his touch stirred, "May we continue our supper, my lord?"

"Aye, beautiful, we may." He chuckled, excited by the unconscious sway of her movements.

Arianna accepted Bailey's assistance into her chair and it took everything she had not to shutter as the back of his fingers brushed against her exposed skin above her over tight gown.

"Might I propose a toast, my dear?" Bailey asked in a rasping whisper very near to her, his warm breath turning Arianna’s stomach.

Arianna pursed her lips and allowed a cheeky smile to lift her features. "As you wish, my lord." Arianna swayed heavily, as she reached for her wineglass, lifting it before her. Out in this fresh air she was completely in control of herself, but by his excited energy, she could tell that she was doing a passable job of reenacting the effects the smoke in her room had had upon her.

"To a long and fruitful marriage, my dear. May this union bring us both what we want."

You could not care less about what I want, Arianna mentally mused, as she touched the rim of her glass to his. Her eyelids became heavy with a seductive stare, as she watched him drain the remaining contents of his wine in one fell swallow. She set her own glass down after a small taste of the aged wine, and cleared her throat.

"So tell me, my lord, how does one go from losing everything, to owning a well staffed island such as this?"

"A game of cards, by chance."


"Aye, as it were.." Bailey carried on. Arianna watched as it seemed his lips grew heavy. She watched him pour himself another glass of wine, as his mouth went dry a mere minute later. His eyelids became heavy as well, his speech became slurred, and difficult to understand.

Suddenly he stopped, his half paralyzed face a splotchy red. "You li'l 'itch. Yule pay fer 'is." He rose and made to come at her, but his legs buckled beneath him, and he fell into a heap near her skirts. He was still conscious it seemed, though his eyes were fully closed, his lips twisted into a snarl.

"I'll 'ill you, 'itch. 'Fore I die, I'll 'ill you."
He expelled one more breath and fell into unconsciousness.

Arianna stood from her chair and cautiously made her way towards Bailey. He was as still as stone and she now assumed she had killed him. Had she put too much of the potion into his drink? Had she taken a life by poison?
She knelt at Bailey’s side and gently slipped her fingers onto his throat where a pulse should be felt… It was there. Faintly she felt a pulse in his throat, but to her untrained touch, it seemed weaker with every beat of his heart.

She stood and stared down at him a moment more. This was the man who had taken her mother from her for the majority of her life. This was the man who had ordered her kidnapping and planned to use her to gain what he felt was his. No, Arianna decided, she felt no remorse even if his life ended here on this terrace. With her conscious quieted, Arianna turned and fled into the house.

The Duke's Daughter -Wattys2014 Collector's Dream Award Winner-Where stories live. Discover now